Hypotheses, Scientific Evidence, and On Being Compared to an AIDS Denier
In today’s Boston Globe (April 14), Dr. Dennis Rosen, a pediatric lung and sleep specialist at Children’s Hospital in Boston, reviews my new book,...
Story-Telling in the Age of Corporate Medicine (or more on being called an AIDS...
As a journalist, I long have been fascinated by reporting on the storytelling forces within American medicine that create societal understanding of the merits...
Fact Checking the New Yorker, Part Two
In his March 1 article in the New Yorker, Louis Menand wrote that the NIMH's STAR*D trial showed that antidepressants produced a 67% recovery...
Fact Checking the New Yorker
In the March 1 issue of the New Yorker, Louis Menand surveyed the topsy-turvy world of treatments for depression, writing in part of the...