NY Times to Bonnie Burstow: May You Not Rest in Peace

In its obituary of Bonnie Burstow, the New York Times published a comment from historian Edward Shorter that was both vile and slanderous. Burstow, if she had been alive, could easily have set the record straight.

Gradual Tapering Recommended for Antidepressant Discontinuation

A new literature review reinforces the need to “down-titrate” or taper antidepressants, especially drugs like Celexa and Paxil.

How Do We Know When a Treatment Works? A Primer on the Scientific Method

Discussing informed consent, risk/benefit ratios, and the many sources of bias in clinical trials for drugs, in order to help the layperson better understand the research.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - September 8, 2018 The Indian Summer Festival, Child wearing traditional native american clothing, dancing at the pow wow competition.

A Case Before the U.S. Supreme Court Could Surge the Psychiatric Labelling and Drugging...

If the Brackeen v. Halland case is successful, Native children are more likely to be placed with non-Native foster parents, and face a surge in psychiatric labeling and drugging.

Treating Depression with Exercise and an Internet-Based Intervention

A new study compares exercise, Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (ICBT) and usual care for treating individuals with depression.

How Do We Test the Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Antipsychotics?

A new attempt to study the neurological effects of long-term exposure to antipsychotics uses healthy volunteers on minimal doses for 15 days.

Mediterranean Diet Improves Mental Health, Study Finds

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and fish has repeatedly been found to improve mental health.

Radical Acts of Community Healing and Self-Love

Self-love became a radical and revolutionary act of activism against this system. At its foundation was the rejection of “disease” as a label to define the uniqueness of my mind.

Letting Go of Lithium

The healing journey is less about being free from medication and psychiatry and more about connecting with myself now. I am grateful for the freedom to feel.
Illustration depicting dna strands and molecule chains

“Hidden Valley Road” and Schizophrenia: Do Genes Tell the Story?

The “genetics of mental disorders” story told in Kolker's "Hidden Valley Road" involves omission and misrepresentation of genetic research.
Leon Kamin

Leon J. Kamin (1927-2017): A Nemesis of Genetic Determinism and Scientific Racism

Leon Kamin should be remembered for his role as an intellectual nemesis of the purveyors of the false ideologies of scientific racism and genetic determinism. The Science and Politics of I.Q., Not in Our Genes, and Kamin’s other writings remain works of major importance.
Black and white photograph depicting a seated woman looking up thoughtfully from a pile of papers on a desk

ADHD as Cargo Cult Science

Barkley’s theory on ADHD was akin to what Richard Feynman called “Cargo Cult Science,” only more misleading and dangerous. In contrast, there is no evidence of brain abnormality in ADHD. The airplanes have not landed, nor are they likely to.
student counseling

Student Counseling Services: Do They Really Help the ‘Mentally Ill’?

I used to think that the counseling center would help me to resolve my inner conflicts. That visiting the center would do some good for me. I have since realized that most mainstream “mental health” is more damaging than helpful. These days if student counselors see any problem with a student visiting the center, they send him or her to see a psychiatrist.

Sudden Antipsychotic Withdrawal—Not Low Dose—Leads to Relapse

A new article in Lancet Psychiatry debunks past studies claiming that those on low doses of antipsychotics are more likely to relapse.

2017: My Descent Into Mayhem

It’s time to seek out and rescue those pieces of me still trapped in that time and allow them to finally be at peace.

Exploring Psychiatry’s “Black Hole”: The International Institute on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

When Carina HĂĽkansson sent out an invitation for a symposium on "Pharmaceuticals: Risks and Alternatives," some of the world's top scientists, along with experts-by-experience, came from 13 countries to explore better ways to respond to people in crisis.

Peer-Support Groups Were Right, Guidelines Were Wrong: Dr. Mark Horowitz on Tapering Off Antidepressants

In an interview with MIA, Dr. Horowitz discusses his recent article on why tapering off antidepressants can take months or even years.

No Evidence for Brain Asymmetry in Depression

A new study debunks the theory that depression is associated with brain asymmetry.

Lack of Guidance Available for Discontinuing Psychiatric Drugs

A new article discusses the lack of research dedicated to discontinuing psychiatric drugs and reviews existing strategies.

Data Shows That Nutrients Reduce Aggression: Why is Policy Not Changing?

Despite study after study after study showing that there is a simple, cheap solution to reducing aggression in many people, the message hasn’t carried through to changing policies or treatment approaches. If a drug were shown to reduce aggression with no side effects, would it be ignored?

Conveying Hope, Empowering Teens: An Interview With Jessica Schleider

Clinical psychologist Jessica Schleider is founding director of the Lab for Scalable Mental Health, researching single-session interventions.
canadian flag symbol pointing toward the word "justice"

Canadian Mental Health Legislation and the CRPD

Psychiatric survivors in Canada tell the UN that Canada is not complying with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
A child playing with pills

Driving Our Children into Suicide with Escitalopram and Other Happy Pills

The Lexapro study is marketing dressed up as science. It represents a flagrant abuse of ethics, deceiving readers at the cost of children's lives.
workhouse inmates

So What is Mental Disorder? Part 2: The Social Problem

The English Workhouse was designed to deter people from seeking state assistance, and Victorian asylums were designed to care for poor people whose behaviour was disruptive to Workhouse routines. Madness, previously viewed as an interesting, if inconvenient, manifestation of humanity, came to be seen as a social problem in need of correction.

Prenatal Valproate Exposure Linked with ADHD Diagnosis in Children

Children who were exposed to anti-seizure drug valproate in utero were 48% more likely to develop ADHD, according to a new study.