Brian Stafford (ECO-PSYCHE-ARTISTRY) offers a rich assortment of journeys for into the mysteries of nature and psyche (soul) for individuals, retreat groups, progressive organizations and individuals on sabbatical. These offerings include phone or Zoom-based consultation and guidance, longer-term psychotherapy, as well as a focus on cultivating one’s own wholeness and learning how to “Self”-heal. introductions to and intensive experiences with Wild Mind and Soulcraft (TM) practices, contemporary vision fasts, and longer-term soul-guiding and mentoring. We also offer nature-based practices for self-healing as well as “wholing” – strengthening and deepening our senses, our imagination, our emotions, and our most mature wisdom thinking. We do offer counseling, psychotherapy, and integration from psychedelic experiences. We do not offer psychiatric evaluation, medication, or other psychoactive substances (entheogens).
Home Brian Stafford, MD, MPH
Brian Stafford, MD, MPH