Ron Coleman

Ron Coleman

Ron is a Director of Working to Recovery, Ltd., an innovative mental health training , consultancy and publishing business. He is also a director of ICRA our on line recovery training and practice site. He has designed training packages to enable voice hearers to gain ascendancy over the negative aspects of the voice hearing experience. His own route to recovery, after spending 13 years in and out of the psychiatric system came from being a founder member then national co-ordinator of the then UK hearing voices movement, his own journey has given him many insights into the many difficult issues facing today’s mental health services.

Ron has published several books including Politics of the Madhouse, co-authored Working with Voices and Working to Recovery and also wrote Recovery an Alien Concept? – His newest publication is co-written with Jim Campbell-reclaiming our lives a workbook for male survivors of sexual abuse. he is also patron of the Australian hearing voices network. Ron as a world wide reputation for training, writing and conference keynotes  in both recovery and working with voices. Currently he is introducing his methods to enthusiastic audiences across the USA. Find out more on

Voices, Then & Now


Ron Coleman – Short Bio