NIMH Webinar Explains New Way of Categorizing Mental Disorders


The US National Institute of Mental Health is providing public access to a video of a webinar explaining the Research Domain Criteria initiative and how it compares to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for categorizing psychological states.

“The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative is an innovative effort by NIMH that aims to transform and guide research on mental illness in the years to come,” states an NIMH press release about the webinar. “The overarching goal of RDoC is to accelerate the pace of research that translates basic science into clinical settings by understanding the multi-layered systems that contribute to mental function.”

The webinar is led by Dr. Bruce Cuthbert, director of the newly established RDoC unit, who discusses “the guiding principles of RDoC, the role of the new RDoC unit, and frequent questions researchers have about RDoC.”

RDoC Webinar Series Kickoff Event with Dr. Bruce Cuthbert (National Institute of Mental Health Press Release, November 24, 2014)