Fire by Kate

pyłem zemsty nabite
rozpalą cieniem noc
szyby nad światem zapłoną
bo poeci powrócą
wrócą jutro
zadzwonią łomem w dzisiejszą bezkresną noc
w spojrzenia na migi
w ciała na mięso
w życie na niby
słowo wymierzy słowom zabójczy cios
poeci poeci powrócą

to oni powiedzą wam



With dust of revenge, nabbed
Light up the night
The windows will ignite the world
Because the poets will come back
They will come back tomorrow
They will call a crowbar on today’s boundless night
In looking at the signs
In the flesh for meat
Into a kind of life
The word will punish the words with a deadly blow
Poets, poets will come back

They will tell you



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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.