I agree that in the large majority of cases, people have new (mostly physical) symptoms which can be the expression of dysautonomia, however there is also a minority of cases who present a rebound of the old symptoms, which is of course chemically driven by the AD discontinuation, as well as the occurrene of a new psychiatric disorder. New because that person never had it before and it occured after the AD discontinuation. This is the reason why it is important, at least for clinicians and researchers, to have an instrument to subtype withdrawal syndromes.
I agree that in the large majority of cases, people have new (mostly physical) symptoms which can be the expression of dysautonomia, however there is also a minority of cases who present a rebound of the old symptoms, which is of course chemically driven by the AD discontinuation, as well as the occurrene of a new psychiatric disorder. New because that person never had it before and it occured after the AD discontinuation. This is the reason why it is important, at least for clinicians and researchers, to have an instrument to subtype withdrawal syndromes.
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