Tag: replicability crisis

What is the Evidence for Empirically Supported Treatments in Psychology?

New meta-scientific review questions the evidence for the gold standard psychotherapies and empirically supported treatments.

High Rates of Questionable Research Practices Found in Ecology and Evolution

A new study, published online by the Open Science Foundation, suggests that questionable research practices (QRPs) are prevalent in the fields of ecology and evolution.

ā€œBig Science is Brokenā€

For The Week, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry comments on the current state of Science: the replicability crisis, the failure to self-correct, outright fraud, the inadequacy of...


William A. Wilson presents shocking evidence that a lot of published research is false and that scienceā€™s self-correcting mechanisms are broken. ā€œThere is no...

Has Evidence Based Medicine Been Hijacked?

John Ioannidis claims that the idea of evidence based medicine has been ā€œhijacked to serve agendas different from what it was originally aimed for,ā€ in a newly published critical essay in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Ioannidis frames the essay as a continuation of a conversation with David Sackett, widely considered the founder of evidence based medicine.