Tag: Affordable Care Act
Higher Minimum Wage May Result in Fewer Suicide Deaths, Study Finds
New research suggests that minimum wage laws provide financial security that may help prevent suicide.
As Cost of Health Care Skyrockets, So Does Pay of CEOs
From NPR: In the seven years since the Affordable Care Act was passed, the earnings of CEOs of U.S. health care companies, including pharmaceutical companies,...
“You Can’t Go Home Again: New York’s Medicaid Health Homes”
Shortly after I posted a two-part blog on this site back in February about New York’s just-approved Medicaid Health Homes, I got this crazy,...
Mental Health Homes Open Their Proverbial Doors in New York: Caveats,...
Given the length of this blog and the subject matter it addresses, I’ve divided it into two parts. Part II appears immediately below, Part...
Mental Health Homes Open Their Proverbial Doors in New York: A...
The first of New York State's "mental health homes," which are intended to serve as the bedrock for a reformed public mental health system, are now open. Will this reform deliver improved care for those with "serious and persistent mental illness?"