In other words, psychology and psychiatry are all about kicking someone when they’re down, under the false guise of “help”? … shocker, that was my experience, too.
And yes, given the fact that all MDs are taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school, and all psychiatrists are MDs, the psychiatrists are “knowingly” and intentionally “causing ‘brain damage’ in people,” for profit. Sad, but true.
Very interesting, thank you for sharing your research, Robert. I, too, had a spiritual dream misdiagnosed. I am glad, however, that you know God loves you. I believe the same is true for me.
My theory is that a lot of “schizophrenia” is a result of iatrogenesis, since the “schizophrenia” treatments can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome. And they can also create the negative symptoms, via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
Thank you as always, Dr. Peter, for your truth telling.
“When asked what they prefer, six times as many people prefer psychotherapy for pills,38 but they get the exact opposite.” Yes, but it is shameful that there are so many unethical psychologists, social workers, et al … who merely function as a funnel into psychiatry.
“In short. Involuntary psychiatric treatments chemically damage the brains of people with healthy brains. And possibly cause related permanent mental illnesses.”
I agree, Dan, “MIA’s existence could be viewed as a reaction to a mad status quo.” I have a 2005 painting of the American flag painted upside down and backwards, so sadly it’s not a new societal problem. Although, sadly, an older, male, psychologist told me his goal was to “maintain the status quo,” and he also tried to steal more than everything from me, with the most appalling thievery contract you’ve ever read, just a few years ago.
But I agree with most of the rest of what you say, too. I found marijuana, or its relatives, to be quite effective in helping a manic loved one, get the much needed sleep he needed.
Personally, I think it would likely be a better first line of treatment for manic and psychotic people, than the antipsychotics, which are already medically known to create psychosis, both when on them, via anticholinergic toxidrome, and when taken off them, via a drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis.
“There is substantial evidence indicating that psychiatric hospitalizations increase the risk of suicide both during and after psychiatric hospitalization.”
Isn’t the point of psychiatry and psychology supposed to be about preventing suicides?
“Their study echoes research showing how psychiatric diagnosis itself often functions as a site of epistemic injustice, where individuals labeled as ‘mentally ill’ find their knowledge and agency systematically undermined.”
As one who – fifteen years after being weaned off my last psych drug, and a decade after getting a non-medically trained psychologist’s misdiagnosis off my medical records, by a well respected medically trained doctor – is still dealing with “epistemic injustice,” defamation, by the head of my former religion, a religion which has a Faustian “partnership” with the psych industries.
And as one – who was initially misdiagnosed to cover up a “bad fix” on a broken bone, and medical evidence of the abuse of my small child – two illegal motives, for the provable misdiagnosis.
As one whose main experience with psychological therapy was having a psychologist function as a funnel, into the psychiatric industry.
But, decades later, I did also have the misfortune of dealing with a computer hacking psychologist, who tried to steal everything, and more, from me … according to the appalling take a percentage of gross contract, combined with the conservatorship contract, he wanted me to sign.
I most definitely believe both psychology and psychiatry have lost their way.
I would be included in the “66% of service users experiencing antidepressant withdrawal [who] were misdiagnosed with a psychiatric disorder.” That’s an unacceptably high misdiagnosis rate, IMHO.
And brain zaps are not cured, with more anticholinergic drugs. I’m now on 23 years and counting, with brain zaps.
My doctor was kind of funny, however, when I told him about how I could now largely control the brain zaps in my waking hours, and brain zap away a headache in a NY second. He called them “neuro-protective.” I smiled, but thought glorifying iatrogenic harm (that he’d confessed he couldn’t fix) was not really appropriate.
But I do also thank Joanna Moncrieff and John Read for all their truthful reporting.
“First, they call on counselors to support clients by fostering self-care and empowerment through advocacy, psychoeducation [is “chemical imbalance lies”], and interprofessional consultation, particularly in addressing the role of trauma and its intersection with various forms of oppression” … except the trauma that is caused by the torturous, forced psychiatric and psychologically “invalid” misdiagnosing DSM deluded lies / oppression.
“Second, the authors emphasize the importance of fostering social support networks and highlighting the role of community.
As one who had to leave my ex-religion twice, due to their systemic “partnership” with the systemic child abuse covering up psychological and psychiatric industries. I know the scientific fraud based, DSM deluded psychologists and psychiatrists are committing egregious crimes, against child abuse survivors, and their legitimately concerned mothers.
It’s sad, illegal, and so ungodly disrespectful, psychology and psychiatry. I have no doubt, God is ashamed of you, and the mainstream religions you bought out, so you could cover up the child abusing pastor’s crimes. It’s just shameful, and so sad to live in a world where “those we hail, are the worst of all.”
Yeah for the internet, it’s a great research tool, that has helped shed light onto the systemic crimes, in private, of the scientifically “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries.
But I will say, a knowledge of all their scientific fraud, iatrogenic illness creation, and corruption in general, does make me sad some days. It’s just so darn evil.
I can understand why it might be traumatic to be basically forced to learn a language, other than one’s own. But maybe God’s trying to end the Babylon problem, by giving people the gift of tongues? Maybe, the ungodly disrespect of people, for having a spiritual journey, by the psychological and psychiatric industries, should end? Just a theory, but maybe Patricia should be respected and listen to, when she is speaking in tongues, instead? Some Christian religions believe in that.
Please leave the people of South Africa alone, psychologic and psychiatric industries, since your DSM “bible” deluded religion has already been debunked as scientifically “invalid” and “BS.”
I largely agree, birdsong, but somedays the complete corruption of it all, leaves me sad. But today is my dead brother’s birthday, and a family friend died today, too … so I have legitimate reasons for having a sad day.
I had a “spiritual” journey, similar to yours, Tim, except I was misdiagnosed for asking a psychologist what the meaning of a dream that I was moved by the Holy Spirit meant, and that Holy Spirit blaspheming psychologist thought all dreams are “psychosis.” Thank you for sharing your experience and research, Tim.
“I’d give anything to be able to find out if there’s any legal action being contemplated to stop this. However, I’m unable to do so,” as are the rest of us. Since the lawyers will not take cases, even by those of us who have dealt with now FBI convicted criminal doctors, if the innocent person has been defamed with an “invalid” DSM disorder.
Psychiatry and psychology’s “invalid” DSM deluded system prevents the US from being a country of law and order … which means the scientifically “invalid” psychologic and psychiatric industries are the opposite of what they claim to be.
The “cause” of the most “serious” DSM disorders, is likely iatrogenesis. As Whittaker pointed out in his 2010 book, ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic,’ “bipolar” is “caused” by the iatrogenic “illnesses,” created by the psychological and psychiatric industries’ antidepressants and ADHD drugs.
And the “antipsychotics” can also create both the negative and positive “symptoms” of “schizophrenia,” via both anticholinergic toxidrome, and neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
So it’s highly likely that the most common “cause” of all the DSM disorders, is iatrogenesis, not “genetics.”
But I do know from personal family experience, that things like sleep deprivation and alcohol encephalitis, can also cause “psychosis.” Yet they are not “genetic causes,” thus are not listed in the DSM, as possible causes of “psychosis,” in the “invalid” DSM.
It is shameful, since the primary actual function of today’s scientifically “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries is, covering up child abuse and rape for the mainstream religions … but also covering up easily recognized iatrogenesis, for the mainstream doctors … all of which is illegal.
Shame on psychology and psychiatry today, for your “invalid” DSM industries’ systemic neurotoxic poisoning crimes.
Thank God for friends, since me and my family used to believe in the scientific validity of the medical community. But thanks to the “BS” and greed of the psychological and psychiatric communities, we no longer do.
But I did need my friends, and am grateful to them, since I was attacked by scientifically fraud based “mental health professionals,” so they could cover up the abuse of my innocent child, by DSM design.
Since the “mental health professionals” can not actually charge for helping children who’ve been abused, nor can they bill for helping their legitimately concerned mothers, they misdiagnose us with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poison us.
Thank God, for both friends, and family … but sadly not my ex-religion, which is “partnered” with the scientifically “invalid,” systemic child abuse covering up, “mental health professionals.”
“Don’t Include Involuntary Commitment as a Treatment Tool in Seattle” … nor any where else.
Since today’s “mental health” industry is a scientifically “invalid,” iatrogenic illness creating system, not a system that promotes health. See my previous comments for links to the medical evidence of this sad reality.
And today’s “mental health” system is being used for criminal purposes … like covering up easily recognized malpractice for incompetent doctors, and medical evidence of child abuse, for unethical pastors … both of which happened to me.
In a free market economy, no one should ever be forced to pay for unwanted “treatment.”
“Service users often felt that they were viewed as disorders to be managed rather than as people deserving of care.”
Well, I have written proof this is how my ungodly disrespectful psychiatrist thought of me, written right in his medical records.
“2. Disregard for Lived Experiences
“Many service users reported that their input was dismissed or ignored during treatment planning and care discussions.”
My psychiatrist very literally denied the common adverse effects of his anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings, as the symptoms of my psychologist’s misdiagnosis. And, in the end, he declared the entirety of my life to be a “credible fictional story,” since he’d gotten all his misinformation about me from a child abuse covering up psychologist.
“3. Conveying Hopelessness
“Service users often described feeling as though they were given no sense of purpose or hope for recovery.”
I was defamed to my husband by my child abuse covering up psychologist, as having a “life long, incurable, genetic illness,” none of which was true. But that “conveying hopelessness,” and stigmatization / defamation, by a child abuse covering up psychologist, did destroy my marriage.
So I do most definitely agree, all these forms of psychiatric and psychological “microaggressions” are common behaviors by today’s scientific fraud based psychological and psychiatric professions.
“Emotional and Psychological Impact,” or how to heal oneself, from psychological and psychiatric abuse:
“Plot 1: Seeking Safety and Recognition: Service users expressed a longing for relationships where they felt seen and valued.” Isn’t that what everyone needs? In as much as I had less than zero safety and recognition from “mental health professionals,” “peer support groups and recovery colleges.” I do agree, “My friends, our conversations, our work — they were my salvation.”
“Plot 2: Taking Back Control:” I do agree, the only way to heal from the systemic sins and crimes of today’s “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries is to escape and take back control of one’s life – today’s psychological and psychiatric industries are unworthy of trust.
“Plot 3: Proving Them Wrong: Some participants described defying the expectations placed on them by mental health professionals.” Well, we here have found the medical evidence of the iatrogenic etiologies of the two “most serious” DSM “disorders,” their billing code “bible” was debunked in 2013, so I think we have scientifically proven the “mental health professionals” are “wrong,” but they’ve yet to repent and change from their iatrogenic illness creating ways.
“… psychiatric institutions, despite their mission to provide care, can erode dignity and perpetuate stigma.” Indeed, since their DSM “bible” of “disorders” is “invalid,” all psych diagnoses are merely used to stigmatize people … and declaring the entirety of a person’s real life to be “a credible fictional story” is very wrong, absurd, and insulting.
“The findings suggest that recovery often occurs outside traditional mental health settings due to the relational deficits within them.” Or since the psych drugs can create iatrogenic illnesses that mimic the DSM disorders, escape from the psychiatric system, is likely the only way to heal … albeit, withdrawal from the psych drugs can also create the symptoms of the “invalid” DSM disorders.
“These behaviors are deliberate and they are intended to inflict pain and suffering on people who are supposedly being helped.” I agree, HadEnough. I’ve had too much disrespect, too.
“It would be much more effective and certainly more compassionate if his psychiatrist recommended his visiting his closest gay bar, but I have never heard of this occurring.”
I introduced my gay son to the only gay bar owner in his city, by having him watch him in a play, and we happened to be friends with him. So I can agree with your recommendation for how to help a gay child feel comfortable in his own skin … but I will say I left my former psychiatrist, because I’d been handed over the medical proof of the abuse of my beloved child at a deplorably young age, and my former psychiatrist, and a former misdiagnosing psychologist and subsequent non-clinical psychologist, all thought my now multiple award winning child, should have been, and now should be, psych neurotoxic poisoned forever.
Obviously, I don’t stand in support of the psychological and psychiatric industries’ neurotoxic poisoners, their by DSM design systemic child abuse covering up system.
Maybe the medical community should get out of the business of declaring legal activities, to be “mental illnesses?” Oh, or have they? Since when I dealt with a loved one dealing with a bad drug interaction, in connection with a likely case of alcohol encephalitis, I was told there was nothing the doctors could do … nothing … but most importantly, they could not write a script to allow my loved one to spend a week or so at a seeming Soteria-like healing home.
Especially since, decades ago, what a doctor told me, that a “safe smoking cessation med” (Wellbutrin, which is not even approved as a “safe smoking cessation med”) doubles the amount you smoke, not decreases it, and it certainly doesn’t help you stop smoking.
And when you’re inappropriately abruptly taken off of the non “safe smoking cessation med,” and suffer the common symptoms of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome in late 2001 … Oh, now all the so called “mental health professionals” claim ignorance that “brain zaps” are a common adverse withdrawal symptom of the antidepressants, until 2005 … then, in a very hubris filled manner, finally admit to their ignorance, thus to their complete and total lack of “professionalism.”
And there is also medical evidence that the psych drugs increase alcohol consumption, whereas I still hear some good things about AA, a non-medical approach to alcohol discontinuation support – from both Catholics and Baptists.
Perhaps, the medical community’s greed (and especially the psychiatric community’s) problem, is usurping more control over society, than they can handle?
“A world where children go hungry is not one in which more prescriptions or diagnoses will suffice. It is a world in desperate need of equity, compassion, and systemic change.”
But sadly, too many within the “we want to maintain the status quo” psy-“professions” stand against changing the “status quo” … since changing the “BS,” of the mainstream DSM deluded “status quo,” is truly imperative, IMHO.
“The idea of epistemic injustice encourages clinicians to think in more nuanced ways and ask themselves if reluctance to support and supervise people during tapering could be based on unjustified negative stereotypes such as dangerousness, preconceptions about what a good life is like, or bias about chronicity.”
Absolutely, epistemic injustice, and avarice, does encourage clinicians to NOT withdrawal people from the antipsychotics. But thankfully for me, my psychiatrist finally realized – once he finally stopped believing my psychologist’s lies – I was not a “dangerous person” and had a “good life.” So, according to my my medical records, he blamed my psychologist’s “invalid” DSM misdiagnosis on that non-medically trained psychologist.
And my psychiatrist finally weaned me off his anticholinergic toxidrome inducing neurotoxic drug cocktails. But I will say, medically unnecessarily anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning people forever, for profit, is highly profitable for the psychiatrists. But it is also highly unethical.
I saw three different doctors, within about three days, and had three different psych labels, according to my medical records. So you are absolutely right, Topher, about the scientific fraud of the DSM “diagnoses” / “disorders.”
The DSM is “unscientific, invalid nonsense.” But it’s used by the incompetent and unethical doctors to cover up their easily recognizable malpractice, and psychological misdiagnosis with the DSM disorders is how the unethical pastors cover up their, and others’, child abuse crimes … at least according to the totality of my family’s medical records.
By the way, I do have a business degree, and access to a a small stipend of annual funds allocated towards 501c corporations, in a local family community fund.
I don’t know where you live, Kelli, but as one who helped heal herself from the deplorable harm psychiatry does, with a lot of gardening, biking, journaling, art creation, rehabbing, et al. I’d like to help set up actual healing spaces for non-violent, non-criminal “manic” and/or “psychotic” people, too.
Oh, and psychiatry should stop defaming all “manic” and “psychotic” people as “violent,” since I know from personal experience, that they are NOT.
Honestly, the worst place for a “manic” person to be, is in a locked hospital … being in nature is a much, much more healing place for a “manic” person to be.
I had, apparently incorrectly, thought the ODD diagnosis was created in about 2013, as an alternative diagnosis for all the children who had the common adverse effects of the ADHD drugs and antidepressants misdiagnosed as “bipolar,” as Whitaker pointed out in his 2010 “Anatomy of an Epidemic?”
There should be a call for an end to the “invalid” DSM stigmatization of all children, and humans. Your DSM “bible” was debunked over a decade ago, “mental health” industries, please wake up to reality … and flush your billing code “bible” of scientifically “invalid” (albeit iatrogenically created) stigmatizations.
As one who hopes the US will some day use common sense, and take direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising off the mainstream media (we’re one of only two nations on the planet who unwisely allow it). I have to agree with Whitaker, on his belief the mainstream media is a part of the problem.
Since all of big Pharma’s illegal (false advertising is illegal) advertising has resulted in ”the public” being “betrayed” – and even deluded by psychiatry’s “BS” DSM – and “millions” have been “harmed.”
Thank you, Robert, as always, for your truth telling.
“But if the whole structure of psychiatry is diseased then having a rights based approach in treatment by a psychiatrist is a contradiction in terms, isn’t it”?
Do you mean, like, if the psychiatric system is, in reality, a gigantic Ponzi scheme of an iatrogenic illness creation system? As those of us here know is the truth.
I largely agree, but not with absolutely everything you said.
“Across these critiques, a common theme emerges: the need for a radical transformation of psychology—one that moves beyond individual adaptation to challenge systemic injustices and foster collective empowerment.”
But I absolutely believe the psychologic industry must end both their faustian “partnerships” with the psychiatric and religious industries, if ever they are able to make the needed systemic change. Since those faustian, systemic, industry wide, “partnerships” are what cause the “systemic injustices” of today’s psychological industry.
For goodness sake, I had to leave my childhood religion forever, due to psychology’s systemic child abuse covering up “partnership” with the iatrogenic illness creating psychiatrists, and my ex-religion.
“What lessons are here? Hawthorne deserves to be remembered for how mental health leaders must ensure that people are respected for their dignity as human beings.”
Sadly, this is the opposite of what today’s debunked DSM “bible” believers do. Thus, “The moral treatment model, nearly 250 years old, is almost unknown now in Oregon and elsewhere.”
Indeed, today’s “mental health” industry is all about stigmatizing people with “invalid” “life long, incurable” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisoning people forever. Where’s the healing? And how can the “mental health” industry even call yourself a “healing profession,” when you don’t believe your patients can heal?
“But this history shows that in less than 25 years this state moved from 12 men deciding who was ‘insane’ and seeing them auctioned off for their ‘care’ to the lowest bidder to creating a safe place focused on recovery.”
Well, let’s hope and pray we can end today’s appalling “life long, incurable” stigmatizing and neurotoxic poisoning “mental health” system, and turn it into a “moral treatment model,” within the next 15-25 years, or less.
“The goal of the Hawthorne asylum was getting the people’s lives back as soon as possible.” But, sadly, the seeming goal of today’s DSM “bible” believers is to gaslight people into believing they have a “life long, incurable, genetic mental illness,” that needs never ending neurotoxic poisoning.
“As in the recovery of Archibald Pelton and John Day, no medications were available, so it was not drugs that were responsible for recovery.” And we here all know that it is the psych drugs that create the “life long,” curable, iatrogenic DSM disorders. So we know it is today’s psych drugs that are the problem, thus they will most definitely NOT be “responsible for recovery.”
“It takes creative and courageous leaders … to make this kind of success a reality.” Let’s hope and pray, we are, and can encourage, those creative and courageous advocates and leaders, that can bring about swift change.
Thank you for sharing this history, hope, and possible goal of bringing back “moral care,” Robert.
I largely agree, Naomi, “therapeutic hate speech” … and the psy “professions” have the gall to call a book of scientifically “invalid” stigmatizations, a “bible.”
That is a very hopeful, and from my personal experience, truthful blog.
And it’s nice that they state, “When it comes to curing mental illness and shifting the paradigm, the sufferers who have managed to cure are indeed the real experts.”
Hey, maybe I can be declared NOT “w/o work, content, and talent,” “irrelevant to reality,” and “fictional” some day? Thank you for your acknowledgement of the work of the independent psychopharmacology researchers … and all those who had to heal ourselves.
And let’s hope and pray that psychiatry, et al, soon stop forcing drugs – that can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia” – on innocent others, for profit.
I, too, understand today’s psychologic industry tends to have a “gossip” problem – I have medical evidence of such a psychological “gossip” problem within my medical records.
I largely agree, Dan. And I will admit, I found psychologists to be worse (more morally corrupt) than psychiatrists, albeit I’m not standing in support of either industry.
And I agree, “Some [within the psy industries] don’t recognize their complicity; others secretly revel in it while still others aren’t secret at all.”
I shouldn’t say that, since I’m sure there are lots of “mental health professionals” and doctors who actually went into the so called “healing professions,” to actually help people heal.
And I do also know from personal experience, it’s not easy dealing with a “psychotic” loved one.
However, I also do know those DSM deluded “mental health professionals” need to garner insight into the fact that your DSM “bible” was debunked, as scientifically “invalid,” 14 years ago.
Largely since it was pointed out in Robert Whitaker’s 2010 “Anatomy of an Epidemic,” and further since, that the ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the symptoms of your theorized DSM “bipolar” disorder.
And how sad it is to point out that the so called “cure” – the antipsychotics / neuroleptics – for the “sacred symbol of psychiatry” can create both the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome, and the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
“Former professor of psychiatry Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) was an atheist, (“When you talk to god, it’s called prayer. When god talks to you, it’s called schizophrenia”). He claimed that psychiatrists acted more like priests than Doctors or scientists.”
I agree they do. But what happens when a person has lots of medical evidence that it is pastors, doctors, social workers, et al who handed over medical evidence that it is the pastors, doctors, social workers, et al who believe an innocent other is “the second coming of Jesus Christ,” has “Jesus, a man speaking through her,” and has “voices of God who speak through her to other people”?
Maybe psychiatry should stop “partnering” with the mainstream religions, to systemically cover up child abuse, and stop drugging people up for belief in the Holy Spirit and God?
Thank you for speaking your truth, Nick. Sadly, I must agree with you “that society itself is sick, that spiritual meaning has been replaced with materialism, hedonism, and the pursuit of profit above the well-being of the environment and of the individual.”
But I am a math person, too … and I will say, gotta love “sacred geometry,” don’t you, Nick? Keep the faith, please.
Personally, I think psychiatry’s greatest failure is its “Treating Symptoms, Ignoring Causes” problems – which are so bad that my former psychiatrist literally declared my entire life to be a “credible fictional story” in his medical records.
But I do agree, both psychiatry and psychology have a “failure … to recognize [their] own limitations” issue. Yet if our societies took away their “right” to defame innocent others with the “invalid” DSM stigmatizations, and force neurotoxic poison people they do not know … this might help reduce that staggering, systemic, psychological and psychiatric hubris?
A possible slice of wisdom? … the “mental health” industries only care about profits, whereas the “experts by experience,” and research, actually care about their own health, and the health of their loved ones.
“As an example of the worsening outcomes, a recent study found that 50% of the population could be considered ‘mentally ill’ by the time they are 18; over the course of a lifetime almost 90% of people will become ‘mentally ill.'”
And according to my former “mental health professionals,” all dreams are “psychosis.” Thus, since we all dream, this means 100% of people should be defamed as “mentally ill” … but in reality, this is greed inspired insanity on the part of the DSM deluded “mental health industry,” not reality.
How long will it take for us, as a society, to actually admit to the “bullshit” nature of the DSM? Oh, that’s right, Allen Frances and Thomas Insel both admitted to the “bullshit” and “invalid” nature of the DSM “disorders” in 2013 – 11 years ago.
So it’s long past time for the “mental health professionals” to flush their “bullshit” DSM “bible.” But instead, they want to “maintain the status quo,” according to an attempted thieving, computer hacking psychologist, who I adamantly and repeatedly refused to hire.
I, too, had to move in order to heal from a bunch of anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings (which look a lot like “schizophrenia,” to the “mental health” industries, but is actually created with the antidepressants and/or antipsychotics).
But that’s because a now FBI convicted, foreign born, doctor’s psychiatric “snowing” partner-in-crime, also a foreign born doctor, was illegally listing me to insurance companies as her “out patient” for years. Her lackeys even called – after I’d moved out of state – to ask me why I didn’t show up to an appointment, that I never made. I had to tell them that if the psychiatrist didn’t stop fraudulently claiming I was her “out patient,” then they’d all be seen as the criminals they are … since, of course, I wasn’t making appointments with doctors, in a state in which I did not live.
“Exile” is sadly a necessary option, when it comes to the “invalid” DSM defamations of the psychiatric and psychological industries, et al. Including “exile” from my ex-religion, which is “partnered” with the systemic child abuse, and easily recognized malpractice, covering up psychological and psychiatric industries.
I’m sorry about what psychiatry did to you, Robert, and thank you for sharing your story.
I agree, especially since the “antipsychotics” and “antidepressants” can and “DO cause” the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
“Is Virtual Psychotherapy of Lesser Quality Than In-Person?” The common sense answer would, of course, be yes.
… not that I’m a big fan of our current DSM deluded psychological industries’ systemic crimes, nor methods … quite the opposite.
But I do hope, we may confess to the reality that industries that believe it is their right to psych op innocent others, or the entire world, have chosen to use their knowledge for evil … and to be merely trying to protect themselves and their scientifically “invalid” industries, for profit.
“Is There Transformative Meaning in Madness?” Well, if you’re someone like me, who was neurotoxic (anticholinergic toxidrome) poisoned, for questioning what the meaning of a dream about being moved by the Holy Spirit means, I will say yes.
But it’s pretty much the antithesis of what the Holy Spirit blaspheming, all dreams are “psychosis” believing, DSM deluded, psychologists and psychiatrists believe. Their psychiatric neurotoxins weaken a person, so that satanic souls / people can create “psychosis,” via the anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings.
But when one is weaned off the psychiatric neurotoxins, one will often suffer from a “drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis.” However, this type of “psychosis,” at least in my case, functioned as an awakening to my dreams, and an equating of my subconscious self with my waking hour self – and that can be quite enlightening, thus good.
By the way, my dream that was misdiagnosed as “psychosis,” merely means I’m a moved by the Holy Spirit person, according to ethical pastors of a different religion.
But the answer to your question, I believe, is yes … but just not how the DSM deluded psychologists and psychiatrists believe. Being put on the psych drugs can make one ungodly sick, but being slowly weaned off them can help one awaken to the story of their dreams.
Albeit, I’m still trying to be patient (but not a psych patient, for over 15 years). And I am still hoping God will let us go from the living nightmare – that is profitable for big Pharma and the psych “professions” – and we may all return to living the American dream … in a mutually respectful world.
God forewarned us about the evils of “Pharmakia” in the Holy Bible … please wake up Phamakia forcing, “scientifically invalid,” ungodly disrespectful, non-free market believing, force drugging, Holy Spirit blaspheming, systemic child abuse, rape, and easily recognized malpractice covering up, DSM deluded psych “professions.”
All doctors are taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school, which I think is evidence that the mass murders by the psychiatric industry, are indeed intentional murders for profit, by the psychiatric industry.
Violet, I’m sorry you were subjected to abuse. I’m the mother of a child abuse survivor, who actually scared a school who had a child abuser on their school board, into closing down that school, after the medical abuse of my child was handed over.
But I agree, it’s absolutely disgusting that too many within both the psychological and psychiatric industries are systemic child abuse cover uppers.
“I believe we need to move away from the dominant biological model of psychiatric treatment.” I agree, as do some of my retired nurse friends, who are largely embarrassed by mainstream medicine at this point in time.
“The person is told they have a broken brain which would result in most people feeling very hopeless.” Yes, when a non-medically trained psychologist lies to a client and her husband, fraudulently claiming the wife has a “lifelong, incurable, genetic mental illness,” with zero genetic proof of this, it is intended to take away hope, and does destroy marriages.
“In a lot of cases a person suffering from life stress may benefit from a psychological model of ‘treatment’, with compassion, understanding and simple validation that what they are feeling is indeed normal.” If only the psychological industry hadn’t been largely corrupted by the lies of the DSM creators, but sadly most psychologists are DSM “bible” billers and believers today.
“Parents need to be told when their children are prescribed psychiatric drugs, so they know what to look out for and when to get help.” And the adults shouldn’t be lied to either. The “antidepressants” are not actually “safe smoking cessation meds.”
“I believe one of the biggest problems and wrongs is the medicalisation of normal human emotion. I also believe that we are now living in an increasingly sick society, one in which we were not evolved to live and cope in.” I agree, we have bad systems.
” … I am a strong believer in neuroplasticity and therefore believe in the brain’s innate ability to adapt to its previous state over time.” Me, too. Reminding a loved one who had been made terribly sick, via malpractice and bad personal behavior, about neuroplasticity, was what helped my loved one maintain hope and heal.
God bless in your drug withdrawal journey, Laura. I can’t claim it will be easy, but I do believe withdrawing from the antidepressants will be easier, and more successful, now that people know to hyperbolically wean off the anticholinergic drugs. And I will say, keep the faith … it is possible to heal from the iatrogenic illnesses created with the psychiatric neurotoxins.
But, Steve, you can’t convince a healthy person they are “insane,” if you don’t first start spewing complete insanity at the person, like belief in the “invalid” DSM “BS,” then denying you spewed insanity at the person.
Oh, but that’s called “gaslighting,” and gaslighting is already known to be “mental abuse,” not “mental health care.”
There is a big problem with the psych “professionals” misdiagnosing spiritual queries as “psychotic.” I had a dream about being moved by the Holy Spirit misdiagnosed as “psychosis.” No, it was just a dream that means one is moved by the Holy Spirit. But if all dreams are “psychosis,” since we all dream … well, that rather means everyone is “psychotic,” which renders the term “psychosis” to be “irrelevant to reality.”
And, yes, you are right that lots of drugs, both legal and illegal, can cause “psychosis,” but so too can sleep deprivation, etc. But included among the drugs that can create “psychosis” are the so called “antidepressants” and “antipsychotics” / neuroleptics, themselves.
The antidepressants and “antipsychotics” can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
And what’s sad is every doctor is taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school, including the psychiatrists … so I cannot say “they know not what they do.” A more truthful statement is what a family friend said, just after graduating from med school – “I know enough to be dangerous.”
“The behavior, thoughts, and feelings of distressed people are always reactions to something. Always. The only place where it makes any sense to label reactions as ‘symptoms’ is in a system that contrary to all science and reason insists on calling patterns of reactions-to-distress diseases that need treatment.”
Indeed, today’s scientifically “invalid,” DSM based psychiatric system itself, is insane.
I agree, personally I found psychologists to be some of the least ethical people on the planet. One psychologist I dealt with charged me for her services, fraudulently implying she was working for me, but then she ran off like a manic lunatic to get lies and gossip about me from a child abusing pastor and a pedophile’s wife (neither of whom knew me), according to her own medical records.
Decades later I was attacked by a second psychologist, who hacked into my computer, and handed me the most appalling take a percentage of gross thievery contract, combined with an appalling conservatorship contract, all disingenuously dressed up as an “art manager” contract. I refused to sign his appalling contract … many, many times. And finally I had to report him to the police.
Definitely some psychologists have less than zero ethics. I’m sorry about what happened to you, Cornelia.
And since we know the psychiatric treatment for “voices” / “psychosis” – the antipsychotics – can create “voices” / “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome, and a drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis, and also possibly neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
I think the most important way to deal with “voices” / “psychosis” is to prevent the psychiatrists, psychologists, and mainstream doctors from actually putting innocent people on the psych drugs in the first place.
It is interesting to point out that equine therapy, which may likely have helped you, and art therapy, which did help me … but neither of which financially benefits the medical / pharmaceutical industrial complex … may be the best healing modalities, for the legitimately distressed human beings?
Although, I am a big believer in other arts (like music and writing) and nature based (like mere gardening) natural healing methods / non-“therapies,” too. Some day, the reality that bad things sometimes happen to good people, needs to be admitted to.
I hope both psychology and psychiatry will some day stop denying this common sense reality of life, and stop coerce and force drugging all legitimately distressed humans.
I’m glad you “not only survived, but” are “also thriving,” Martha. I agree, the scientifically “invalid” psychiatric and psychological industries have majorly betrayed their clients.
But you do bring up a point that I think is very important, “Thirty years ago … my husband (now ex) did believe you — and he wasn’t there for any of this. He left me and our children when he heard this from you.”
A non-medically trained, DSM deluded, psychologist’s misdiagnosis destroyed my marriage decades ago too. There should be a price to pay for such a psychological non-“holistic, Christian” “marriage therapist’s” / psychologist’s blatant malpractice … since she seemingly wanted to cover up the abuse of my innocent child, for her pastor (and this seemingly is a systemic problem called “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” according to ethical pastors of a different religion) … and according to my child’s medical records.
Both the DSM deluded psychological and psychiatric industries are literally systemic child abuse cover uppers, according to the actual medical evidence, and they nose themselves into the lives of innocent families, and sometimes perhaps ignorantly, but sometimes definitely intentionally, try to rip families to shreds.
I have both medical and legal evidence of these systemic crimes … not to mention also evidence of the systemic child abuse covering up crimes of my ex-religion.
i’m one of the likely many “widows” mentioned in the Preface to that book, which was written right after I’d handed over a medical synopsis of the malpractice I’d dealt with to my former religion.
But I’ll ask, how is ripping marriages and families to shreds, considered “medical care,” psychology and psychiatry?
David, I too was neurotoxic poisoned for belief in God. It’s disgusting that the psychologic and psychiatric “professions” claim to NOT do that, yet they do … seemingly systemically.
” … a more core error of establishment psychiatry, one shared by many other mental health professionals, is a certainty that societal and cultural ‘consensus realities’ are in fact natural realities. This certainty is quite sad given that many prominent thinkers have questioned the sanity of societal and cultural consensus realities.”
Yes, those of us who had all distress caused by the distressing 9/11/01 event, blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone … one who knows that was insane … but I also know we do have bad systems / corporations in control of our society … and have for too many decades, if not centuries, or millennium.
“Part of what makes life worth living is having curiosity to discover truths that are ignored or denied by consensus reality. Such curiosity energizes a joyful and empowering expansion of one’s being ….” I agree, being an open minded, never ending researcher and learner, is a wonderful way to live one’s life … and work oneself (and hopefully all others) towards wisdom.
Thank you, as always, for your truthful reporting, Bruce.
Sadly, you’re right, John. The corruption is not just within the medical and big Pharma industries … best I can tell, from my many decades of research into many of the systemic problems within industries is … it’s pretty much systemic, avarice inspired corruption, within all the so called “professions.”
Thank you, Peter, for your continued honest reporting of the systemic crimes of the psy industries and big Pharma.
I’m glad you found a psychologist, who utilized not just the analytic side of their brain, but also the creative side of their brain, Nancy.
My many decades of experience and research has left me believing way too many “mental health professionals” are only able to utilize the analytical side of their brains … which is why (aside from pure greed) they still want to continue utilizing their debunked DSM, and marginal psychological theories … not to mention, it’s also part of why so many bloggers here are artists / creatives.
Creative thinking is a much undervalued talent in Western civilization. And it’s also a much under taught talent in Western education systems.
Oh, there’s no money in researching into the need for societal change. For goodness sake, the psychiatric and psychological powers that shouldn’t be, want to “maintain the status quo” … so does big Pharma.
But there are some of us who have researched into such anyway, and hope and pray we will all some day work to clean up the messes, that our predecessors have left us, and bring about God’s will on this planet instead.
Thank you, as always, for speaking the truth, Dr. Peter.
“psychotic symptoms may be withdrawal effects from reduction of antipsychotics and may not necessarily represent unmasking of the underlying disorder.”
Most definitely. As one who was inappropriately put on antipsychotics, to supposedly “cure” the common symptom of “brain zaps,” which were due to an inappropriate abrupt withdrawal from a non-“safe smoking cessation med,” an actual dangerous antidepressant.
I will say, as one who dealt with blatant psychological / psychiatric malpractice, according to the DSM-IV-TR, at the time. Trying to treat the common adverse and withdrawal effects of the antidepressants (anticholinergic drugs) with multiple more anticholinergic drugs (the even worse, antipsychotic drugs) does NOT work.
Twenty plus years later, I still have the brain zaps, which I’ve thankfully learned to control in my waking hours, so they aren’t that bothersome to me any longer, at least in my waking hours.
But I will say, I do now have insight, by experience, and much subsequent psychopharmacology research, into what “psychosis” actually is. And I do so hope to help give the psychiatrists and psychologists insight into what “psychosis” actually is, how it relates to their dangerous anticholinergic drugs, and safe withdrawal from them.
All dreams are NOT “psychosis,” as my former Holy Spirit blaspheming “holistic, Christian talk therapist” psychologist incorrectly believed. And brain zaps are NOT “psychosis” either.
When an essentially healthy person is inappropriately put on an antipsychotic, however, it can make a person “psychotic,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning. An anticholinergic toxidrome induced “psychosis” is a very nasty and evil form of “psychosis.”
A slowly tapered withdrawal off of antipsychotics, as my psychiatrist did, after he stopped listening to the lies of my misdiagnosing, non-medically trained, psychologist. That did result in a drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis – but it wasn’t an evil “psychosis,” it functioned as an awakening to my dreams … where lots of my soul mates, within the collective unconscious, were trying to save me.
“Horowitz and Moncrieff suggest that long-term treatment with antipsychotics may cause brain adaptations as the brain works to process and reach homeostasis.”
I agree, since like many of us here, I also have done my homework. And I do have my drug history all written up in a one page synopsis spread sheet, if either of you are interested in getting a copy, Horowitz or Moncrieff? I’ll update it a little, since I first wrote it up in 2005, and Whitaker’s, et al, and my subsequent reporting and research did provide further insight into the actual etiology of the malpractice I dealt with.
“Given the evidence presented above highlighting the convergence in relapse rates between the maintenance and discontinuation arms in antipsychotic discontinuation trials at three years, this suggests that tapering patients over approximately three years (although with substantial individual variability) …”
My tapering period was a little longer, 3 – 7 years, depending upon whether to want to respect the psychological malpractice covering up crimes of the now FBI convicted Dr. V. R. Kuchipudi, his psychiatric “snowing” partner-in-crime, not to mention the similar crimes by my ex-religion. Albeit, my ex-religion’s psychological malpractice covering up crimes are still on-going … decades later.
Thank you for speaking so much common sense, Ethan.
“But Americans’ faith in their ruling institutions is declining, and for good reason. The spell of the literal and figurative priesthood has been broken. Just as it has become increasingly common for individuals to declare that they are ‘spiritual not religious,'” which is also for good reason.
“I hope and believe that it is only a matter of time before people turn against the psychiatric priesthood and find that the answers are within themselves and within their own communities.” Let’s all hope and pray for the day.
“To put it another way, is the person truly helping the subject accomplish his/her goals or simply helping themselves at the subject’s [or religion’s, or corporation’s, or government’s] expense?”
“In the latter case, I’d call it murder.” Me, too, or at least it was attempted anticholinergic toxidrome murders, that I personally call attempted murders, by my ex-religion and criminal doctors … since I had no desire to die, when I was a young mom, hoping to properly raise my children.
Sadly, we are dealing with a repeating of the worst of history, a new psychiatric holocaust … seemingly for the worst religions, corporations, and governments on the planet.
“Essentially, SAMHSA is invoking what we have called level 1 causality, cognizant that we do not know the precise pathophysiological processes that explain bipolar disorder or schizophrenia (level 2 causality).”
Well, us critical psychopharmacology researchers have pointed these out. Psychiatry’s antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the symptoms of “bipolar.” (read “Anatomy of an Epidemic”)
And we’ve also pointed out that the anticholinergic drugs (which includes the antidepressants and antipsychotics) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome. And the antipsychotics can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
“…it is logically circular to say that depression caused the person’s depressed mood, [but] it is not circular to say that depression caused the person to not attend an event.”
But in my case, I had to leave my ex-religion because a non-clinical psychologist chose to behave as an attempted thief, since he was apparently ignorant of psychiatry’s systemic iatrogenic illness creation crimes. But we did not stop attending church services of that religion because either my mother or I claim to be “depressed,” or “mentally ill” in any way.
“But this is precisely where the circularity charge falls apart. For if the depression itself can cause a person to ‘not attend an event,’ then, ipso facto, depression itself necessarily has causal efficacy; ie, it can itself act on individuals to produce clinical or behavioral effects.”
Not if a family leaves a religion – thus does “not attend an event,” like going to church – due to an attempted thieving (disingenuous conservatorship contract handing over), ignorant, psychiatric deluded non-medically trained, non-clinical psychologist is just trying to steal from us.
We left my ex-religion because of a DSM deluded attempted thief, not because of any claims of any “disability” on our part.
“Consequently, there is no reason in principle why depression could not also cause the person to sleep poorly, eat poorly, feel guilty or suicidal, or experience psychomotor slowing.”
I never had any complaints of sleeping or eating poorly (but I did lose weight, via regular moderate exercise, upon the recommendation of an orthopedic surgeon, due to a “bad fix” on a broken bone). Nor did I ever have of feelings of guilt or suicidality. And the only “experience psychomotor slowing” I ever personally dealt with, was “brain zaps.” Which is a common adverse effect of being abruptly taken off of an ineffective supposed (but not approved for that purpose) “safe smoking cessation med,” an actual dangerous antidepressant.
“And importantly: none of these facts requires us to have a complete or even a partial understanding of the pathophysiology or etiopathology of depression itself.”
I disagree. Etiology actually matters, especially when it comes to societal greed only inspired medical crimes.
“when James Parkinson described a well-defined constellation of signs and symptoms he called ‘the shaking palsy,’ he had in fact identified a disease state that caused the patient’s signs and symptoms—and what would later become known as Parkinson disease.”
Well, this might be true, if the psychiatric industry had been honest about the fact their neuroleptics can create dyskinesia, which looks like Parkinson disease to the doctors … but the psychiatrists haven’t been honest about this, to a large extent, until recently.
“It would be absurd, on that basis, to say that Parkinson disease did not exist—or was not the cause of parkinsonian symptoms—until its etiopathology was discovered in the 1950s and 60s.”
What exactly do you claim to be the known “etiopathology” (etiologic) cause of Parkinson’s disease, since this article, which seems to have been published in 2018, says “The cause of PD is not known ….”
“This fact flatly contradicts the position that only conditions with known and identified pathophysiology count as bona fide diseases.”
Your claimed “fact,” to my knowledge, is not a “fact.” And I know from personal family history that a grandmother had to be quickly taken off of an inappropriately given neuroleptic, because it caused Parkinson like, dyskinesia.
Thankfully, appropriately taking my grandmother off an inappropriately given neuroleptic worked, and my psychic (not “psychotic”) grandmother, never again dealt with “Parkinson” symptoms, and lived a healthy life, to the ripe old age of 94.
“Finally, to be clear: in asserting that some psychiatric diagnoses can legitimately be said to be causative of symptoms, we are not claiming that psychiatric disorders arise solely from constitutional-biological factors.”
Well, that’s wrong, since that’s exactly what the non-medically trained psychologists, and psychiatrists who deny the common adverse and withdrawal effects of the psych drugs, have been doing for decades.
“Of course, we all wish that psychiatry were at the point of invoking level 2 causality in our diagnoses,” but that, too, is also untrue. Since that’s not in the iatrogenic illness creating psychiatrist’s financial best interest.
I think it is downright stupid, and evil, to force amphetamines on children. I pray for the day our society ends its forced drugging of children, with any of the psych drugs.
I know its profitable, but I think it is morally repugnant for grown adults to neurotoxic poison children.
Thanks for helping to point out the absurdity and insanity of today’s iatrogenic illness creating, DSM “BS” based, psychiatric system, Nick.
Thank you for sharing your story, Cameron. If it matters, as a loving mother, I will say I think this is a rather evil thing for your adoptive parents to have said to you, “Your mother didn’t want you, so we took you.” Where’s the love?
Although, as one whose nemesis was an adoptive mother, who was allowed to adopt a child – after she and her husband were so negligent, that their first born toddler ran into a street, was hit by a truck, and died.
I will say, we do need to have potential adoptive parents better researched into, prior to letting them adopt a child … not that that means you should have killed your adoptive parents … but I’m quite certain those murders were likely due to the psychiatric neurotoxins.
And, of course, the psych drugging that you experienced was horrendous. I’m so sorry you, and all who’ve dealt with psychiatric iatrogenesis, have had to deal with that living hell.
Thank you for sharing your story, Cameron. And I’m glad you survived the horrendous psych drugging, and drug withdrawal, and are doing better now. God bless.
“Third, with our American-style capitalism (think neoliberalism),” MiA is big on standing against “neoliberalism.” I must say, I wasn’t quite certain exactly what “neoliberalism” is, so I looked it up.
My computer says it is, “a political movement that favors free market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.”
Well, in as much as I agree with the potential of free market capitalism and a reduction in government spending. I do believe a government’s only real job is to regulate large industries, to protect the people living within their society, from the potential criminality and greed of big industries.
And the US government seems to have done the opposite of its actual, and only legitimate job – which is to regulate industries to protect their people from the run amok greed only inspired industries.
And protecting the American citizens from the staggering greed of big Pharma, and the financial ponzi scheme of the globalist banking system, is what the US government has neglected to do, for a long time.
Instead, the US government seems to be totally controlled by the greed of the globalist banking ponzi scheme, and the avarice and scientific fraud of big Pharma.
So I’m having trouble in seeing the value of a government, that has done the opposite, due to its own greed, of its only real job … which is to regulate big business, so its citizens can be protected from the systemic crimes of big industries.
In our current society, “it is the individual that is seen as ‘ill’ and needs to be fixed. Society gets a free pass. This too is a barrier to good ‘mental health’ care, for it prevents us from thinking about what changes we might make to our society that would be more nurturing for us all.”
I agree, this is morally wrong. Sometimes we need to look at the seeming greed only inspired flaws of our government and our society.
“The pervasive lies in psychiatry are just overwhelming,” yes they are. As a former marketing major I was taught false advertising is illegal. If we lived in a world where the rule of law was abided by, I think pretty much all big Pharma advertisers of psych drugs and psychiatrists spewing their “chemical imbalance” lies, and other lies, should be arrested for false advertising.
Although, in reality, any “medical professional” who prescribes the antidepressants and/or antipsychotics should probably be arrested for worse crimes against humanity, given how dangerous and deadly the psych drugs actually are … and since all doctors were all taught in med school about anticholinergic toxidrome.
It’s interesting you speak so much about the importance of faith communities, but I agree, they can be important. However, since my experience with a not hired by me psychologist, was one of him handing over a take-a-percentage-of-gross thievery contract, combined with a conservatorship contract – which, of course will get the intelligent widows out of their church. Since who in their right mind would want to worship in a church, where there is a psychologist who wants to steal everything and more from you? Not me, nor my widowed mother.
I agree, Birdsong. According to my medical records, my psychologist and psychiatrists were Holy Spirit blasphemers and God deniers.
But what’s good about that is this means the psychological and psychiatric industries have committed “the only unforgivable sin in the Holy Bible” … so maybe us independent psychopharmacology researchers will win some day? Let’s hope and pray.
“Antidepressants examined in our review may have a very small positive effect in older people with knee OA. This benefit may be outweighed by their potential risks.”
And since those of us who were young adults that were given the SNRIs, under the lie that the SNRIs are “safe smoking cessation meds” know the potential “risks” of the SNRIs is having the common adverse withdrawal effects of the SNRIs misdiagnosed as “bipolar,” which results in an iatrogenic living hell.
I agree, the systemic denial of truthful psychological and psychiatric “reporting of associated adverse events further challenges the use of antidepressants in older adults.”
But I am grateful a few American psychologists are waking up to the satanic iatrogenic illness creation system of the big Pharma deluded psychiatric system, Peter. Thank you for your truthful reporting.
Psychology and psychiatry have entered into faustian deals with both the paternalistic mainstream religions and our government. But I do believe God knows this, and those Pharmakia forcing industries will be judged fairly by God. Let’s hope and pray for the fair judgement by God, of all those within the Holy Spirit blaspheming, psychological and psychiatric industries.
I don’t mean to say, it’s absurd that Jesus would try to protect me, I think it was absurd that a pastor and a social worker would proclaim me to be Him.
But since I do now have medical evidence He did seemingly protect me from 14 different anticholinergic toxidrome attempted murders of me, I will say, Jesus did seemingly protect me. And say, thank you, Jesus, for dying for my sins.
” … when free spirit operates in you and becomes you, it can only work for your freedom.” I agree.
But I do have a question for those who dealt with Spiritual matters that were misdiagnosed as a “mental illness,” and most importantly any ethical doctors and/or “mental health professionals” who read this.
I have in my medical records evidence that a former pastor, “Don thought she is the second coming of Jesus.”
My medical records also state – I presume also from that ex-pastor – since it wasn’t from me, “voices of God talk through her to other people.”
But I also have evidence that a social worker, who I didn’t know, and she didn’t know me, who medically unnecessarily had me sent to a now FBI convicted doctor.
She claimed in my medical records that “a man, Jesus, spoke through her [me],” and Jesus supposedly warned that social worker, that she was participating in the attempted murder of me, which is technically what she did.
After I picked up my medical records, I called this unknown to me social worker, and asked her about this absurdity. She told me, “I declare so many people to be Jesus, I don’t even remember meeting you.”
So I’m wondering if any ethical doctors, pastors, “mental health professionals” or social workers that read this can tell me, is fraudulently declaring people to be Jesus medical / pastoral code for crucify this person?
Is that “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions?”
“I believe that in our darkest moments or in our greatest highs we have an opening to find the courage to seek clarity within our hearts.” I agree.
“I wish for one principle to be accessible to all: A Never Give Up attitude that makes you available to the always possible mysterious miracle that hovers in all of our lives.”
Hope is imperative, I agree, but spewing lies about “lifelong, incurable, genetic mental illnesses,” caused by “chemical imbalances,” is the opposite of giving a person hope. Those lies destroy families.
Let’s all pray for that “mysterious miracle that hovers in all of our lives.” God bless you in your endeavors, and on your journey, Ron.
Most of this blog came across as psychobabble to me, initially, until I went to the cited definitions of “direct interventions” / “suicide-focused” vs. “indirect interventions” / “other (indirect) psychotherapies on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.”
First of all, I will say the psychological and psychiatric industries are obsessed with suicide, from my experience. I wasn’t remotely suicidal when I went to my former psychologist, I just wanted to know the etiology of my antidepressant withdrawal induced brain zaps.
But the psychologists are not medically trained doctors, so they should never be recommended as a doctor, to someone who has a real life physical symptom of antidepressant withdrawal. But that was way back in 2001, and none of the psychiatrists or psychologists even knew antidepressant discontinuation syndrome caused brain zaps, until 2005.
Isn’t the ignorance based arrogance and hubris appalling?
Maybe we shouldn’t give any industries the right to play judge, jury, and executioner, to innocent others, for any ethical or unethical reasons they please? Maybe that’s the opposite of living in a just and law based society?
But I’m curious when you say, “Psychotherapy Reduces Suicide Attempts.” Is that compared to compassionate, actual care … or is psychotherapy only better than psychology’s partner, psychiatry’s “care,” which is one of forced chemical gang rapes, and neurotoxic poisonings?
The psychological and psychiatric industries do like to neurotoxic poison people going through a spiritual experience. I’m not quite certain why they think that is legal in the US, since our country is supposed to have freedom of religion, thus neurotoxic poisoning people for questioning a dream about being moved by the Holy Spirit or merely for belief in God (both of which happened to me) should be illegal in the US.
Thank you for sharing your story, Ashley. I feel it’s really important for people to share the true evil of force drugging people, and you accomplished that task … it reminded me of the horror I was subjected to, by a now FBI convicted doctor and his psychiatric “snowing” partner-in-crime. (It is chemical gang rape.)
Glad you escaped, enjoy your beautiful children, they grow up fast … and raising one’s children is a true gift, a labor of love. But I do find it hypocritical that the psychological and psychiatric industries (supposed “care” givers) apparently think that trying to properly raise one’s own children, which involves actual care giving, equates to being “w/o work, content, and talent” and “irrelevant to reality,” at least according to my medical records.
Personally, I think it is the scientifically “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries that are “w/o work, content, and talent” and “irrelevant to reality” … albeit they do have a systemic projection problem.
I agree, we need to get rid of basically all of the greed only inspired, “Rockefeller medicine” / big Pharma iatrogenic illnesses creating medical system.
Well, that is exactly what makes psychiatric drug withdrawal so confusing to most, including also the mainstream doctors … if they were NOT taught about anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning in med school … which they all were.
Thank you so much, Tomasz, I’m so grateful for you sharing your story about healing from psychiatric harm. As a US psychopharmacology researcher, who stands adamantly against big Pharma’s, psychiatry’s, and psychology’s systemic abuse of American children, I’m very grateful for your truth telling.
That seems like an insult, registerforthissite. Did I read your comment incorrectly? If I read your comment incorrectly, please clarify.
But please keeping in mind, I have a right to be appalled at psychology and psychiatry, since I actually did deal with criminal abuse of both psychology and psychiatry … and these are systemic crimes against many … not just me.
Nor, too often, do they even “know what they do,” or so they say.
Albeit, we now all live in the internet age, so the truth is becoming clearer. And given the fact all MDs are taught in medical school about anticholinergic toxidrome.
None of the MDs, including the psychiatrists, have any moral right to say they were not educated in medical school “how to be dangerous,” with the antidepressants and antipsychotics (and other anticholinergic drugs).
Thank you for sharing your healing journey, Christine. I agree with Birdsong, the unconscious self is wiser than the conscious self … and me, like you, and likely almost all humans … are all still working our way towards wisdom.
But this is all the more reason I agree, Christine, that “The individual [should have] agency and responsibility … [And this means that] before [the psychological and psychiatric industries] find fault in the individual, we need to look at what is a choice and what is simply how the mind functions.”
And sadly today, neither psychology nor psychiatry seems to have this wisdom, thus they should stop judging and misjudging innocent others … since the psychologists and psychiatrists aren’t God, thus they shouldn’t be trying to function as the judges of all of humanity.
… Just my humble opinion, as one who dealt with a lot of psychological and psychiatric malpractice, and other psychological and psychiatric crimes.
“Having the risk of developing PSSD as an outcome is a breach of research ethics, so using randomized controlled trials to study the condition is not possible.”
Does this mean you may not do testing on people with antidepressants for PSSD, since it is – of course – morally reprehensible to create PSSD with the antidepressants?
Or did I misunderstand this comment? … and the antidepressants have already been passed out like candy to everyone the mainstream doctors and psychiatrists can possibly get to take them …. so haven’t all those doctors who’ve already been pushing and forcing the antidepressants on people, for decades, already behaved in a morally reprehensible manner?
“When service users recognize PSSD and bring it to the attention of healthcare professionals, they are often treated poorly.” Based upon my experience, anyone who has ever dealt with any kind of malpractice, gets put on an antidepressant, then all the common adverse and withdrawal symptoms of the antidepressants get “… incorrectly attributed to some mental health issue.”
As to “prevention,” it’s not complex, but it’s also not profitable for the doctors … get the doctors to stop covering up their easily recognized iatrogenesis, with the complex iatrogenesis of the psychiatric drugs. And eventually make prescribing the antidepressants illegal.
But, of course that would take time, since everyone dealing with today’s psychiatric industries’ “complex iatrogenesis” would need to be properly weaned off the psychiatric neurotoxins, if they so desire. And, in as much as that’s what should happen, it’d be very hard for the psychiatric industry and mainstream medical industry, to even clean up the iatrogenic living nightmare they’ve created … albeit, due to their avarice.
Aren’t we all a bunch of psychopharmacology researcher geeks here, No-one?
“The solution, of course, is to treat these actions as the crimes that they are. That means sending people to prison and holding individuals personally accountable (that includes physicians).”
I agree.
“Other crimes in our society are treated seriously.” Well, I don’t know that I agree with that.
“Why do medical crimes get a pass?” It’s the same reason the child abuse crimes of the religions, by way of their “partnership” with the “mental health” industries, get systemically covered up … for profit.
Thank you so much (sarcasm), paternalistic DSM deluded psychiatry and psychology, for “partnering” with the mainstream paternalistic religions, in a multi-billion dollar, systemic child abuse and easily recognized malpractice covering up DSM deluded “religion.” And forcing us all into a satanic “pedophile empire” – one you (and all other doctors) profiteer off of, psychological and psychiatric industries.
As one who seems to be, “that’s me in the spotlight, losing my religion.” The problem seems to me to be one of belief in the “invalid” DSM “bible” vs. the Holy Bible.
But that’s just my humble opinion. However, it is an opinion from one who has medical, legal, and written proof by others, and psychopharmacology research of my own, of my legitimate concerns.
I agree, I was given one based upon the lie that it was a “safe smoking cessation med.” Wellbutrin is NOT even approved for smoking cessation.
Oh, but my PCP had a projection problem, and she was dangerously paranoid of a non-existent malpractice suit, because it turned out her husband was the “attending physician” at a “bad fix” on a broken ankle of mine. Gee, is that a motive to defame a person with an “invalid” DSM disorder and try to murder the person, via a whole lot of medically known toxidrome poisonings? Obviously it was.
And what’s really rather sad is my ex-PCP’s husband did end up killing at least one other person with some sort of an ankle problem. Maybe it’d be better for all, if the incompetent doctors got out of the medical business instead?
In other words, psychology and psychiatry are all about kicking someone when they’re down, under the false guise of “help”? … shocker, that was my experience, too.
And yes, given the fact that all MDs are taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school, and all psychiatrists are MDs, the psychiatrists are “knowingly” and intentionally “causing ‘brain damage’ in people,” for profit. Sad, but true.
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Very interesting, thank you for sharing your research, Robert. I, too, had a spiritual dream misdiagnosed. I am glad, however, that you know God loves you. I believe the same is true for me.
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Lol, yes, I had the misfortune of dealing with some of those “BAD” doctors.
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My theory is that a lot of “schizophrenia” is a result of iatrogenesis, since the “schizophrenia” treatments can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome. And they can also create the negative symptoms, via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
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Thank you as always, Dr. Peter, for your truth telling.
“When asked what they prefer, six times as many people prefer psychotherapy for pills,38 but they get the exact opposite.” Yes, but it is shameful that there are so many unethical psychologists, social workers, et al … who merely function as a funnel into psychiatry.
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Sad, but seemingly true, Yildrim.
“In short. Involuntary psychiatric treatments chemically damage the brains of people with healthy brains. And possibly cause related permanent mental illnesses.”
Indeed, that is where we are.
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I agree, Dan, “MIA’s existence could be viewed as a reaction to a mad status quo.” I have a 2005 painting of the American flag painted upside down and backwards, so sadly it’s not a new societal problem. Although, sadly, an older, male, psychologist told me his goal was to “maintain the status quo,” and he also tried to steal more than everything from me, with the most appalling thievery contract you’ve ever read, just a few years ago.
But I agree with most of the rest of what you say, too. I found marijuana, or its relatives, to be quite effective in helping a manic loved one, get the much needed sleep he needed.
Personally, I think it would likely be a better first line of treatment for manic and psychotic people, than the antipsychotics, which are already medically known to create psychosis, both when on them, via anticholinergic toxidrome, and when taken off them, via a drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis.
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“There is substantial evidence indicating that psychiatric hospitalizations increase the risk of suicide both during and after psychiatric hospitalization.”
Isn’t the point of psychiatry and psychology supposed to be about preventing suicides?
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“Their study echoes research showing how psychiatric diagnosis itself often functions as a site of epistemic injustice, where individuals labeled as ‘mentally ill’ find their knowledge and agency systematically undermined.”
As one who – fifteen years after being weaned off my last psych drug, and a decade after getting a non-medically trained psychologist’s misdiagnosis off my medical records, by a well respected medically trained doctor – is still dealing with “epistemic injustice,” defamation, by the head of my former religion, a religion which has a Faustian “partnership” with the psych industries.
And as one – who was initially misdiagnosed to cover up a “bad fix” on a broken bone, and medical evidence of the abuse of my small child – two illegal motives, for the provable misdiagnosis.
I thank you for this blog, Samantha.
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As one whose main experience with psychological therapy was having a psychologist function as a funnel, into the psychiatric industry.
But, decades later, I did also have the misfortune of dealing with a computer hacking psychologist, who tried to steal everything, and more, from me … according to the appalling take a percentage of gross contract, combined with the conservatorship contract, he wanted me to sign.
I most definitely believe both psychology and psychiatry have lost their way.
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I would be included in the “66% of service users experiencing antidepressant withdrawal [who] were misdiagnosed with a psychiatric disorder.” That’s an unacceptably high misdiagnosis rate, IMHO.
And brain zaps are not cured, with more anticholinergic drugs. I’m now on 23 years and counting, with brain zaps.
My doctor was kind of funny, however, when I told him about how I could now largely control the brain zaps in my waking hours, and brain zap away a headache in a NY second. He called them “neuro-protective.” I smiled, but thought glorifying iatrogenic harm (that he’d confessed he couldn’t fix) was not really appropriate.
But I do also thank Joanna Moncrieff and John Read for all their truthful reporting.
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Here’s her work email:
[email protected]
She’s a good psych researcher.
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Thank you, Hope. And I’m glad you, too, survived.
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I ‘m pretty certain Nev Jones is a female.
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“First, they call on counselors to support clients by fostering self-care and empowerment through advocacy, psychoeducation [is “chemical imbalance lies”], and interprofessional consultation, particularly in addressing the role of trauma and its intersection with various forms of oppression” … except the trauma that is caused by the torturous, forced psychiatric and psychologically “invalid” misdiagnosing DSM deluded lies / oppression.
“Second, the authors emphasize the importance of fostering social support networks and highlighting the role of community.
As one who had to leave my ex-religion twice, due to their systemic “partnership” with the systemic child abuse covering up psychological and psychiatric industries. I know the scientific fraud based, DSM deluded psychologists and psychiatrists are committing egregious crimes, against child abuse survivors, and their legitimately concerned mothers.
It’s sad, illegal, and so ungodly disrespectful, psychology and psychiatry. I have no doubt, God is ashamed of you, and the mainstream religions you bought out, so you could cover up the child abusing pastor’s crimes. It’s just shameful, and so sad to live in a world where “those we hail, are the worst of all.”
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Yeah for the internet, it’s a great research tool, that has helped shed light onto the systemic crimes, in private, of the scientifically “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries.
But I will say, a knowledge of all their scientific fraud, iatrogenic illness creation, and corruption in general, does make me sad some days. It’s just so darn evil.
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I can understand why it might be traumatic to be basically forced to learn a language, other than one’s own. But maybe God’s trying to end the Babylon problem, by giving people the gift of tongues? Maybe, the ungodly disrespect of people, for having a spiritual journey, by the psychological and psychiatric industries, should end? Just a theory, but maybe Patricia should be respected and listen to, when she is speaking in tongues, instead? Some Christian religions believe in that.
Please leave the people of South Africa alone, psychologic and psychiatric industries, since your DSM “bible” deluded religion has already been debunked as scientifically “invalid” and “BS.”
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I largely agree, birdsong, but somedays the complete corruption of it all, leaves me sad. But today is my dead brother’s birthday, and a family friend died today, too … so I have legitimate reasons for having a sad day.
I had a “spiritual” journey, similar to yours, Tim, except I was misdiagnosed for asking a psychologist what the meaning of a dream that I was moved by the Holy Spirit meant, and that Holy Spirit blaspheming psychologist thought all dreams are “psychosis.” Thank you for sharing your experience and research, Tim.
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So how is Brooks now? Thank you sharing your story.
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“I’d give anything to be able to find out if there’s any legal action being contemplated to stop this. However, I’m unable to do so,” as are the rest of us. Since the lawyers will not take cases, even by those of us who have dealt with now FBI convicted criminal doctors, if the innocent person has been defamed with an “invalid” DSM disorder.
Psychiatry and psychology’s “invalid” DSM deluded system prevents the US from being a country of law and order … which means the scientifically “invalid” psychologic and psychiatric industries are the opposite of what they claim to be.
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The “cause” of the most “serious” DSM disorders, is likely iatrogenesis. As Whittaker pointed out in his 2010 book, ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic,’ “bipolar” is “caused” by the iatrogenic “illnesses,” created by the psychological and psychiatric industries’ antidepressants and ADHD drugs.
And the “antipsychotics” can also create both the negative and positive “symptoms” of “schizophrenia,” via both anticholinergic toxidrome, and neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
So it’s highly likely that the most common “cause” of all the DSM disorders, is iatrogenesis, not “genetics.”
But I do know from personal family experience, that things like sleep deprivation and alcohol encephalitis, can also cause “psychosis.” Yet they are not “genetic causes,” thus are not listed in the DSM, as possible causes of “psychosis,” in the “invalid” DSM.
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It is shameful, since the primary actual function of today’s scientifically “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries is, covering up child abuse and rape for the mainstream religions … but also covering up easily recognized iatrogenesis, for the mainstream doctors … all of which is illegal.
Shame on psychology and psychiatry today, for your “invalid” DSM industries’ systemic neurotoxic poisoning crimes.
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Thank God for friends, since me and my family used to believe in the scientific validity of the medical community. But thanks to the “BS” and greed of the psychological and psychiatric communities, we no longer do.
But I did need my friends, and am grateful to them, since I was attacked by scientifically fraud based “mental health professionals,” so they could cover up the abuse of my innocent child, by DSM design.
Since the “mental health professionals” can not actually charge for helping children who’ve been abused, nor can they bill for helping their legitimately concerned mothers, they misdiagnose us with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poison us.
Thank God, for both friends, and family … but sadly not my ex-religion, which is “partnered” with the scientifically “invalid,” systemic child abuse covering up, “mental health professionals.”
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“If it wasn’t for my [friends and] family I’d be another victim of psychiatry on streets or dead,” me too.
Indeed, the psychological and psychiatric industries are doing more harm than good, sadly.
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Thank you, as always, Dr. Peter, for your truth telling. I’ve forwarded your work to those in my life to whom, it is relevant.
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“Don’t Include Involuntary Commitment as a Treatment Tool in Seattle” … nor any where else.
Since today’s “mental health” industry is a scientifically “invalid,” iatrogenic illness creating system, not a system that promotes health. See my previous comments for links to the medical evidence of this sad reality.
And today’s “mental health” system is being used for criminal purposes … like covering up easily recognized malpractice for incompetent doctors, and medical evidence of child abuse, for unethical pastors … both of which happened to me.
In a free market economy, no one should ever be forced to pay for unwanted “treatment.”
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“1. Dehumanization
“Service users often felt that they were viewed as disorders to be managed rather than as people deserving of care.”
Well, I have written proof this is how my ungodly disrespectful psychiatrist thought of me, written right in his medical records.
“2. Disregard for Lived Experiences
“Many service users reported that their input was dismissed or ignored during treatment planning and care discussions.”
My psychiatrist very literally denied the common adverse effects of his anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings, as the symptoms of my psychologist’s misdiagnosis. And, in the end, he declared the entirety of my life to be a “credible fictional story,” since he’d gotten all his misinformation about me from a child abuse covering up psychologist.
“3. Conveying Hopelessness
“Service users often described feeling as though they were given no sense of purpose or hope for recovery.”
I was defamed to my husband by my child abuse covering up psychologist, as having a “life long, incurable, genetic illness,” none of which was true. But that “conveying hopelessness,” and stigmatization / defamation, by a child abuse covering up psychologist, did destroy my marriage.
So I do most definitely agree, all these forms of psychiatric and psychological “microaggressions” are common behaviors by today’s scientific fraud based psychological and psychiatric professions.
“Emotional and Psychological Impact,” or how to heal oneself, from psychological and psychiatric abuse:
“Plot 1: Seeking Safety and Recognition: Service users expressed a longing for relationships where they felt seen and valued.” Isn’t that what everyone needs? In as much as I had less than zero safety and recognition from “mental health professionals,” “peer support groups and recovery colleges.” I do agree, “My friends, our conversations, our work — they were my salvation.”
“Plot 2: Taking Back Control:” I do agree, the only way to heal from the systemic sins and crimes of today’s “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries is to escape and take back control of one’s life – today’s psychological and psychiatric industries are unworthy of trust.
“Plot 3: Proving Them Wrong: Some participants described defying the expectations placed on them by mental health professionals.” Well, we here have found the medical evidence of the iatrogenic etiologies of the two “most serious” DSM “disorders,” their billing code “bible” was debunked in 2013, so I think we have scientifically proven the “mental health professionals” are “wrong,” but they’ve yet to repent and change from their iatrogenic illness creating ways.
“… psychiatric institutions, despite their mission to provide care, can erode dignity and perpetuate stigma.” Indeed, since their DSM “bible” of “disorders” is “invalid,” all psych diagnoses are merely used to stigmatize people … and declaring the entirety of a person’s real life to be “a credible fictional story” is very wrong, absurd, and insulting.
“The findings suggest that recovery often occurs outside traditional mental health settings due to the relational deficits within them.” Or since the psych drugs can create iatrogenic illnesses that mimic the DSM disorders, escape from the psychiatric system, is likely the only way to heal … albeit, withdrawal from the psych drugs can also create the symptoms of the “invalid” DSM disorders.
“These behaviors are deliberate and they are intended to inflict pain and suffering on people who are supposedly being helped.” I agree, HadEnough. I’ve had too much disrespect, too.
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“It would be much more effective and certainly more compassionate if his psychiatrist recommended his visiting his closest gay bar, but I have never heard of this occurring.”
I introduced my gay son to the only gay bar owner in his city, by having him watch him in a play, and we happened to be friends with him. So I can agree with your recommendation for how to help a gay child feel comfortable in his own skin … but I will say I left my former psychiatrist, because I’d been handed over the medical proof of the abuse of my beloved child at a deplorably young age, and my former psychiatrist, and a former misdiagnosing psychologist and subsequent non-clinical psychologist, all thought my now multiple award winning child, should have been, and now should be, psych neurotoxic poisoned forever.
Obviously, I don’t stand in support of the psychological and psychiatric industries’ neurotoxic poisoners, their by DSM design systemic child abuse covering up system.
And I most definitely don’t stand in support of their bad advise to mothers of child abuse survivors, who end up gay or trans children.
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Maybe the medical community should get out of the business of declaring legal activities, to be “mental illnesses?” Oh, or have they? Since when I dealt with a loved one dealing with a bad drug interaction, in connection with a likely case of alcohol encephalitis, I was told there was nothing the doctors could do … nothing … but most importantly, they could not write a script to allow my loved one to spend a week or so at a seeming Soteria-like healing home.
Especially since, decades ago, what a doctor told me, that a “safe smoking cessation med” (Wellbutrin, which is not even approved as a “safe smoking cessation med”) doubles the amount you smoke, not decreases it, and it certainly doesn’t help you stop smoking.
And when you’re inappropriately abruptly taken off of the non “safe smoking cessation med,” and suffer the common symptoms of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome in late 2001 … Oh, now all the so called “mental health professionals” claim ignorance that “brain zaps” are a common adverse withdrawal symptom of the antidepressants, until 2005 … then, in a very hubris filled manner, finally admit to their ignorance, thus to their complete and total lack of “professionalism.”
And there is also medical evidence that the psych drugs increase alcohol consumption, whereas I still hear some good things about AA, a non-medical approach to alcohol discontinuation support – from both Catholics and Baptists.
Perhaps, the medical community’s greed (and especially the psychiatric community’s) problem, is usurping more control over society, than they can handle?
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“A world where children go hungry is not one in which more prescriptions or diagnoses will suffice. It is a world in desperate need of equity, compassion, and systemic change.”
But sadly, too many within the “we want to maintain the status quo” psy-“professions” stand against changing the “status quo” … since changing the “BS,” of the mainstream DSM deluded “status quo,” is truly imperative, IMHO.
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“The idea of epistemic injustice encourages clinicians to think in more nuanced ways and ask themselves if reluctance to support and supervise people during tapering could be based on unjustified negative stereotypes such as dangerousness, preconceptions about what a good life is like, or bias about chronicity.”
Absolutely, epistemic injustice, and avarice, does encourage clinicians to NOT withdrawal people from the antipsychotics. But thankfully for me, my psychiatrist finally realized – once he finally stopped believing my psychologist’s lies – I was not a “dangerous person” and had a “good life.” So, according to my my medical records, he blamed my psychologist’s “invalid” DSM misdiagnosis on that non-medically trained psychologist.
And my psychiatrist finally weaned me off his anticholinergic toxidrome inducing neurotoxic drug cocktails. But I will say, medically unnecessarily anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning people forever, for profit, is highly profitable for the psychiatrists. But it is also highly unethical.
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I saw three different doctors, within about three days, and had three different psych labels, according to my medical records. So you are absolutely right, Topher, about the scientific fraud of the DSM “diagnoses” / “disorders.”
The DSM is “unscientific, invalid nonsense.” But it’s used by the incompetent and unethical doctors to cover up their easily recognizable malpractice, and psychological misdiagnosis with the DSM disorders is how the unethical pastors cover up their, and others’, child abuse crimes … at least according to the totality of my family’s medical records.
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Thank you for your stinging critique of the magnitude of the corruption, and the impropriety of psych drugging children, Lawrence.
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By the way, I do have a business degree, and access to a a small stipend of annual funds allocated towards 501c corporations, in a local family community fund.
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I don’t know where you live, Kelli, but as one who helped heal herself from the deplorable harm psychiatry does, with a lot of gardening, biking, journaling, art creation, rehabbing, et al. I’d like to help set up actual healing spaces for non-violent, non-criminal “manic” and/or “psychotic” people, too.
Oh, and psychiatry should stop defaming all “manic” and “psychotic” people as “violent,” since I know from personal experience, that they are NOT.
Honestly, the worst place for a “manic” person to be, is in a locked hospital … being in nature is a much, much more healing place for a “manic” person to be.
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I had, apparently incorrectly, thought the ODD diagnosis was created in about 2013, as an alternative diagnosis for all the children who had the common adverse effects of the ADHD drugs and antidepressants misdiagnosed as “bipolar,” as Whitaker pointed out in his 2010 “Anatomy of an Epidemic?”
There should be a call for an end to the “invalid” DSM stigmatization of all children, and humans. Your DSM “bible” was debunked over a decade ago, “mental health” industries, please wake up to reality … and flush your billing code “bible” of scientifically “invalid” (albeit iatrogenically created) stigmatizations.
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As one who hopes the US will some day use common sense, and take direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising off the mainstream media (we’re one of only two nations on the planet who unwisely allow it). I have to agree with Whitaker, on his belief the mainstream media is a part of the problem.
Since all of big Pharma’s illegal (false advertising is illegal) advertising has resulted in ”the public” being “betrayed” – and even deluded by psychiatry’s “BS” DSM – and “millions” have been “harmed.”
Thank you, Robert, as always, for your truth telling.
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“But if the whole structure of psychiatry is diseased then having a rights based approach in treatment by a psychiatrist is a contradiction in terms, isn’t it”?
Do you mean, like, if the psychiatric system is, in reality, a gigantic Ponzi scheme of an iatrogenic illness creation system? As those of us here know is the truth.
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I largely agree, but not with absolutely everything you said.
“Across these critiques, a common theme emerges: the need for a radical transformation of psychology—one that moves beyond individual adaptation to challenge systemic injustices and foster collective empowerment.”
But I absolutely believe the psychologic industry must end both their faustian “partnerships” with the psychiatric and religious industries, if ever they are able to make the needed systemic change. Since those faustian, systemic, industry wide, “partnerships” are what cause the “systemic injustices” of today’s psychological industry.
For goodness sake, I had to leave my childhood religion forever, due to psychology’s systemic child abuse covering up “partnership” with the iatrogenic illness creating psychiatrists, and my ex-religion.
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Thank you for sharing this history, Robert.
“What lessons are here? Hawthorne deserves to be remembered for how mental health leaders must ensure that people are respected for their dignity as human beings.”
Sadly, this is the opposite of what today’s debunked DSM “bible” believers do. Thus, “The moral treatment model, nearly 250 years old, is almost unknown now in Oregon and elsewhere.”
Indeed, today’s “mental health” industry is all about stigmatizing people with “invalid” “life long, incurable” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisoning people forever. Where’s the healing? And how can the “mental health” industry even call yourself a “healing profession,” when you don’t believe your patients can heal?
“But this history shows that in less than 25 years this state moved from 12 men deciding who was ‘insane’ and seeing them auctioned off for their ‘care’ to the lowest bidder to creating a safe place focused on recovery.”
Well, let’s hope and pray we can end today’s appalling “life long, incurable” stigmatizing and neurotoxic poisoning “mental health” system, and turn it into a “moral treatment model,” within the next 15-25 years, or less.
“The goal of the Hawthorne asylum was getting the people’s lives back as soon as possible.” But, sadly, the seeming goal of today’s DSM “bible” believers is to gaslight people into believing they have a “life long, incurable, genetic mental illness,” that needs never ending neurotoxic poisoning.
“As in the recovery of Archibald Pelton and John Day, no medications were available, so it was not drugs that were responsible for recovery.” And we here all know that it is the psych drugs that create the “life long,” curable, iatrogenic DSM disorders. So we know it is today’s psych drugs that are the problem, thus they will most definitely NOT be “responsible for recovery.”
“It takes creative and courageous leaders … to make this kind of success a reality.” Let’s hope and pray, we are, and can encourage, those creative and courageous advocates and leaders, that can bring about swift change.
Thank you for sharing this history, hope, and possible goal of bringing back “moral care,” Robert.
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I largely agree, Naomi, “therapeutic hate speech” … and the psy “professions” have the gall to call a book of scientifically “invalid” stigmatizations, a “bible.”
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That is a very hopeful, and from my personal experience, truthful blog.
And it’s nice that they state, “When it comes to curing mental illness and shifting the paradigm, the sufferers who have managed to cure are indeed the real experts.”
Hey, maybe I can be declared NOT “w/o work, content, and talent,” “irrelevant to reality,” and “fictional” some day? Thank you for your acknowledgement of the work of the independent psychopharmacology researchers … and all those who had to heal ourselves.
And let’s hope and pray that psychiatry, et al, soon stop forcing drugs – that can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia” – on innocent others, for profit.
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Thank you, Birdsong.
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I, too, understand today’s psychologic industry tends to have a “gossip” problem – I have medical evidence of such a psychological “gossip” problem within my medical records.
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I largely agree, Dan. And I will admit, I found psychologists to be worse (more morally corrupt) than psychiatrists, albeit I’m not standing in support of either industry.
And I agree, “Some [within the psy industries] don’t recognize their complicity; others secretly revel in it while still others aren’t secret at all.”
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I shouldn’t say that, since I’m sure there are lots of “mental health professionals” and doctors who actually went into the so called “healing professions,” to actually help people heal.
And I do also know from personal experience, it’s not easy dealing with a “psychotic” loved one.
However, I also do know those DSM deluded “mental health professionals” need to garner insight into the fact that your DSM “bible” was debunked, as scientifically “invalid,” 14 years ago.
Largely since it was pointed out in Robert Whitaker’s 2010 “Anatomy of an Epidemic,” and further since, that the ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the symptoms of your theorized DSM “bipolar” disorder.
And see my next comment, for the medical evidence of the iatrogenic etiology of “the sacred symbol of psychiatry.”
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And how sad it is to point out that the so called “cure” – the antipsychotics / neuroleptics – for the “sacred symbol of psychiatry” can create both the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome, and the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
“Former professor of psychiatry Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) was an atheist, (“When you talk to god, it’s called prayer. When god talks to you, it’s called schizophrenia”). He claimed that psychiatrists acted more like priests than Doctors or scientists.”
I agree they do. But what happens when a person has lots of medical evidence that it is pastors, doctors, social workers, et al who handed over medical evidence that it is the pastors, doctors, social workers, et al who believe an innocent other is “the second coming of Jesus Christ,” has “Jesus, a man speaking through her,” and has “voices of God who speak through her to other people”?
Maybe psychiatry should stop “partnering” with the mainstream religions, to systemically cover up child abuse, and stop drugging people up for belief in the Holy Spirit and God?
Thank you for speaking your truth, Nick. Sadly, I must agree with you “that society itself is sick, that spiritual meaning has been replaced with materialism, hedonism, and the pursuit of profit above the well-being of the environment and of the individual.”
But I am a math person, too … and I will say, gotta love “sacred geometry,” don’t you, Nick? Keep the faith, please.
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Personally, I think psychiatry’s greatest failure is its “Treating Symptoms, Ignoring Causes” problems – which are so bad that my former psychiatrist literally declared my entire life to be a “credible fictional story” in his medical records.
But I do agree, both psychiatry and psychology have a “failure … to recognize [their] own limitations” issue. Yet if our societies took away their “right” to defame innocent others with the “invalid” DSM stigmatizations, and force neurotoxic poison people they do not know … this might help reduce that staggering, systemic, psychological and psychiatric hubris?
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A possible slice of wisdom? … the “mental health” industries only care about profits, whereas the “experts by experience,” and research, actually care about their own health, and the health of their loved ones.
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“As an example of the worsening outcomes, a recent study found that 50% of the population could be considered ‘mentally ill’ by the time they are 18; over the course of a lifetime almost 90% of people will become ‘mentally ill.'”
And according to my former “mental health professionals,” all dreams are “psychosis.” Thus, since we all dream, this means 100% of people should be defamed as “mentally ill” … but in reality, this is greed inspired insanity on the part of the DSM deluded “mental health industry,” not reality.
How long will it take for us, as a society, to actually admit to the “bullshit” nature of the DSM? Oh, that’s right, Allen Frances and Thomas Insel both admitted to the “bullshit” and “invalid” nature of the DSM “disorders” in 2013 – 11 years ago.
So it’s long past time for the “mental health professionals” to flush their “bullshit” DSM “bible.” But instead, they want to “maintain the status quo,” according to an attempted thieving, computer hacking psychologist, who I adamantly and repeatedly refused to hire.
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I, too, had to move in order to heal from a bunch of anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings (which look a lot like “schizophrenia,” to the “mental health” industries, but is actually created with the antidepressants and/or antipsychotics).
But that’s because a now FBI convicted, foreign born, doctor’s psychiatric “snowing” partner-in-crime, also a foreign born doctor, was illegally listing me to insurance companies as her “out patient” for years. Her lackeys even called – after I’d moved out of state – to ask me why I didn’t show up to an appointment, that I never made. I had to tell them that if the psychiatrist didn’t stop fraudulently claiming I was her “out patient,” then they’d all be seen as the criminals they are … since, of course, I wasn’t making appointments with doctors, in a state in which I did not live.
“Exile” is sadly a necessary option, when it comes to the “invalid” DSM defamations of the psychiatric and psychological industries, et al. Including “exile” from my ex-religion, which is “partnered” with the systemic child abuse, and easily recognized malpractice, covering up psychological and psychiatric industries.
I’m sorry about what psychiatry did to you, Robert, and thank you for sharing your story.
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I agree, especially since the “antipsychotics” and “antidepressants” can and “DO cause” the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
And the “antipsychotics” / neuroleptics can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
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“Is Virtual Psychotherapy of Lesser Quality Than In-Person?” The common sense answer would, of course, be yes.
… not that I’m a big fan of our current DSM deluded psychological industries’ systemic crimes, nor methods … quite the opposite.
But I do hope, we may confess to the reality that industries that believe it is their right to psych op innocent others, or the entire world, have chosen to use their knowledge for evil … and to be merely trying to protect themselves and their scientifically “invalid” industries, for profit.
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“Is There Transformative Meaning in Madness?” Well, if you’re someone like me, who was neurotoxic (anticholinergic toxidrome) poisoned, for questioning what the meaning of a dream about being moved by the Holy Spirit means, I will say yes.
But it’s pretty much the antithesis of what the Holy Spirit blaspheming, all dreams are “psychosis” believing, DSM deluded, psychologists and psychiatrists believe. Their psychiatric neurotoxins weaken a person, so that satanic souls / people can create “psychosis,” via the anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings.
But when one is weaned off the psychiatric neurotoxins, one will often suffer from a “drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis.” However, this type of “psychosis,” at least in my case, functioned as an awakening to my dreams, and an equating of my subconscious self with my waking hour self – and that can be quite enlightening, thus good.
By the way, my dream that was misdiagnosed as “psychosis,” merely means I’m a moved by the Holy Spirit person, according to ethical pastors of a different religion.
But the answer to your question, I believe, is yes … but just not how the DSM deluded psychologists and psychiatrists believe. Being put on the psych drugs can make one ungodly sick, but being slowly weaned off them can help one awaken to the story of their dreams.
Albeit, I’m still trying to be patient (but not a psych patient, for over 15 years). And I am still hoping God will let us go from the living nightmare – that is profitable for big Pharma and the psych “professions” – and we may all return to living the American dream … in a mutually respectful world.
God forewarned us about the evils of “Pharmakia” in the Holy Bible … please wake up Phamakia forcing, “scientifically invalid,” ungodly disrespectful, non-free market believing, force drugging, Holy Spirit blaspheming, systemic child abuse, rape, and easily recognized malpractice covering up, DSM deluded psych “professions.”
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All doctors are taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school, which I think is evidence that the mass murders by the psychiatric industry, are indeed intentional murders for profit, by the psychiatric industry.
My condolences, Robert, for the loss of your loved one, and thank you for continuing to tell your story.
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Violet, I’m sorry you were subjected to abuse. I’m the mother of a child abuse survivor, who actually scared a school who had a child abuser on their school board, into closing down that school, after the medical abuse of my child was handed over.
But I agree, it’s absolutely disgusting that too many within both the psychological and psychiatric industries are systemic child abuse cover uppers.
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“I believe we need to move away from the dominant biological model of psychiatric treatment.” I agree, as do some of my retired nurse friends, who are largely embarrassed by mainstream medicine at this point in time.
“The person is told they have a broken brain which would result in most people feeling very hopeless.” Yes, when a non-medically trained psychologist lies to a client and her husband, fraudulently claiming the wife has a “lifelong, incurable, genetic mental illness,” with zero genetic proof of this, it is intended to take away hope, and does destroy marriages.
“In a lot of cases a person suffering from life stress may benefit from a psychological model of ‘treatment’, with compassion, understanding and simple validation that what they are feeling is indeed normal.” If only the psychological industry hadn’t been largely corrupted by the lies of the DSM creators, but sadly most psychologists are DSM “bible” billers and believers today.
“Parents need to be told when their children are prescribed psychiatric drugs, so they know what to look out for and when to get help.” And the adults shouldn’t be lied to either. The “antidepressants” are not actually “safe smoking cessation meds.”
“I believe one of the biggest problems and wrongs is the medicalisation of normal human emotion. I also believe that we are now living in an increasingly sick society, one in which we were not evolved to live and cope in.” I agree, we have bad systems.
” … I am a strong believer in neuroplasticity and therefore believe in the brain’s innate ability to adapt to its previous state over time.” Me, too. Reminding a loved one who had been made terribly sick, via malpractice and bad personal behavior, about neuroplasticity, was what helped my loved one maintain hope and heal.
God bless in your drug withdrawal journey, Laura. I can’t claim it will be easy, but I do believe withdrawing from the antidepressants will be easier, and more successful, now that people know to hyperbolically wean off the anticholinergic drugs. And I will say, keep the faith … it is possible to heal from the iatrogenic illnesses created with the psychiatric neurotoxins.
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But, Steve, you can’t convince a healthy person they are “insane,” if you don’t first start spewing complete insanity at the person, like belief in the “invalid” DSM “BS,” then denying you spewed insanity at the person.
Oh, but that’s called “gaslighting,” and gaslighting is already known to be “mental abuse,” not “mental health care.”
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There is a big problem with the psych “professionals” misdiagnosing spiritual queries as “psychotic.” I had a dream about being moved by the Holy Spirit misdiagnosed as “psychosis.” No, it was just a dream that means one is moved by the Holy Spirit. But if all dreams are “psychosis,” since we all dream … well, that rather means everyone is “psychotic,” which renders the term “psychosis” to be “irrelevant to reality.”
And, yes, you are right that lots of drugs, both legal and illegal, can cause “psychosis,” but so too can sleep deprivation, etc. But included among the drugs that can create “psychosis” are the so called “antidepressants” and “antipsychotics” / neuroleptics, themselves.
The antidepressants and “antipsychotics” can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
And what’s sad is every doctor is taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school, including the psychiatrists … so I cannot say “they know not what they do.” A more truthful statement is what a family friend said, just after graduating from med school – “I know enough to be dangerous.”
God bless, Peter.
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“The behavior, thoughts, and feelings of distressed people are always reactions to something. Always. The only place where it makes any sense to label reactions as ‘symptoms’ is in a system that contrary to all science and reason insists on calling patterns of reactions-to-distress diseases that need treatment.”
Indeed, today’s scientifically “invalid,” DSM based psychiatric system itself, is insane.
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I agree, personally I found psychologists to be some of the least ethical people on the planet. One psychologist I dealt with charged me for her services, fraudulently implying she was working for me, but then she ran off like a manic lunatic to get lies and gossip about me from a child abusing pastor and a pedophile’s wife (neither of whom knew me), according to her own medical records.
Decades later I was attacked by a second psychologist, who hacked into my computer, and handed me the most appalling take a percentage of gross thievery contract, combined with an appalling conservatorship contract, all disingenuously dressed up as an “art manager” contract. I refused to sign his appalling contract … many, many times. And finally I had to report him to the police.
Definitely some psychologists have less than zero ethics. I’m sorry about what happened to you, Cornelia.
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Personally, I think that since we know the ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create “psychosis” / “voices.”
And since we know the psychiatric treatment for “voices” / “psychosis” – the antipsychotics – can create “voices” / “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome, and a drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis, and also possibly neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
I think the most important way to deal with “voices” / “psychosis” is to prevent the psychiatrists, psychologists, and mainstream doctors from actually putting innocent people on the psych drugs in the first place.
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It is interesting to point out that equine therapy, which may likely have helped you, and art therapy, which did help me … but neither of which financially benefits the medical / pharmaceutical industrial complex … may be the best healing modalities, for the legitimately distressed human beings?
Although, I am a big believer in other arts (like music and writing) and nature based (like mere gardening) natural healing methods / non-“therapies,” too. Some day, the reality that bad things sometimes happen to good people, needs to be admitted to.
I hope both psychology and psychiatry will some day stop denying this common sense reality of life, and stop coerce and force drugging all legitimately distressed humans.
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I’m glad you “not only survived, but” are “also thriving,” Martha. I agree, the scientifically “invalid” psychiatric and psychological industries have majorly betrayed their clients.
But you do bring up a point that I think is very important, “Thirty years ago … my husband (now ex) did believe you — and he wasn’t there for any of this. He left me and our children when he heard this from you.”
A non-medically trained, DSM deluded, psychologist’s misdiagnosis destroyed my marriage decades ago too. There should be a price to pay for such a psychological non-“holistic, Christian” “marriage therapist’s” / psychologist’s blatant malpractice … since she seemingly wanted to cover up the abuse of my innocent child, for her pastor (and this seemingly is a systemic problem called “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” according to ethical pastors of a different religion) … and according to my child’s medical records.
Both the DSM deluded psychological and psychiatric industries are literally systemic child abuse cover uppers, according to the actual medical evidence, and they nose themselves into the lives of innocent families, and sometimes perhaps ignorantly, but sometimes definitely intentionally, try to rip families to shreds.
I have both medical and legal evidence of these systemic crimes … not to mention also evidence of the systemic child abuse covering up crimes of my ex-religion.
i’m one of the likely many “widows” mentioned in the Preface to that book, which was written right after I’d handed over a medical synopsis of the malpractice I’d dealt with to my former religion.
But I’ll ask, how is ripping marriages and families to shreds, considered “medical care,” psychology and psychiatry?
I’m glad you’ve escaped and healed, Martha.
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Unless, it’s been censored – which a lot of the truth has been – sadly.
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David, I too was neurotoxic poisoned for belief in God. It’s disgusting that the psychologic and psychiatric “professions” claim to NOT do that, yet they do … seemingly systemically.
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” … a more core error of establishment psychiatry, one shared by many other mental health professionals, is a certainty that societal and cultural ‘consensus realities’ are in fact natural realities. This certainty is quite sad given that many prominent thinkers have questioned the sanity of societal and cultural consensus realities.”
Yes, those of us who had all distress caused by the distressing 9/11/01 event, blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone … one who knows that was insane … but I also know we do have bad systems / corporations in control of our society … and have for too many decades, if not centuries, or millennium.
“Part of what makes life worth living is having curiosity to discover truths that are ignored or denied by consensus reality. Such curiosity energizes a joyful and empowering expansion of one’s being ….” I agree, being an open minded, never ending researcher and learner, is a wonderful way to live one’s life … and work oneself (and hopefully all others) towards wisdom.
Thank you, as always, for your truthful reporting, Bruce.
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Sadly, you’re right, John. The corruption is not just within the medical and big Pharma industries … best I can tell, from my many decades of research into many of the systemic problems within industries is … it’s pretty much systemic, avarice inspired corruption, within all the so called “professions.”
Thank you, Peter, for your continued honest reporting of the systemic crimes of the psy industries and big Pharma.
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I’m glad you found a psychologist, who utilized not just the analytic side of their brain, but also the creative side of their brain, Nancy.
My many decades of experience and research has left me believing way too many “mental health professionals” are only able to utilize the analytical side of their brains … which is why (aside from pure greed) they still want to continue utilizing their debunked DSM, and marginal psychological theories … not to mention, it’s also part of why so many bloggers here are artists / creatives.
Creative thinking is a much undervalued talent in Western civilization. And it’s also a much under taught talent in Western education systems.
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Oh, there’s no money in researching into the need for societal change. For goodness sake, the psychiatric and psychological powers that shouldn’t be, want to “maintain the status quo” … so does big Pharma.
But there are some of us who have researched into such anyway, and hope and pray we will all some day work to clean up the messes, that our predecessors have left us, and bring about God’s will on this planet instead.
Thank you, as always, for speaking the truth, Dr. Peter.
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“psychotic symptoms may be withdrawal effects from reduction of antipsychotics and may not necessarily represent unmasking of the underlying disorder.”
Most definitely. As one who was inappropriately put on antipsychotics, to supposedly “cure” the common symptom of “brain zaps,” which were due to an inappropriate abrupt withdrawal from a non-“safe smoking cessation med,” an actual dangerous antidepressant.
I will say, as one who dealt with blatant psychological / psychiatric malpractice, according to the DSM-IV-TR, at the time. Trying to treat the common adverse and withdrawal effects of the antidepressants (anticholinergic drugs) with multiple more anticholinergic drugs (the even worse, antipsychotic drugs) does NOT work.
Twenty plus years later, I still have the brain zaps, which I’ve thankfully learned to control in my waking hours, so they aren’t that bothersome to me any longer, at least in my waking hours.
But I will say, I do now have insight, by experience, and much subsequent psychopharmacology research, into what “psychosis” actually is. And I do so hope to help give the psychiatrists and psychologists insight into what “psychosis” actually is, how it relates to their dangerous anticholinergic drugs, and safe withdrawal from them.
All dreams are NOT “psychosis,” as my former Holy Spirit blaspheming “holistic, Christian talk therapist” psychologist incorrectly believed. And brain zaps are NOT “psychosis” either.
When an essentially healthy person is inappropriately put on an antipsychotic, however, it can make a person “psychotic,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning. An anticholinergic toxidrome induced “psychosis” is a very nasty and evil form of “psychosis.”
A slowly tapered withdrawal off of antipsychotics, as my psychiatrist did, after he stopped listening to the lies of my misdiagnosing, non-medically trained, psychologist. That did result in a drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis – but it wasn’t an evil “psychosis,” it functioned as an awakening to my dreams … where lots of my soul mates, within the collective unconscious, were trying to save me.
“Horowitz and Moncrieff suggest that long-term treatment with antipsychotics may cause brain adaptations as the brain works to process and reach homeostasis.”
I agree, since like many of us here, I also have done my homework. And I do have my drug history all written up in a one page synopsis spread sheet, if either of you are interested in getting a copy, Horowitz or Moncrieff? I’ll update it a little, since I first wrote it up in 2005, and Whitaker’s, et al, and my subsequent reporting and research did provide further insight into the actual etiology of the malpractice I dealt with.
“Given the evidence presented above highlighting the convergence in relapse rates between the maintenance and discontinuation arms in antipsychotic discontinuation trials at three years, this suggests that tapering patients over approximately three years (although with substantial individual variability) …”
My tapering period was a little longer, 3 – 7 years, depending upon whether to want to respect the psychological malpractice covering up crimes of the now FBI convicted Dr. V. R. Kuchipudi, his psychiatric “snowing” partner-in-crime, not to mention the similar crimes by my ex-religion. Albeit, my ex-religion’s psychological malpractice covering up crimes are still on-going … decades later.
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Thank you for speaking so much common sense, Ethan.
“But Americans’ faith in their ruling institutions is declining, and for good reason. The spell of the literal and figurative priesthood has been broken. Just as it has become increasingly common for individuals to declare that they are ‘spiritual not religious,'” which is also for good reason.
“I hope and believe that it is only a matter of time before people turn against the psychiatric priesthood and find that the answers are within themselves and within their own communities.” Let’s all hope and pray for the day.
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“To put it another way, is the person truly helping the subject accomplish his/her goals or simply helping themselves at the subject’s [or religion’s, or corporation’s, or government’s] expense?”
“In the latter case, I’d call it murder.” Me, too, or at least it was attempted anticholinergic toxidrome murders, that I personally call attempted murders, by my ex-religion and criminal doctors … since I had no desire to die, when I was a young mom, hoping to properly raise my children.
Sadly, we are dealing with a repeating of the worst of history, a new psychiatric holocaust … seemingly for the worst religions, corporations, and governments on the planet.
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The link to the survey results has been deleted. Is that something that can be seen again?
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“Essentially, SAMHSA is invoking what we have called level 1 causality, cognizant that we do not know the precise pathophysiological processes that explain bipolar disorder or schizophrenia (level 2 causality).”
Well, us critical psychopharmacology researchers have pointed these out. Psychiatry’s antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the symptoms of “bipolar.” (read “Anatomy of an Epidemic”)
And we’ve also pointed out that the anticholinergic drugs (which includes the antidepressants and antipsychotics) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome. And the antipsychotics can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
“…it is logically circular to say that depression caused the person’s depressed mood, [but] it is not circular to say that depression caused the person to not attend an event.”
But in my case, I had to leave my ex-religion because a non-clinical psychologist chose to behave as an attempted thief, since he was apparently ignorant of psychiatry’s systemic iatrogenic illness creation crimes. But we did not stop attending church services of that religion because either my mother or I claim to be “depressed,” or “mentally ill” in any way.
“But this is precisely where the circularity charge falls apart. For if the depression itself can cause a person to ‘not attend an event,’ then, ipso facto, depression itself necessarily has causal efficacy; ie, it can itself act on individuals to produce clinical or behavioral effects.”
Not if a family leaves a religion – thus does “not attend an event,” like going to church – due to an attempted thieving (disingenuous conservatorship contract handing over), ignorant, psychiatric deluded non-medically trained, non-clinical psychologist is just trying to steal from us.
We left my ex-religion because of a DSM deluded attempted thief, not because of any claims of any “disability” on our part.
“Consequently, there is no reason in principle why depression could not also cause the person to sleep poorly, eat poorly, feel guilty or suicidal, or experience psychomotor slowing.”
I never had any complaints of sleeping or eating poorly (but I did lose weight, via regular moderate exercise, upon the recommendation of an orthopedic surgeon, due to a “bad fix” on a broken bone). Nor did I ever have of feelings of guilt or suicidality. And the only “experience psychomotor slowing” I ever personally dealt with, was “brain zaps.” Which is a common adverse effect of being abruptly taken off of an ineffective supposed (but not approved for that purpose) “safe smoking cessation med,” an actual dangerous antidepressant.
“And importantly: none of these facts requires us to have a complete or even a partial understanding of the pathophysiology or etiopathology of depression itself.”
I disagree. Etiology actually matters, especially when it comes to societal greed only inspired medical crimes.
“when James Parkinson described a well-defined constellation of signs and symptoms he called ‘the shaking palsy,’ he had in fact identified a disease state that caused the patient’s signs and symptoms—and what would later become known as Parkinson disease.”
Well, this might be true, if the psychiatric industry had been honest about the fact their neuroleptics can create dyskinesia, which looks like Parkinson disease to the doctors … but the psychiatrists haven’t been honest about this, to a large extent, until recently.
“It would be absurd, on that basis, to say that Parkinson disease did not exist—or was not the cause of parkinsonian symptoms—until its etiopathology was discovered in the 1950s and 60s.”
What exactly do you claim to be the known “etiopathology” (etiologic) cause of Parkinson’s disease, since this article, which seems to have been published in 2018, says “The cause of PD is not known ….”
“This fact flatly contradicts the position that only conditions with known and identified pathophysiology count as bona fide diseases.”
Your claimed “fact,” to my knowledge, is not a “fact.” And I know from personal family history that a grandmother had to be quickly taken off of an inappropriately given neuroleptic, because it caused Parkinson like, dyskinesia.
Thankfully, appropriately taking my grandmother off an inappropriately given neuroleptic worked, and my psychic (not “psychotic”) grandmother, never again dealt with “Parkinson” symptoms, and lived a healthy life, to the ripe old age of 94.
“Finally, to be clear: in asserting that some psychiatric diagnoses can legitimately be said to be causative of symptoms, we are not claiming that psychiatric disorders arise solely from constitutional-biological factors.”
Well, that’s wrong, since that’s exactly what the non-medically trained psychologists, and psychiatrists who deny the common adverse and withdrawal effects of the psych drugs, have been doing for decades.
“Of course, we all wish that psychiatry were at the point of invoking level 2 causality in our diagnoses,” but that, too, is also untrue. Since that’s not in the iatrogenic illness creating psychiatrist’s financial best interest.
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I think it is downright stupid, and evil, to force amphetamines on children. I pray for the day our society ends its forced drugging of children, with any of the psych drugs.
I know its profitable, but I think it is morally repugnant for grown adults to neurotoxic poison children.
Thanks for helping to point out the absurdity and insanity of today’s iatrogenic illness creating, DSM “BS” based, psychiatric system, Nick.
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Thank you for sharing your story, Cameron. If it matters, as a loving mother, I will say I think this is a rather evil thing for your adoptive parents to have said to you, “Your mother didn’t want you, so we took you.” Where’s the love?
Although, as one whose nemesis was an adoptive mother, who was allowed to adopt a child – after she and her husband were so negligent, that their first born toddler ran into a street, was hit by a truck, and died.
I will say, we do need to have potential adoptive parents better researched into, prior to letting them adopt a child … not that that means you should have killed your adoptive parents … but I’m quite certain those murders were likely due to the psychiatric neurotoxins.
And, of course, the psych drugging that you experienced was horrendous. I’m so sorry you, and all who’ve dealt with psychiatric iatrogenesis, have had to deal with that living hell.
Thank you for sharing your story, Cameron. And I’m glad you survived the horrendous psych drugging, and drug withdrawal, and are doing better now. God bless.
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Go Buckeyes! I’m glad the economists are researching and reporting on the fraud of big Pharma and psychiatry. Thank you.
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“Third, with our American-style capitalism (think neoliberalism),” MiA is big on standing against “neoliberalism.” I must say, I wasn’t quite certain exactly what “neoliberalism” is, so I looked it up.
My computer says it is, “a political movement that favors free market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.”
Well, in as much as I agree with the potential of free market capitalism and a reduction in government spending. I do believe a government’s only real job is to regulate large industries, to protect the people living within their society, from the potential criminality and greed of big industries.
And the US government seems to have done the opposite of its actual, and only legitimate job – which is to regulate industries to protect their people from the run amok greed only inspired industries.
And protecting the American citizens from the staggering greed of big Pharma, and the financial ponzi scheme of the globalist banking system, is what the US government has neglected to do, for a long time.
Instead, the US government seems to be totally controlled by the greed of the globalist banking ponzi scheme, and the avarice and scientific fraud of big Pharma.
So I’m having trouble in seeing the value of a government, that has done the opposite, due to its own greed, of its only real job … which is to regulate big business, so its citizens can be protected from the systemic crimes of big industries.
In our current society, “it is the individual that is seen as ‘ill’ and needs to be fixed. Society gets a free pass. This too is a barrier to good ‘mental health’ care, for it prevents us from thinking about what changes we might make to our society that would be more nurturing for us all.”
I agree, this is morally wrong. Sometimes we need to look at the seeming greed only inspired flaws of our government and our society.
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“The pervasive lies in psychiatry are just overwhelming,” yes they are. As a former marketing major I was taught false advertising is illegal. If we lived in a world where the rule of law was abided by, I think pretty much all big Pharma advertisers of psych drugs and psychiatrists spewing their “chemical imbalance” lies, and other lies, should be arrested for false advertising.
Although, in reality, any “medical professional” who prescribes the antidepressants and/or antipsychotics should probably be arrested for worse crimes against humanity, given how dangerous and deadly the psych drugs actually are … and since all doctors were all taught in med school about anticholinergic toxidrome.
Although oddly, but conveniently for the psychiatric industry, anticholinergic toxidrome is not even mentioned in their “invalid” DSM “bible.”
Thank you, as always, for speaking the truth, Dr. Peter.
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It’s interesting you speak so much about the importance of faith communities, but I agree, they can be important. However, since my experience with a not hired by me psychologist, was one of him handing over a take-a-percentage-of-gross thievery contract, combined with a conservatorship contract – which, of course will get the intelligent widows out of their church. Since who in their right mind would want to worship in a church, where there is a psychologist who wants to steal everything and more from you? Not me, nor my widowed mother.
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I agree, Birdsong. According to my medical records, my psychologist and psychiatrists were Holy Spirit blasphemers and God deniers.
But what’s good about that is this means the psychological and psychiatric industries have committed “the only unforgivable sin in the Holy Bible” … so maybe us independent psychopharmacology researchers will win some day? Let’s hope and pray.
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“Antidepressants examined in our review may have a very small positive effect in older people with knee OA. This benefit may be outweighed by their potential risks.”
And since those of us who were young adults that were given the SNRIs, under the lie that the SNRIs are “safe smoking cessation meds” know the potential “risks” of the SNRIs is having the common adverse withdrawal effects of the SNRIs misdiagnosed as “bipolar,” which results in an iatrogenic living hell.
I agree, the systemic denial of truthful psychological and psychiatric “reporting of associated adverse events further challenges the use of antidepressants in older adults.”
But I am grateful a few American psychologists are waking up to the satanic iatrogenic illness creation system of the big Pharma deluded psychiatric system, Peter. Thank you for your truthful reporting.
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Psychology and psychiatry have entered into faustian deals with both the paternalistic mainstream religions and our government. But I do believe God knows this, and those Pharmakia forcing industries will be judged fairly by God. Let’s hope and pray for the fair judgement by God, of all those within the Holy Spirit blaspheming, psychological and psychiatric industries.
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I don’t mean to say, it’s absurd that Jesus would try to protect me, I think it was absurd that a pastor and a social worker would proclaim me to be Him.
But since I do now have medical evidence He did seemingly protect me from 14 different anticholinergic toxidrome attempted murders of me, I will say, Jesus did seemingly protect me. And say, thank you, Jesus, for dying for my sins.
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” … when free spirit operates in you and becomes you, it can only work for your freedom.” I agree.
But I do have a question for those who dealt with Spiritual matters that were misdiagnosed as a “mental illness,” and most importantly any ethical doctors and/or “mental health professionals” who read this.
I have in my medical records evidence that a former pastor, “Don thought she is the second coming of Jesus.”
My medical records also state – I presume also from that ex-pastor – since it wasn’t from me, “voices of God talk through her to other people.”
But I also have evidence that a social worker, who I didn’t know, and she didn’t know me, who medically unnecessarily had me sent to a now FBI convicted doctor.
She claimed in my medical records that “a man, Jesus, spoke through her [me],” and Jesus supposedly warned that social worker, that she was participating in the attempted murder of me, which is technically what she did.
After I picked up my medical records, I called this unknown to me social worker, and asked her about this absurdity. She told me, “I declare so many people to be Jesus, I don’t even remember meeting you.”
So I’m wondering if any ethical doctors, pastors, “mental health professionals” or social workers that read this can tell me, is fraudulently declaring people to be Jesus medical / pastoral code for crucify this person?
Is that “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions?”
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“I believe that in our darkest moments or in our greatest highs we have an opening to find the courage to seek clarity within our hearts.” I agree.
“I wish for one principle to be accessible to all: A Never Give Up attitude that makes you available to the always possible mysterious miracle that hovers in all of our lives.”
Hope is imperative, I agree, but spewing lies about “lifelong, incurable, genetic mental illnesses,” caused by “chemical imbalances,” is the opposite of giving a person hope. Those lies destroy families.
Let’s all pray for that “mysterious miracle that hovers in all of our lives.” God bless you in your endeavors, and on your journey, Ron.
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Most of this blog came across as psychobabble to me, initially, until I went to the cited definitions of “direct interventions” / “suicide-focused” vs. “indirect interventions” / “other (indirect) psychotherapies on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.”
First of all, I will say the psychological and psychiatric industries are obsessed with suicide, from my experience. I wasn’t remotely suicidal when I went to my former psychologist, I just wanted to know the etiology of my antidepressant withdrawal induced brain zaps.
But the psychologists are not medically trained doctors, so they should never be recommended as a doctor, to someone who has a real life physical symptom of antidepressant withdrawal. But that was way back in 2001, and none of the psychiatrists or psychologists even knew antidepressant discontinuation syndrome caused brain zaps, until 2005.'Brain_shivers'_From_chat_room_to_clinic
Isn’t the ignorance based arrogance and hubris appalling?
Maybe we shouldn’t give any industries the right to play judge, jury, and executioner, to innocent others, for any ethical or unethical reasons they please? Maybe that’s the opposite of living in a just and law based society?
But I’m curious when you say, “Psychotherapy Reduces Suicide Attempts.” Is that compared to compassionate, actual care … or is psychotherapy only better than psychology’s partner, psychiatry’s “care,” which is one of forced chemical gang rapes, and neurotoxic poisonings?
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The psychological and psychiatric industries do like to neurotoxic poison people going through a spiritual experience. I’m not quite certain why they think that is legal in the US, since our country is supposed to have freedom of religion, thus neurotoxic poisoning people for questioning a dream about being moved by the Holy Spirit or merely for belief in God (both of which happened to me) should be illegal in the US.
Thank you for sharing your story, Ashley. I feel it’s really important for people to share the true evil of force drugging people, and you accomplished that task … it reminded me of the horror I was subjected to, by a now FBI convicted doctor and his psychiatric “snowing” partner-in-crime. (It is chemical gang rape.)
Glad you escaped, enjoy your beautiful children, they grow up fast … and raising one’s children is a true gift, a labor of love. But I do find it hypocritical that the psychological and psychiatric industries (supposed “care” givers) apparently think that trying to properly raise one’s own children, which involves actual care giving, equates to being “w/o work, content, and talent” and “irrelevant to reality,” at least according to my medical records.
Personally, I think it is the scientifically “invalid” psychological and psychiatric industries that are “w/o work, content, and talent” and “irrelevant to reality” … albeit they do have a systemic projection problem.
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I agree, we need to get rid of basically all of the greed only inspired, “Rockefeller medicine” / big Pharma iatrogenic illnesses creating medical system.
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Well, that is exactly what makes psychiatric drug withdrawal so confusing to most, including also the mainstream doctors … if they were NOT taught about anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning in med school … which they all were.
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Thank you so much, Tomasz, I’m so grateful for you sharing your story about healing from psychiatric harm. As a US psychopharmacology researcher, who stands adamantly against big Pharma’s, psychiatry’s, and psychology’s systemic abuse of American children, I’m very grateful for your truth telling.
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That seems like an insult, registerforthissite. Did I read your comment incorrectly? If I read your comment incorrectly, please clarify.
But please keeping in mind, I have a right to be appalled at psychology and psychiatry, since I actually did deal with criminal abuse of both psychology and psychiatry … and these are systemic crimes against many … not just me.
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Nor, too often, do they even “know what they do,” or so they say.
Albeit, we now all live in the internet age, so the truth is becoming clearer. And given the fact all MDs are taught in medical school about anticholinergic toxidrome.
None of the MDs, including the psychiatrists, have any moral right to say they were not educated in medical school “how to be dangerous,” with the antidepressants and antipsychotics (and other anticholinergic drugs).
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Indeed, the US needs to make pharmaceutical advertising illegal again.
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Thank you for sharing your healing journey, Christine. I agree with Birdsong, the unconscious self is wiser than the conscious self … and me, like you, and likely almost all humans … are all still working our way towards wisdom.
But this is all the more reason I agree, Christine, that “The individual [should have] agency and responsibility … [And this means that] before [the psychological and psychiatric industries] find fault in the individual, we need to look at what is a choice and what is simply how the mind functions.”
And sadly today, neither psychology nor psychiatry seems to have this wisdom, thus they should stop judging and misjudging innocent others … since the psychologists and psychiatrists aren’t God, thus they shouldn’t be trying to function as the judges of all of humanity.
… Just my humble opinion, as one who dealt with a lot of psychological and psychiatric malpractice, and other psychological and psychiatric crimes.
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Lol, No-one.
“Having the risk of developing PSSD as an outcome is a breach of research ethics, so using randomized controlled trials to study the condition is not possible.”
Does this mean you may not do testing on people with antidepressants for PSSD, since it is – of course – morally reprehensible to create PSSD with the antidepressants?
Or did I misunderstand this comment? … and the antidepressants have already been passed out like candy to everyone the mainstream doctors and psychiatrists can possibly get to take them …. so haven’t all those doctors who’ve already been pushing and forcing the antidepressants on people, for decades, already behaved in a morally reprehensible manner?
“When service users recognize PSSD and bring it to the attention of healthcare professionals, they are often treated poorly.” Based upon my experience, anyone who has ever dealt with any kind of malpractice, gets put on an antidepressant, then all the common adverse and withdrawal symptoms of the antidepressants get “… incorrectly attributed to some mental health issue.”
As to “prevention,” it’s not complex, but it’s also not profitable for the doctors … get the doctors to stop covering up their easily recognized iatrogenesis, with the complex iatrogenesis of the psychiatric drugs. And eventually make prescribing the antidepressants illegal.
But, of course that would take time, since everyone dealing with today’s psychiatric industries’ “complex iatrogenesis” would need to be properly weaned off the psychiatric neurotoxins, if they so desire. And, in as much as that’s what should happen, it’d be very hard for the psychiatric industry and mainstream medical industry, to even clean up the iatrogenic living nightmare they’ve created … albeit, due to their avarice.
Aren’t we all a bunch of psychopharmacology researcher geeks here, No-one?
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“The solution, of course, is to treat these actions as the crimes that they are. That means sending people to prison and holding individuals personally accountable (that includes physicians).”
I agree.
“Other crimes in our society are treated seriously.” Well, I don’t know that I agree with that.
“Why do medical crimes get a pass?” It’s the same reason the child abuse crimes of the religions, by way of their “partnership” with the “mental health” industries, get systemically covered up … for profit.
Thank you so much (sarcasm), paternalistic DSM deluded psychiatry and psychology, for “partnering” with the mainstream paternalistic religions, in a multi-billion dollar, systemic child abuse and easily recognized malpractice covering up DSM deluded “religion.” And forcing us all into a satanic “pedophile empire” – one you (and all other doctors) profiteer off of, psychological and psychiatric industries.
As one who seems to be, “that’s me in the spotlight, losing my religion.” The problem seems to me to be one of belief in the “invalid” DSM “bible” vs. the Holy Bible.
But that’s just my humble opinion. However, it is an opinion from one who has medical, legal, and written proof by others, and psychopharmacology research of my own, of my legitimate concerns.
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I agree, I was given one based upon the lie that it was a “safe smoking cessation med.” Wellbutrin is NOT even approved for smoking cessation.
Oh, but my PCP had a projection problem, and she was dangerously paranoid of a non-existent malpractice suit, because it turned out her husband was the “attending physician” at a “bad fix” on a broken ankle of mine. Gee, is that a motive to defame a person with an “invalid” DSM disorder and try to murder the person, via a whole lot of medically known toxidrome poisonings? Obviously it was.
And what’s really rather sad is my ex-PCP’s husband did end up killing at least one other person with some sort of an ankle problem. Maybe it’d be better for all, if the incompetent doctors got out of the medical business instead?
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