This review provides a summary of non-pharmacological treatments for children and youth diagnosed with ADHD and related behavioral problems, and the scientific evidence regarding their effectiveness.
Use the following links to jump directly to a section:
- Top interventions (including environmental modification, intensive behavioral camps, parent training and collaborative problem solving).
- Add-on interventions (psychoeducation and cognitive behavioral therapy).
- Specific add-ons (including social skills training, time management gaming and organizational skills training)
- Interventions with less specific evidence (including positive behavioral intervention, meditation, family therapy, exercise, dietary intervention, micronutrients, and the Nurtured Heart Approach).
- Interventions with minimal or no evidence (including computerized cognitive training, vitamin D, acetyl-l-carnitine, pycnogenol, homeopathy, acupuncture, melatonin, St. John’s wort, iron/zinc/magnesium).