When I grow up
Every living being will feel safe,
Safe to roam and explore this home we call planet earth
Clean air, education and healthcare will not be dependent on postcode or birth
Our ancestral trauma, not re enacted through hate, fighting and war
We will all want more
Humans are not dominators but curators.
Collectively we will heal through love in abundance,
yes, even the dictators
Creative expression will flow boundlessly without measure
We will all know the embodiment of ecstatic pleasure
Sexuality and gender will not be forced into bigoted binary boxes
We will all dance liberally from our head to our coccyx
Free, free from the numbness of substance
To live this wonderful gift of life without reluctance
Everyone will deeply know and use their power
It will not be left to a privileged few to tower
Healthy rage will not be repressed or feared
and self worth will be breathed freely and revered
We will remember the ancient wisdom to nourish
Our health and our planet will flourish
Our true essence of love will be expressed
Everyone will know their life is blessed
Our communication will be full of sensitivity and compassion
Instead of in a numb and frustrated fashion
We will grieve wholly for what we have lost
And our ancient glaciers will be saved from defrost
Everyone will speak authentically and from our hearts
And put great value on diverse culture and arts,
We will know our own intuitive powers and gifts
Living our true souls purpose will create the shifts
When I grow up all this will be true
This old but new paradigm for me and you.
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