Antenatal Depression Associated w/Mom’s Childhood Maltreatment

Maternal antenatal depression is highly correlated with a history of the mother having been mistreated in childhood, and these two facts significantly increase the...

Hyperactivity Meds Jump 46%

Following an FDA study that found a 46% rise in ADHD prescriptions from 2002-2010, a review in Death and Taxes looks at better marketing...

Pressuring Parents to Drug Children

Jim Gottstein on Pressuring Parents to Drug Children

“When Pills Are the Problem”

In the context of the Silicon Valley suicides, one mother offers her story about her daughter. “It’s my premise that not only the culture of Silicon Valley, but also, almost more importantly, the nature of the remedies that are being proposed in the name of mental health counseling, are to blame in these deaths.”

Sexual Side Effects of Medications in Young People

The effects of antidepressants and mood stabilizers on young people's psychosexual development receive little attention or research, says Kaitlin Bell Barnett (author of "Dosed:...

“Drug Firms Have Used Dangerous Tactics to Drive Sales to Treat Kids”

Dr. Mercola writes that "the high rates of psychotropic drug use among foster children and poor children is likely a direct result of drug...

Obstetric Complication, Cannabis Use: Strongest Predictors of Early Psychosis

According to data drawn from 608 patients of an early intervention program in Dublin, presented at the 3rd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)...

The Legal and Moral Issues of Drugging Children

Jim Gottstein’s presentation March 29, 2012 at the APA’s Humanistic Division. Mr. Gottstein talks about the the legal and moral issues of the massive number...

Fear in Infants Predicts Guilt in Toddlers, Later Psychopathology

Researchers at Cardiff University in Wales find that fear in infants is a predictor of guilt in later life, and write in Development and...

Perceived Social Status Impacts Early Psychosis

Writing in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology, London researchers find that perceptions of lower social rank and inferiority amongst 24 individuals with early...