Too by Monica Khadijah Davies

My nose is too long
My hands are too big
My feet have grown
You see they did
My belly is fat
My tits are small
My legs are lean
I am kind of tall
I don’t see the applause
Of my bodies shape
I don’t dance much
To get some fixings
Or to have this abate
Maybe it’s all a mistake
The drugs they force me to take
Makes my body change
You see that’s the problem
They say that these drugs
Cause birth defects
But why me why now
I’m not just reborn
It’s my body’s shape changing
I really do mourn
My nose isn’t shrinking
the longer I live
And my hands are so large
Something has got to give
The only thing I desire at this point
Is to fly far away
Get out of this joint
Stop the drugs that they force
me to take
Pick up my belongings
Pull up my stakes
Fly far away
Not ever come back
Tired of psychiatric flack
I’m done I’m done
It’s time I won



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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.