Hearing Veteran Narratives is Key to Suicide Prevention

Current suicide assessment practices of the VA are reductive and do not allow for the individual’s narrative to be heard.

UN Expert Calls for Major Shift in Suicide Prevention Efforts on World Mental Health...

On World Mental Health Day, UN expert Dainius Pūras calls for a shift away from medical solutions toward a rights-based approach to make life “more liveable.” He calls for states to address societal determinants of mental health, promoting autonomy and resilience.

Non-Gender Affirmative Treatment Detrimental to Mental Health

Gender identity conversion efforts impact psychological distress and lifetime suicidality in transgender people.
trapped in mental health services

Mental Health Services Turned My Daughter’s Crisis into a Way of Life

My world turned upside down when my daughter nearly died from a serious suicide attempt. After several years as her caretaker I began to wonder: What can we do to change the way our mental health services are organized so they won't turn a crisis into a way of life for already distressed and vulnerable people?
Marci Webber

Update on Marci Webber: Will the Nightmare Ever End?

According to the law, when an NGRI patient is no longer mentally ill and dangerous, they are supposed to be released. Marci petitioned for discharge and has a hearing scheduled for May 7-9, 2019. It is critical that we convince the judge that Marci should be discharged. She is finding it increasingly difficult to tolerate life under the present circumstances.

Study Identifies Psychiatric Patients at Greatest Risk of Coercion

In an effort to reduce coercion, researchers isolate associated factors including age, relationship status, location, and diagnosis.

Individuals with Psychosis Symptoms More Likely to be Victimized

Individuals diagnosed with a psychotic disorder are 4-6 times more likely than the general population to experience victimization.

Increased Suicidality in Cymbalta Trial for Fibromyalgia in Teens

A new as-yet-unpublished trial of duloxetine (Cymbalta) for fibromyalgia has presented more evidence of suicidal events in teens.

Prazosin Ineffective for Preventing Suicidal Thoughts — May Worsen Nightmares

A new study found that prazosin was associated with increased insomnia and nightmares, and did not reduce suicidal thoughts.

Large Increase in Poison Control Calls for Children Taking ADHD Drugs

New data shows that calls to US poison control centers have increased significantly for children taking stimulant ADHD drugs.
prescriptions and suicide

Suicides Are Increasing – And So Are Antidepressant Prescriptions

Disturbingly, our study and others reveal that the black box warning is now ignored in many countries, since antidepressant prescriptions for children are on the rise again. Despite increasing certainty that antidepressants are ineffective and likely cause suicidal behavior in young people, psychiatry continues to claim that they reduce suicide risk.
psychiatric drugs and violence

Prescripticide: A Proposal for Action and a Request for Your Help

The primary factor protecting psychiatry’s unwarranted power and authority is that it is perceived as shielding society from folks who are believed to be dangerous. It would seem, then, that one logical step toward reducing society’s trust in biological psychiatry would be to reveal the evidence of a significant correlation between the use of prescribed psychoactive drugs and the commission of violent acts against oneself or others.
man contemplates suicide

Rising Rates of Suicide: When Do We Acknowledge That Something Isn’t Working?!

Scapegoating a purported unseen "illness" may provide temporary comfort from acknowledging the horrors and injustice of the world, but it is a delusion — and one with fatal consequences for many. When 45,000 people a year would rather die than live in this world any longer, it might behoove us all to consider what is happening in the world to cause this.

Review of Pediatric Antidepressant Studies Finds Evidence of Benefit Lacking

Review of pediatric antidepressant studies finds the vast majority are negative on primary outcomes and an increased risk for suicidality.

Chosen Name Use in Transgender Youth Linked to Reduced Depression and Suicide

The ability of transgender youth to use their chosen name is connected to reduced depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts/behaviors.

Psychiatric Diagnosis Can Lead to Epistemic Injustice, Researchers Claim

A discussion of the role of epistemic injustice in the experiences of patients diagnosed with psychiatric disorders.
crime scene school shooters

Calm, Organized, Homicidal Behaviour – My Connection to School Shooters

There is little doubt in my mind that many school shooters were in an antidepressant-induced state of psychosis, which is a loss of contact with reality that makes it difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is not real. That's what happened to me. I started taking 60mg of Paxil a day. Three days later, I planned my suicide. Then I planned a murder.
school shootings and psychiatric drugs

Psychiatry and a Near Mass Shooting at Cornell

Nearly all perpetrators of mass violence have had some contact with psychiatry or related mental health services. The idea of giving more power and money to psychiatry to prevent violence is a great political talking point but it is disastrous for public health and safety. Psychiatry seems averse to recognizing violent patients but eager to give them violence-inducing drugs.

New Study Concludes that Antidepressants are “Largely Ineffective and Potentially Harmful”

A new study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry concludes that “antidepressants are largely ineffective and potentially harmful.”

“Largely Ineffective and Potentially Harmful”

In this interview for SciLogs, Dr. Michael P. Hengartner critiques the current research on antidepressant drugs and the state of biological psychiatry. "One has to realize...

New Site Names Companies Who Fail to Report on Clinical Trials

From Pacific Standard: The U.S. government has never penalized anyone for breaking a law that requires institutions to report the results of clinical trials. A...
Cruz school shooting

Psychiatrist Says: More Psychiatry Means More Shootings

Psychiatry not only increases the risk of violence by giving violence-inducing drugs, it lulls patients, families, professionals, schools and the public into an unrealistic and even disastrous sense of security. It's an irony of tragic proportions: Cruz was left unsupervised and free to buy a gun because he was faithfully taking psychiatric drugs that can cause violence.

A Case Against Antidepressants

From Newsroom: University of Auckland researchers make a case against the chemical imbalance theory of mental illness, arguing that biological explanations and treatments for emotional...
Marci Webber

A Mother’s Worst Nightmare Continues

Marci Webber is a single mom who experienced a medication-induced psychotic episode, during which she killed her daughter, believing it would "save" her, and then tried to kill herself. For over seven years now, Marci and I have been trying unsuccessfully to get the mental health system and judicial system to acknowledge the true cause of her crime and let her go.

Media Ignoring Crucial Factor in Florida School Shooting

From WND: Although a disturbing number of perpetrators of recent mass shootings and murders have been on psychiatric medication prior to committing their crimes, the media has...