Thank you, Bruce, as always, for an insightful piece. I consider you to be one of the “others who can energize us to keep looking.”
But I hope you are wrong that “dismantling the megamachine any time soon is unrealistic.”
Since I see us all now living in a critical time … the ponzi scheme of the monetary systems of Western civilization are imploding, the entire “mental health” industry is based upon scientific fraud, the medical system as a whole has lost credibility, the legal and judicial systems are convoluted and unjust, we’re on the edge of WWIII, ….
“When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am”
Gee, let’s just admit, Western civilization has bad systems … and actively work to change those bad systems (of course that will take those working within those bad systems, cleaning up the mess that their industry’s collective greed, created) … instead of letting the oligarchy that shouldn’t be (at least lawfully, I think, in the US) continue to dehumanize all of us.
I know I can’t do it alone, but I do believe all of us decent folks, can improve society together. Let’s hope and pray, God helps us do so, in a timely manner. Since I don’t want to hand over to my children, the societal mess that I was handed over, by the elder generations of Western civilization. Nor do I want WWIII.
But, of course, I was declared “mentally ill” / insane, for questioning those who were behind 9.11.2001. Resulting in all distress caused by 9.11.2001 being blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone, by an insane non-medically trained psychologist … rather than the chaos and distress caused by the distressing events of 9.11.2001 being blamed on the real masterminds behind 9.11.2001.
Gosh, my dad used to be Donald Rumsfeld’s campaign finance manager. What did Rumsfeld admit to the day before 9.11.2001? … Oh, we’re back to the monetary system is a fraud based Ponzi scheme societal problem.
Thank you for sharing your story, Cat. And, yes, psychiatry / psychology are largely child abuse covering up industries, and it’s all by DSM design. I was neurotoxic poisoned, to cover up the abuse of my child, according to my family’s medical records, that were finally handed over.
If they can’t bill for it, it gets misdiagnosed as one of the disorders they can get paid for. Then they neurotoxic poison you … which does also function to aid and abet the abusers, and has left those of us in the US all living in a “pedophile empire.”
I think you mean, there’s nothing “lawful” about this. The systemic crimes of the maritime lawyers (America is supposed to have common law – the law of the land) are downright convoluted.
This guy does a good job of breaking the complexity of it down in his “foundational knowledge” section. Although, I’ll forewarn you, you may need to listen to it several times, to wrap your head around how staggeringly convoluted the maritime legal system is.
Thank you for pointing out these horrendous legal crimes, Jaimee. I was handed over one of those contracts, combined with a take a percentage of gross thievery contract, all disingenuously disguised as an “art manager” contract, by a creepy psychologist.
Wow! It was a truly appalling contract! What a sick, control freak nut job that psychologist was! No way, Jose! Get away, and stay away, crazy, criminal computer hacking, and attempted thieving, psychologist!
It strikes me as odd that the psychologists are doing research on how to best “help” child abuse survivors, yet the psychologists can NOT even bill to “help” child abuse survivors.
And all the psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers – with whom I had the misfortune of dealing – were child abuse deniers and cover uppers.
And once the medical evidence of the abuse of my child was finally handed over, and I could no longer live in denial. I asked my psychiatrist how to best help a child abuse survivor. He thought a child, who had been healing from the abuse for four years, should be neurotoxic poisoned. That was my second to last appointment with my highly deluded psychiatrist.
Maybe we should have someone – other than the very industries that have been misdiagnosing and neurotoxic poisoning, en mass, innocent child abuse survivors and their mothers, for decades – helping child abuse survivors instead?
“the prevalence of childhood trauma exposure within borderline personality disorder patients has been evidenced to be as high as 92% (Yen et al., 2002). Within individuals diagnosed with psychotic or affective disorders, it reaches 82% (Larsson et al., 2012).”
Not in my humble opinion, but they do create the symptoms of “bipolar,” (even when one was fraudulently given a SNRI, under the false claim, it is a “safe smoking cessation med.”) But such a “bipolar” misdiagnosis does result in one being inappropriately put on the “antipsychotics.”
But since the psychological and psychiatric industries have been arrogantly lying and denying knowledge of the adverse and common withdrawal symptoms of the psych neurotoxins, for decades. For example (wow! the censorship is staggering, this is seemingly now the best link I can give):
And the, mostly non-medically trained, scientific fraud based, DSM deluded, “mental health” industries are still denying the reality that the antidepressants / antipsychotics / neuroleptics / anticholinergic drugs can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia, via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder”:
I truly believe we have a societal problem, in regards to the entirety, of the so called “mental health industries.” Who apparently can’t comprehend, that those who’ve been unjustly given the power to FUBAR innocent others, for profit, will also likely be judged fairly by God, like all others.
“Student mental health has historically been a big concern on college campuses.” No, us older adults know that psych drugging children used to be taboo, and should still be, so this is a relatively new psychiatry/psychology/”mental health” industry caused problem … given the iatrogenic etiology of all the psychiatric DSM disorders. (See my prior comments on this website, if you want medical links to the proof.)
And, realistically, our society needs to deal with our real societal problems, like the Ponzi scheme of our Federal Reserve monetary system, which is unconstitutional, thus illegal. And is destroying American society, thus legitimately upsetting both us elders, and the younger generations of America.
But, of course, it is this fraud based monetary system that has been funding the fraud based “mental health” industries, to massively and inappropriately mass neurotoxic poison American children, for decades.
As an older woman, I’ve found that when asked unnecessarily by some random doctor in a hospital, “Are you depressed,” for no reason (aside from medical / psychiatric averice). I was at the hospital because of a pulled muscle above my heart, which had to do with regular moderate exercise, but nothing to do with “depression.”
It’s best to tell that random hospital doctor, “No,” and then say, “and I’m allergic to the anticholinergic drugs.” This does have a tendency to embarrass the unnecessarily intrusive – and off point – doctor, and cause him to just leave you alone.
According to my medical records, some doctors do intentionally utilize psychiatric iatrogenesis, to cover up their partner’s easily recognized iatrogenesis.
And a similar thing happened to a loved one, so covering up medical errors with psychiatric iatrogenesis is not likely uncommon.
And let’s be realistic, all doctors are taught in med school about anticholinergic toxidrome … so they all know the antidepressants and antipsychotics, which are both anticholinergic drugs, are dangerous neurotoxins.
Good for you, for keeping the faith. And you are so right, we need to end the systemic destruction of our children, via the vast number of ways, that are going on in today’s society … not a pretty story.
You might like a Chagall inspired piece I did, or am trying to finish up. I painted myself and my children, escaping the insanity of the DSM deluded industries, in a chariot pulled by Jesus on a white horse. Chagall’s piece it was inspired by, was called “War.”
Gotta love Chagall, his work paints my life, as if I were one of his muses. But, of course he and I would be great friends, if there is a “collective unconscious.”
Permission granted, Google finally figured out who I am, and took my right to use that pseudonym away on YouTube. Gosh, does a lady who found the medical proof of the iatrogenic etiologies of the “sacred symbol of psychiatry” / the “cash cow” of big Pharma/psychiatry, deserve to have a right to use a pseudonym? One would think so … for safety reasons … but not according to the God complexed Google.
Well, I don’t know much about my dreams, but the internet of my dreams supposedly started when I was very young, and my family moved from Chicago to NY. I was sad to have to move away from my friends, so I supposedly created Annie, Eric, and Lisa websites in my dreams, so that I could stay friends with my IL friends in my dreams.
I started kindergarten in NY, and just started adding more websites in my dreams … each friend having their own website.
My family moved to OH when I was in junior high, and our church had a mission statement to “go get everyone with love and the word of God.” My subconscious self decided to accept this challenge. I kept adding more websites of new friends, I supposedly befriended the actors via the TV, and the musicians via the radio.
I also supposedly adopted a bunch of nicknames for myself, like Someone Else, Something Else, No One Else, etc. and Everyone Else … since getting everyone else was the goal in my dreams. I also had other websites, like a P.I.G. (standing for pretty, intelligent girl) website, where a lot of the male chauvinist pigs got put.
The internet of my dreams is basically a way to classify all those I’d met, or supposedly befriended, in my life and dreams. My subconscious self supposedly became somewhat of a “Dream Weaver.”
It’s a long and interesting story that goes on, and I can tell it largely in the lyrics of music, as if “he’s killing me softly with his song, singing my life with his words.” It’s largely a love story, except the psychology/psychiatry crap … “all dreams are psychosis” ??? No, all dream, and that’s normal … even for us “beautiful dreamers.”
Hopefully that’s enough for you to get the gist of how the internet of my dreams works … “the rest is still unwritten.”
But like many around me, I am “living the dream” (and formerly was living the nightmare of psychology/psychiatry).
But mine is a dream about how we are all going to save ourselves from the societal mess, in which we find ourselves. So it is a hope and love filled dream. Keep the faith, pray to God.
Interesting, and thought provoking blog, Alex. Thank you, I may go pull out that old Foucault book on my bookshelf, that I likely read long ago for some philosophy or religion class.
But wow, No One, there is so much more research for me, and no doubt all of us, to do. Thank goodness for the real internet, although we must hope and pray these days, that the truth is not erased from it.
It is bizarre that my dreams are set up like the internet, with lots of websites. But isn’t it even more bizarre that two of my supposed nicknames – within the internet of my dreams – are a ‘No One,’ and a ‘No One Else,’ websites? It’s good to be a perpetual learner and researcher … in one’s waking hours … and when one is dreaming “the impossible dream.”
We likely are good friends within our dreams, No One.
“Therapy” fails white women in the US, too. “Psychiatry has a long history of oppressing women and minorities.” But that is exactly why I’ve been trying to educate minority children to learn to use the creative side of their brains, as well as trying to educate black adults about the truth of psychiatry … much to the dismay of a paternalistic, likely computer hacking, white psychologist’s wishes.
Beatrice, Inner Fire sounds wonderful, I’m so glad you are forming an LLC and starting to educate ‘psychiatrists and other prescribing practitioners’ about your healing process, and how to wean people off the psych neurotoxins.
I completely agree, anger is a justifiable emotion involved in psychiatric drug withdrawal, since we were systemically lied to by doctors, who’d promised to ‘first and foremost, do no harm’ – but did nothing, except defame and harm.
I agree, art is a wonderfully healing activity – albeit my artwork is “too truthful” for those “mental health” workers who want to “maintain the status quo.” I also found biking and gardening in nature, to be very helpful during my healing journey.
Dancing, too, was helpful when I was dealing with my drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis – since one’s gotta get that extra energy (‘Godspeed,’ as it felt to me) out, somehow … How insane it is for the psychiatrists to believe locking up a person who is manic in a windowless room, denying them water, and “snowing” them, is the best way to deal with a drug withdrawal induced mania. That’s the opposite of what’s helpful.
And getting one’s legitimate anger, at the betrayal, out is also helped by journaling and sharing our healing journeys here on MiA. Please forgive my legitimate anger over the past years, MiA, but thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
God bless in your endeavors, Beatrice, and I’d love to check Inner Fire out sometime. Do you ever look for like minded artists, with psych drug withdrawal experience, to help in your program? Perhaps having a visiting artist program might be an idea, given the high percentage of people, who are artists, that share their stories here on MiA?
“we identified several concerning examples of causal language being paired with biologically reductionist statements that are unsupported by scientific evidence. For example, ‘[Depression] is a chemical imbalance in your brain that needs to be treated’ (Johns Hopkins University), or, ‘It is believed that chemical changes in the brain are responsible’ (MedlinePlus). It is worrying that such unsupported statements are presented as objective fact by medical authorities.”
I agree, the systemic psychologic / psychiatric “chemical imbalance” LIE is problematic.
“to reimagine psychological science as a justice-making endeavor,” the psychologic industry would both need to stop functioning as a funnel into the scientific fraud based psychiatric industry … as well as end their “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” faustian systemic child abuse and rape covering up deal with the mainstream religions.
Thank you for speaking out against pilots taking the dangerous antidepressants, Gretchen, Kim, David, Charles, and MiA. The antidepressants make you stupid, or can make one crazy, “psychotic,” etc., when on them.
And they can create decades long bizarre adverse withdrawal effects, when taken off them.
For those, within the so called “mental health professions,” and mainstream medicine, who still don’t know … “brain zaps,” caused by improper discontinuation of a fraudulently claimed “safe smoking cessation med,” can cause decades of “brain zaps.” And none of the psych neurotoxins cure “brain zaps.”
Please wake up, scientific fraud based DSM “bible” billers.
The psych drugging of children is deplorable, and needs to end. But the pediatricians, at least some when confronted with the truth about the psych drugs, don’t want to stop psych drugging the children, “because it’s too profitable.”
This is the first time I’ve ever read the word mishiguene. It’s a hard word to look up online, to find a pronunciation.
Once I heard it pronounced properly, I knew the word … and had rather fond memories of the word. My Jewish childhood friends’ parents must have jokingly called all of us wild children running through the woods mishiguene, when I was growing up … not surprising.
Glad you escaped the insanity of today’s “mental health” system, Alan. And thank you for sharing your story.
And the so called “bipolar” treatments can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
Glad you escaped the insanity of today’s psychiatric “system,” Krista. And I will say, upon my second reading of Bruce’s blog, he really did nail the nefarious nature of the DSM “bible” billing “system.”
And I will say, when trying to help a loved one who was very “psychotic,” I did run into a young hospital psychiatrist – who actually confessed that he too, was a critical psychiatrist. I personally found the trick to getting respect from doctors, to be pointing out the medically known issue of anticholinergic toxidrome.
Since both the antidepressants and antipsychotics are anticholinergic drugs … medically known to create “psychosis.” And all doctors are taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school.
So keep the faith, maintain your hope, since I think more of the younger psychiatrists are wising up … if nothing else, out of being confronted with the medical reality of the iatrogenic harm, mainstream psychiatry as a whole, is systemically committing.
Thank you, Leigh, for sharing Mel’s story. I think it’s really important to hear the background stories of those stigmatized / defamed and neurotoxic poisoned by psychiatry and mainstream medicine … especially given the magnitude of defamation of all those claimed to be “mentally ill” in the mainstream media, and by the psychologic and psychiatric industries – those industries which systemically defame their clients with “invalid” DSM disorders, instead of confessing that their drugs themselves, can cause violence and suicides. Pardon my continuing appall.
Nonetheless, your daughter sounds like she was a wonderful young lady, I’m so sorry she had the misfortune of getting caught in the psychological/psychiatric/mainstream medicine’s web of neurotoxic poisoning and blasphemy of patients. But it is hard to escape “the system” … so I empathize with your beloved daughter.
And from one loving mother to another, my condolences to you on the loss of your beloved and wonderful daughter. Oh, by the way, you too, could be defamed and neurotoxic poisoned by the psychological and psychiatric industries, for grieving too long
… so I’d stay away from the DSM “bible” billers. How absurd and insane it is for some people in society to believe it is their “job” to nose themselves into innocent others’ lives, and defame and drug them, for the human right of grieving a loved one?
The DSM is “invalid,” and in ways, downright absurd and insane. Thus, it’s way past time to stop using that “bible” of blasphemies. Again, please pardon my disgust at the DSM “bible” biller’s procrastination on the inevitable … “the truth shall make you free.” Wake up. Come to grips with the reality that your billing code “bible” is bogus, except that the psych drugs can create the symptoms of your “invalid” DSM disorders.
But blessings to you on your healing journey, Leigh. And forgive my well deserved harsh, albeit scientifically well backed (see my prior comment links), constructive criticism of the “mental health” industries.
Thank you for this, Ann, and thank you for the links. Thankfully, I’m not trying to wean anyone off the opioids. But my mom has been in a lot of pain lately (due largely to advanced age), so I gave her some recommended alternatives, which she’s not currently trying. Who knows? Maybe mixing things up a little will help?
I do agree with you, “Just like I think psychiatrists should know how to help their patients taper. I still believe that, and with so much research available, it shouldn’t be up to patients to find their own path out of pain and drug use.”
Given the fact that ACEs are the number one actual cause of most psychological distress, and the psychologic and psychiatric industries want to “treat” all distressed people. Perhaps it’s past time for those industries to be able to honestly bill for “helping” child abuse survivors? Right now, they can’t.
But this would mean that the psychologic and psychiatric industries would need to stop denying and covering up child abuse, especially for their pastor “partners.” It’s past time to end “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions.” Since, of course, profiteering off of covering up child abuse is actually illegal.
Thank you for sharing your story, Carmen. It’s a really important reality which needs public awareness, especially given the huge number of children who are being force drugged with the psych drugs. Thank you.
“One study found that symptoms persisted after children were reunited with their families. Some children who were reunited with their parents exhibited behaviors such as crying, loss of appetite, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, and recurring feelings of fear.”
As a mother whose psychological medical records state that my former psychologist wanted to steal my children from me, on like my second appointment with her. This ‘Don’t remove … kids from their families” message needs to be conveyed to the entirety of the “mental health” industries … and it shouldn’t be a message only about immigrant children.
But my former psychologist’s entire goal was actually covering up child abuse for her pastor, I eventually learned, from all my family’s medical records. And this is a systemic problem known as “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” according to ethical pastors of another religion.
I, and my entire family, had to leave our ex-religion due to this systemic faustian deal / “partnership” between the pastors and psychologists. One may not speak out again any kind of child abuse in the ELCA churches today, without being attacked by a child abuse covering up psychologist.
How shocking, loving mothers speak out against the abuse of children, including the psychological and psychiatric industries’ systemic abuse of millions of children.
“It’s troubling that the potential link between antidepressants and violence continues to be ignored by many psychiatrists,” and others, like law enforcement.
I was attending a church in a community which had a very high, high school suicide rate. And these suicides were violent suicides, like jumping in front of trains and lighting oneself on fire. There were something like 8 violent high school suicides during the time my children were in middle and high school. I later spoke with a police officer about the issue, and he pretended he knew nothing about the problem.
I knew those violent suicides were a result of so many children being put on the psych drugs, from personal experience, and as a psychopharmacological researcher. The whole situation was heartbreaking, for the children, and for us legitimately concerned mothers.
I agree, “Patients deserve full transparency about the side effects of their treatments,” instead of denial, which is the norm now. Thank you, as always, for speaking the truth, Dr. Gøtzsche.
It is really difficult to deal with the mainstream medical community, who seems to be totally in bed with psychiatry’s iatrogenesis for profit, and nefarious reasons (at least in my case, and seemingly systemically) … once one’s already dealt with psychiatric iatrogenesis.
What’s so difficult about garnering insight into the “causative relationships between medications and outcomes,” when you were likely taught about what drug classes cause anticholinergic toxidrome (and its insideous symptoms) in med school?
Thank you, as always, Bruce, for your insightful articles. Please stop neurotoxic poisoning the children, et al, doctors.
“SAMHSA officials said they saw the increase as a positive development, citing efforts to normalize and destigmatize seeking out mental health treatment.”
How incredibly sad, SAMSA has sunk so low. Given the fact their DSM “bible” was debunked by the former head of the NIMH and the primary editor of the DSM-VI, in 2013 and 2010.
Thank you for sharing your story of protracted drug withdrawal, Tomasz. Mine was quite similar, although in one way, sort of the opposite odd issue. I haven’t even been able to read through my journals from back then, because it was so tough to read for me – one of these days I’ll try again. God bless, and thank you for working to help get others off of psychiatry’s neurotoxins.
They didn’t “promise us a rose garden,” but they did promise to “first and foremost do no harm” … yet psychiatry did the opposite. It’s shameful.
“He basically argues that we unconsciously normalize childhood experiences of mistreatment, neglect, disappointment, and invalidation because we have to adapt to the limitations of parents and caregivers inasmuch as that’s all we know.”
Not to mention, the DSM deluded psy industries can NOT even bill to help child abuse survivors.
… so Freud was part of a systemic, and continuing, paternalistic system of covering up child abuse, thus they are people who perpetuate generational family disfunction.
“… that’s all we know,” so what makes you “professionals”? Certainly, I know the psy “professions” are now claiming ignorance of the common adverse and withdrawal effect of the drugs they force on innocent others.
Finally admitting that the antidepressants are dangerous for young women of child bearing age … Combined with the knowledge of the common symptoms of ‘antidepressant discontinuation syndrome’ (withdrawal) … This really does call for a rethinking of the bad, but relatively new habit, based upon their avarice (according to one pediatrician I spoke with, “it’s too profitable to stop psych drugging the children”) … Of the medical community in their continuing to psych drug, for profit, little children and young adults.
Thank you for helping to point out that this greed (and other nefarious reasons) inspired psych drugging of our children, by our medical community, is both immoral and unwise, Peter.
Thank you, Micah, lots of insightful information you point out about the … “lack of insight” by today’s seeming “witch hunters” and Pharmkia forcing DSM deluded “mental health” workers of today.
So much of your drug withdrawal experience resonates with mine – “All was connected. Synchronicities were off the charts.” A cover up of child abuse. Sadly, we do have a huge societal problem with many children being abused and trafficked – all sorts of horrible stuff. And the psy industries can not even bill to help child abuse survivors, according to the DSM. Thank you for sharing your story, Nicola, and I’m glad you’re finally happy to be alive.
Both can be created with the antidepressants and antipsychotics, and other psych drugs. We here at MiA have destroyed the “sacred symbol” of psychiatry, medically, at least.
But since too many American psychologists want to “maintain the status quo,” largely since they’re not actually medically trained doctors, nor psychopharmacology researchers.
But this means, the psychologists should never be psychologically misdiagnosing anyone with anything considered to be claimed to be a “life long incurable [DSM] disorder.” The psychologists need to stop functioning as a funnel into the psychiatric iatrogenic illness creators.
“Hyperbolic tapering, including stabilisation on the dose if symptoms occur” does seem to be the internet censuses approach to withdrawal from the psych drugs.
My psychiatrist weaned me off his neurotoxins over three years, after he stopped listening to the lies of my former psychologist, and blamed her for the misdiagnosis of “brain zaps” as “bipolar.” But none of the doctors apparently even knew that withdrawal from the “safe smoking cessation meds” could cause “brain zaps” until 2005.
But what is “professional” about claiming one is ignorant of the systemic sins of one’s industry? And what is ethical about all doctors claiming to be ignorant about anticholinergic toxidrome, when they were all taught about it in med school?
I’m not surprised, it’s not too far from my experience either. One of my former doctors was actually arrested and convicted by the FBI in 2016. He was having lots of well insured people medically unnecessarily shipped long distances to himself, admitting them with – according to my medical records – a non-existent “chronic airway obstruction.”
Then he had his psychiatric partner “snow” the patients, so they could profiteer off of doing unneeded tracheotomies on people for profit … thankfully I avoided the unneeded tracheotomy. But that psycho psychiatrist illegally harassed me for years, by fraudulently claiming I was her “out-patient,” according to health insurance companies, and harassing phone calls from her lackeys, even after I’d moved out of state.
But I agree, most lawyers are neglecting to do their jobs … when it comes to the suing the psychiatrists. I couldn’t find a lawyer either.
“They also found that, across diagnoses, women were more likely to improve in the placebo group than men. This was true even after accounting for gender differences in diagnosis (since more women were found in the depression and anxiety groups). They were unable to explain this finding.”
It could be due to the fact that women tend to be targeted more than men by the paternalistic psychiatric and psychological industries. Plus, since the psy industries tend to target woman and men that were survivors of abuse or trauma. Whereas, they tend to target men who they consider “dangerous,” which a state of “psychosis” appears to be. It’s likely targeting women, in my case, for merely knowing innately that the wrong people were in charge, just after 9/11/2001, is unwise? Thankfully, I’m no longer the only one who sees this.
I initially had trouble too, Marie. I had to change my password, but since I’ve had to change all my passwords recently – due to one or more people hacking into my phone and computer – I’d forgotten it. So I had some trouble initially, but eventually I got in.
The magnitude of the never ending psychiatric / big Pharma propaganda really is shameful. Add one more to your list of people who was harmed by an antidepressant / non-“safe smoking cessation med.”
“Reframing PDP as a unique condition is a typical example of condition branding.” Yes, and despite such being typical for big Pharma and psychiatry, it is shameful they’re both still behaving in this manner … but too many have yet to be arrested for their systemic crimes, so of course the systemic corporate and industry crimes continue.
“Other drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease have also been associated with psychosis, such as dopamine agonists and anticholinergics.” Yes, the anticholinergics (including both the antidepressants and antipsychotics) can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
Not to mention the anticholinergic drugs can also create akathisia and dyskinesia (a movement disorder – which looks like Parkinson’s to doctors).
I know because I’m reasonably aware of my grandmother’s medical history. She was, according to my family, “psychic,” and briefly mistreated with Stelazine about 60-70 years ago. And then she was quickly taken off that neurotoxic poison because she’d supposedly developed “Parkinson” symptoms (which was likely dyskinesia).
And there’s a really big difference between being “psychic” and “psychotic.”
It’s sad today’s “mental health professionals” are defaming people’s dead grandmothers, who they’ve never met, merely to rationalize their beliefs in their “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings of innocent humans.
But I do know that was “unethical” defamation of my beloved grandmother, that all my “mental health professionals” did. Not to mention even a subsequent “mental health” doctoral thesis interviewer, who defamed my beloved grandmother, in her doctoral thesis paper.
Please give up your beliefs in your “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, “mental health professionals.” And take the time to learn about the common adverse and withdrawal symptoms of the psych neurotoxins … those who call yourselves “mental health professionals.”
Oh, all distress caused by the world wide distressing event of 9.11.2001, was blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone … when I was picking up my and my family’s medical records in 2005, including from my child abuse covering up psychologist, and according to my innocent child’s medical records.
The current “mental health system” does the opposite of actually “helping” people, too often, sadly.
Do you get money from the TAC? And “you do not speak for everybody” either. But I totally agree, “Certainly, your case and others like it deserve to be rectified.” Yet they haven’t been yet.
I recently helped a loved one heal from a bad heart drug cocktail being abruptly – but appropriately – withdrawn, albeit without an appropriate alternative heart med being introduced, plus also likely “alcohol encephalitis.”
My loved one was stabilized, and has been doing fairly well, since last fall, by being given a low dose of lithium, and largely … but not completely … getting off the alcohol. He’s now off the lithium, albeit I don’t know for certain if we’re out of the weeds yet.
I know, from my beloved grandmother’s and my personal experience, that my family does not react well to the anticholinergic drugs, which seem to be the “gold standard treatment” for all “psychotic” people, in the ER’s.
But if a low dose of lithium can be used to stabilize the most “psychotic” person I’ve personally ever seen, and I think the ambulance driver had ever seen (albeit, my loved one wasn’t violent).
Maybe the psych “professionals,” and ER doctors, should start to calm down the non-“dangerous” “psychotic” people, with something milder and more natural than the antipsychotics and other anticholinergic drugs? Since the anticholinergic drugs (which includes the antidepressants and antipsychotics) are known to actually create “hallucinations” and “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome?
As one who ran art and S.T.E.A.M programs to help educate middle class and underprivileged students. I agree, the psych neurotoxic poisoning of the American children, is child abuse. Good luck in your run for Congress.
Thank you as always, Dr. Peter, for speaking the truth. American propaganda is out of control, too.
“Tea said she wanted to interview me, but I shall decline. It can only go wrong.” I hope you will rethink this, because if you give Tea some information to research into first, and say you’ll allow her to interview you, after she properly educates herself with the “alternative,” albeit, truthful view. It may go better than you think?
“But journalists? They must be among those with the lowest intelligence of all trades.” Well, I personally think that’s likely the psychologic industry – since I think they used to be the only industry that could get into grad school, without taking the GRE, albeit maybe I’m wrong about that, and that no longer seems to be the case.
Nonetheless, one journalist is somewhat my hero of mine, since he’s the one who pointed out the actual iatrogenic etiology of my “bipolar” misdiagnosis. But he seems to be modest enough to have people, rightfully, and even he is now pointing out systemic failures, within both the medical pharmaceutical industries and big media.
And, as a former economics and marketing major, I will say, both those industries are corrupted also. Just check out my favorite economics professor’s pointing out of the fraud of Keynesian microeconomic theory in his book:
My condolences to you on your loss, Carly, and thank you for sharing Joey’s story and videos. I completely agree, “There needs to be more informed consent with these medications.”
Especially since the psychiatric and psychologic industries have been blatantly lying to us for decades, and now are claiming innocence, via ignorance. Do tell … why should people now claiming innocence due to their ignorance, be able to call themselves “professionals”?
I love the last picture of Joey, it really emanates his charm. But it brings a tear to my eye, when I read about psychiatry’s and psychology’s recent murders.
Please stop neurotoxic poisoning children, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mainstream doctors … including the pediatricians, who can’t stop neurotoxic poisoning the children … “because it’s too profitable.”
“the authors emphasize the need for evidence-based trauma therapies and interventions that are widely accessible so as to not exclude the most vulnerable populations that may need treatment the most.”
For goodness sake, today’s DSM “bible” billing “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to help child abuse survivors today. Why don’t the “mental health professionals” start by allowing themselves to actually honestly bill to help child abuse survivors first?
Or better yet, since what is actually helpful for a child abuse survivor to heal, is getting him/her away from the abusers, treating an abuse survivor with love, mutual respect … and justice – none of which the “mental health” industries seem capable of doing. Quite to the contrary, today’s “mental health professions” are basically a multi-billion dollar – primarily child abuse covering up – group of industries.
… But a child abuse survivor can heal, and go from remedial reading in first grade (after the abuse), to getting 100% on his state standardized tests in eighth grade, to graduating from university Phi Beta Kappa, in addition to winning multiple psychologic university and civic awards since then.
So it’s very important that the “mental health industries” end their systemic “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions'” faustian “partnership” with the mainstream religions. And get out of the child abuse covering up business, for those paternalistic religions.
And please stop incorrectly assuming all child abuse survivors – and their legitimately concerned mothers – need “mental health treatment,” or are stupid, or “fictional” – scientifically “invalid” DSM “bible” billers and neurotoxic poisoners.
I agree, Robert Whitaker did an excellent job of pointing out that the antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the “bipolar” symptoms, in ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic.’ We donate to MiA almost every year, in thanks for Robert’s research findings, and his honest reporting.
But I’ll repeat, once again, my research findings … which are relevant, Neil, to your concerns of “schizo” diagnoses, and “psychosis,” in general.
The antipsychotics / neuroleptics (as well as the antidepressants, since they’re also an anticholinergic drug) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia” (including “psychosis”), via anticholinergic toxidrome.
“Portraying mental illness in exclusively genetic terms may perpetuate stigma, encourage discrimination, and harm the mental health of people living with psychiatric diagnoses.” Especially since such claims are a blatant lie, and doctors really shouldn’t be blatantly lying to their clients, or their clients’ families.
I think the Covid measures / gas lighting have made all American children, child abuse survivors now (wearing a mask in school for years, for example).
And since some “mental health professionals” have been systemically betraying child abuse survivors, and their families, for over a century.
And because the DSM deluded “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to honestly help child abuse survivors, according to their own “invalid” DSM “bible.”
I’m quite certain there is a need for someone – other than the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals” – to help our society’s child abuse survivors.
As the mother of a child abuse survivor – who did heal and graduate from university Phi Beta Kappa, because I got my child quickly away from a child molester, and I eventually [on 6.6.06] closed down a “school for gifted children,” that had a pedophile on their school board. And I was also able to keep my child away from those who wanted to profiteer off of covering up child abuse (a “social worker” who wanted to drug my child, based upon her lies, because my child got 100% on his state standardized tests in 8th grade, and since the public school was “not equipped to deal with the smartest children,” as was eventually confessed to by my child’s school principal).
I’m quite certain love is the answer … not a scientific fraud based, for profit only, scientifically “invalid” “mental health industry.” And child abuse does NOT cause the “invalid” DSM disorders, which does seem to be the direction the, likely justifiably embarrassed,” DSM deluded “mental health” researchers are going.
My wonderful son recently won another award, as a “mover and shaker” in his neighborhood. Neurotoxic poisoning all intelligent child abuse survivors is NOT the answer, as systemic, child abuse covering up, “mental health professionals” all told me.
“The children are our future,” is the truth, and love … not greed … is the cure.
All people, of all countries … including all Americans … need to stand against “mainstream psychology,” and their scientific fraud based “psychiatric,” DSM “bible” masters.
My condolences to the indigenous people of America, for the horrendous and systemic crimes committed against them, by America’s scientific fraud based, so called, “mental health professionals.”
“I feel grief about, and want to acknowledge, the patients I may have unintentionally harmed while practicing unconsciously.”
There are so few psychiatrists who will apologize for the harm the DSM deluded psychiatric and psychologic industries are systemically doing. Thank you for apologizing.
And I agree, Jung’s theology is likely closest to the truth. I’ve got my own, wounded researcher and truth sharer, story … and it is about equating my conscious and unconscious selves. Ironically, brought about by being slowly weaned off the psych drugs, by my former psychiatrist.
Thank God, for the psychiatrists who are actually slowly, and with respect for their patients’ opinions, weaning people off the psych drugs.
Thank you for sharing your and your wife’s experience, Sam. You do know how to make a lady cry. If ever you and your wife decide you want to meet in person, the offer’s still open, please do let me know.
Amy, that was a beautiful interview and book review, you were so empathic and understanding. God bless, to Deborah Kasdan and her family … and I will say, it’s sad how much our paternalistically set up systems want to destroy the strong “big sis’s” of our society.
Thank you for all you’re dong, Christine. Please tell us how we may help you. Most definitely, ending the forced and coerced psych drugging of children, and innocent adults, is imperative.
For goodness sakes, my former religion’s pedestrians and psychologists, et al (like the owners of the ELCA hospitals, which is the ELCA religion) think such crimes against children are “too profitable” to end.
Especially, given the reality that psychiatry has yet to confess that their ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the ‘bipolar’ symptoms … resulting in an iatrogenic “bipolar epidemic,” in America.
And the psychiatric, and their psychological industry “partners,” have largely, collectively yet to confess to the scientific fraud of their DSM “bible” billing system. Albeit, thank you to those within those industries, who are speaking the truth!
But it also needs to be confessed that their “antipsychotics” can create both the positive and negative symptoms of, so called ‘schizophrenia,’ via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.
– So, the “ADHD,” “depression,” “bipolar,” and “schizophrenia” “disorders,” are all “curable” “disorders” … if you can safely get off the psych neurotoxins – which is NOT necessarily easy.
But, as I painted in 2005, we are living in an upside down and backwards America. Let’s hope and pray we may bring about a better world for all … some day, and soon.
Thus, I do so hope, the “Feb. 1 proposed legislation to temporarily exclude individuals with a sole underlying medical condition of mental illness until 2027” is enacted.
But, as one who was misdiagnosed with three so called “mental illnesses,” within three days, by three different – greed and malevolent child abuse and easily recognized iatrogenic illness profiteering inspired doctors. I know excluding all individuals with any, and a myriad of so called “mental illnesses, is unwise.
So let’s hope and pray the Feb 1 “proposed legislation” prevents Canadian doctors from mass murdering the innocent people that psychiatry, psychology, and mainstream doctors have been fraudulently defaming with the “invalid” DSM “disorders,” for nefarious reasons, and for decades.
“aside from your censor adults beliefs,” should be changed from “aside from your censor adults’ beliefs,” to a change to respecting the well researched, legitimate concerns of adults, and loving moms.
As one who is being censored from pointing out that the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can create both the positive and negative symptoms of so called “schizophrenia,” via both anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder – by all but MiA, but MiA is not making this sad reality more clear.
I’m rather saddened that your blog ends with your belief that the need to further censor all, is a good idea.
Albeit, as a mom who refused to give my children smart phones at a very early age – and has two children who are doing quite well (one was a Phi Beta Kappa recipient, who is now getting an another award, for his local community activism; and the other just had a successful presentation of ideas, regarding his doctorate).
Albeit, I will admit, both my children would be considered to be within a “marginalized community.” Albeit, so would I, since I am a mother who stands 100% against the systemic child abuse covering up crimes, of the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals,” and their religious “partners.”
There are an awful lot of people who have had spiritual journeys / “emergencies,” etc. misdiagnosed as psych symptoms. I, for one, had a dream about being ‘moved by the Holy Spirit’ (and ‘brain zaps’), misdiagnosed as ‘bipolar.’
Yet both my subsequent anticholinergic toxidrome induced ‘psychosis,’ and my ‘drug withdrawal induced manic psychosis’ were of a Spiritual nature.
But as a “case manager serving several adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,” I do so hope you know that the antidepressants and antipsychotics can both create “hallucinations” and “delusions,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning.
“Medication is seen as superior and essential despite inconsistent statistical evidence of its effectiveness or full disclosure of its harms, and as a result, all other interventions are limited.”
Disclosure of the harms of the so called “ADHD drugs” and “antidepressants.”
“The authors state the content in these textbooks directly contradicts those with lived experience, who report ‘their experiences are deeply meaningful and personal, contextualized within their life experiences, and not wholly negative.'”
Let’s hope and pray that some day, the psychologists realize their entire psychiatric DSM “bible” billing belief system is “invalid, thus a lie … or delusion, on their part.
And by functioning as mere funnels to the neurotoxic poisoning psychiatrists, the psychologists have been systemically harming, and aiding in mass murdering, innocent people for profit for decades.
“We suggest that regional experiments to test whether types of prevention work are cost-effective is a better use of resources than further randomized controlled trials comparing subtle differences in antidepressant medications.”
Gee, wasn’t all the wasted tax payer dollars spent on continued research into the “invalid” DSM disorders, and their neurotoxic psychiatric “treatments,” supposed to end ten years ago, according to the NIMH?
“There is a preponderance of evidence that broken attachment between infant and mother, childhood abuse, and neglect, along with other adverse childhood events, do strongly predict depression and other health status and struggles in adulthood.”
Don’t you think that it’s highly unethical that the psychologists, who claim to be the “profession” who helps child abuse survivors, can NOT even bill to help child abuse survivors?
Since this inability to bill to help child abuse survivors, results in psychologists denying and covering up child abuse, with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings.
And this “victim blaming” by psychologists and their psychiatric partners is NOT a small problem, it’s a systemic problem with all DSM “bible” billers … and the paternalistic, systemic child abuse covering up religions, who have “partnered” with them.
I hope this systemic, paternalistic problem with the DSM will be rectified soon, and the “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions’,” systemic, multibillion dollar, medical / religious child abuse covering up “partnership” will be ended.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We have absolute corruption, of many powerful industries.
Thank you, Bruce, as always, for an insightful piece. I consider you to be one of the “others who can energize us to keep looking.”
But I hope you are wrong that “dismantling the megamachine any time soon is unrealistic.”
Since I see us all now living in a critical time … the ponzi scheme of the monetary systems of Western civilization are imploding, the entire “mental health” industry is based upon scientific fraud, the medical system as a whole has lost credibility, the legal and judicial systems are convoluted and unjust, we’re on the edge of WWIII, ….
“When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am”
Gee, let’s just admit, Western civilization has bad systems … and actively work to change those bad systems (of course that will take those working within those bad systems, cleaning up the mess that their industry’s collective greed, created) … instead of letting the oligarchy that shouldn’t be (at least lawfully, I think, in the US) continue to dehumanize all of us.
I know I can’t do it alone, but I do believe all of us decent folks, can improve society together. Let’s hope and pray, God helps us do so, in a timely manner. Since I don’t want to hand over to my children, the societal mess that I was handed over, by the elder generations of Western civilization. Nor do I want WWIII.
But, of course, I was declared “mentally ill” / insane, for questioning those who were behind 9.11.2001. Resulting in all distress caused by 9.11.2001 being blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone, by an insane non-medically trained psychologist … rather than the chaos and distress caused by the distressing events of 9.11.2001 being blamed on the real masterminds behind 9.11.2001.
Gosh, my dad used to be Donald Rumsfeld’s campaign finance manager. What did Rumsfeld admit to the day before 9.11.2001? … Oh, we’re back to the monetary system is a fraud based Ponzi scheme societal problem.
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Thank you for sharing your story, Cat. And, yes, psychiatry / psychology are largely child abuse covering up industries, and it’s all by DSM design. I was neurotoxic poisoned, to cover up the abuse of my child, according to my family’s medical records, that were finally handed over.
If they can’t bill for it, it gets misdiagnosed as one of the disorders they can get paid for. Then they neurotoxic poison you … which does also function to aid and abet the abusers, and has left those of us in the US all living in a “pedophile empire.”
I’m glad you escaped.
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I think you mean, there’s nothing “lawful” about this. The systemic crimes of the maritime lawyers (America is supposed to have common law – the law of the land) are downright convoluted.
This guy does a good job of breaking the complexity of it down in his “foundational knowledge” section. Although, I’ll forewarn you, you may need to listen to it several times, to wrap your head around how staggeringly convoluted the maritime legal system is.
Thank you for pointing out these horrendous legal crimes, Jaimee. I was handed over one of those contracts, combined with a take a percentage of gross thievery contract, all disingenuously disguised as an “art manager” contract, by a creepy psychologist.
Wow! It was a truly appalling contract! What a sick, control freak nut job that psychologist was! No way, Jose! Get away, and stay away, crazy, criminal computer hacking, and attempted thieving, psychologist!
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It strikes me as odd that the psychologists are doing research on how to best “help” child abuse survivors, yet the psychologists can NOT even bill to “help” child abuse survivors.
And all the psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers – with whom I had the misfortune of dealing – were child abuse deniers and cover uppers.
And once the medical evidence of the abuse of my child was finally handed over, and I could no longer live in denial. I asked my psychiatrist how to best help a child abuse survivor. He thought a child, who had been healing from the abuse for four years, should be neurotoxic poisoned. That was my second to last appointment with my highly deluded psychiatrist.
Maybe we should have someone – other than the very industries that have been misdiagnosing and neurotoxic poisoning, en mass, innocent child abuse survivors and their mothers, for decades – helping child abuse survivors instead?
“the prevalence of childhood trauma exposure within borderline personality disorder patients has been evidenced to be as high as 92% (Yen et al., 2002). Within individuals diagnosed with psychotic or affective disorders, it reaches 82% (Larsson et al., 2012).”
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“Do Depression Pills Improve Quality of Life?”
Not in my humble opinion, but they do create the symptoms of “bipolar,” (even when one was fraudulently given a SNRI, under the false claim, it is a “safe smoking cessation med.”) But such a “bipolar” misdiagnosis does result in one being inappropriately put on the “antipsychotics.”
But since the psychological and psychiatric industries have been arrogantly lying and denying knowledge of the adverse and common withdrawal symptoms of the psych neurotoxins, for decades. For example (wow! the censorship is staggering, this is seemingly now the best link I can give):
And the, mostly non-medically trained, scientific fraud based, DSM deluded, “mental health” industries are still denying the reality that the antidepressants / antipsychotics / neuroleptics / anticholinergic drugs can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia, via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder”:
I truly believe we have a societal problem, in regards to the entirety, of the so called “mental health industries.” Who apparently can’t comprehend, that those who’ve been unjustly given the power to FUBAR innocent others, for profit, will also likely be judged fairly by God, like all others.
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“Student mental health has historically been a big concern on college campuses.” No, us older adults know that psych drugging children used to be taboo, and should still be, so this is a relatively new psychiatry/psychology/”mental health” industry caused problem … given the iatrogenic etiology of all the psychiatric DSM disorders. (See my prior comments on this website, if you want medical links to the proof.)
And, realistically, our society needs to deal with our real societal problems, like the Ponzi scheme of our Federal Reserve monetary system, which is unconstitutional, thus illegal. And is destroying American society, thus legitimately upsetting both us elders, and the younger generations of America.
But, of course, it is this fraud based monetary system that has been funding the fraud based “mental health” industries, to massively and inappropriately mass neurotoxic poison American children, for decades.
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As an older woman, I’ve found that when asked unnecessarily by some random doctor in a hospital, “Are you depressed,” for no reason (aside from medical / psychiatric averice). I was at the hospital because of a pulled muscle above my heart, which had to do with regular moderate exercise, but nothing to do with “depression.”
It’s best to tell that random hospital doctor, “No,” and then say, “and I’m allergic to the anticholinergic drugs.” This does have a tendency to embarrass the unnecessarily intrusive – and off point – doctor, and cause him to just leave you alone.
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According to my medical records, some doctors do intentionally utilize psychiatric iatrogenesis, to cover up their partner’s easily recognized iatrogenesis.
And a similar thing happened to a loved one, so covering up medical errors with psychiatric iatrogenesis is not likely uncommon.
And let’s be realistic, all doctors are taught in med school about anticholinergic toxidrome … so they all know the antidepressants and antipsychotics, which are both anticholinergic drugs, are dangerous neurotoxins.
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Good for you, for keeping the faith. And you are so right, we need to end the systemic destruction of our children, via the vast number of ways, that are going on in today’s society … not a pretty story.
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You hit the nail on the head, when you said, “It’s time systems change, and humanity becomes the priority.”
Western civilization has bad, and unconstitutional in the US, systems that need to be taken down.
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You might like a Chagall inspired piece I did, or am trying to finish up. I painted myself and my children, escaping the insanity of the DSM deluded industries, in a chariot pulled by Jesus on a white horse. Chagall’s piece it was inspired by, was called “War.”
Gotta love Chagall, his work paints my life, as if I were one of his muses. But, of course he and I would be great friends, if there is a “collective unconscious.”
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“… In this world, it’s just us …” And we’ve got to try to turn those DSM deluded lemons into lemonade, right?
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Permission granted, Google finally figured out who I am, and took my right to use that pseudonym away on YouTube. Gosh, does a lady who found the medical proof of the iatrogenic etiologies of the “sacred symbol of psychiatry” / the “cash cow” of big Pharma/psychiatry, deserve to have a right to use a pseudonym? One would think so … for safety reasons … but not according to the God complexed Google.
Well, I don’t know much about my dreams, but the internet of my dreams supposedly started when I was very young, and my family moved from Chicago to NY. I was sad to have to move away from my friends, so I supposedly created Annie, Eric, and Lisa websites in my dreams, so that I could stay friends with my IL friends in my dreams.
I started kindergarten in NY, and just started adding more websites in my dreams … each friend having their own website.
My family moved to OH when I was in junior high, and our church had a mission statement to “go get everyone with love and the word of God.” My subconscious self decided to accept this challenge. I kept adding more websites of new friends, I supposedly befriended the actors via the TV, and the musicians via the radio.
I also supposedly adopted a bunch of nicknames for myself, like Someone Else, Something Else, No One Else, etc. and Everyone Else … since getting everyone else was the goal in my dreams. I also had other websites, like a P.I.G. (standing for pretty, intelligent girl) website, where a lot of the male chauvinist pigs got put.
The internet of my dreams is basically a way to classify all those I’d met, or supposedly befriended, in my life and dreams. My subconscious self supposedly became somewhat of a “Dream Weaver.”
It’s a long and interesting story that goes on, and I can tell it largely in the lyrics of music, as if “he’s killing me softly with his song, singing my life with his words.” It’s largely a love story, except the psychology/psychiatry crap … “all dreams are psychosis” ??? No, all dream, and that’s normal … even for us “beautiful dreamers.”
Hopefully that’s enough for you to get the gist of how the internet of my dreams works … “the rest is still unwritten.”
But like many around me, I am “living the dream” (and formerly was living the nightmare of psychology/psychiatry).
But mine is a dream about how we are all going to save ourselves from the societal mess, in which we find ourselves. So it is a hope and love filled dream. Keep the faith, pray to God.
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Interesting, and thought provoking blog, Alex. Thank you, I may go pull out that old Foucault book on my bookshelf, that I likely read long ago for some philosophy or religion class.
But wow, No One, there is so much more research for me, and no doubt all of us, to do. Thank goodness for the real internet, although we must hope and pray these days, that the truth is not erased from it.
It is bizarre that my dreams are set up like the internet, with lots of websites. But isn’t it even more bizarre that two of my supposed nicknames – within the internet of my dreams – are a ‘No One,’ and a ‘No One Else,’ websites? It’s good to be a perpetual learner and researcher … in one’s waking hours … and when one is dreaming “the impossible dream.”
We likely are good friends within our dreams, No One.
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“Therapy” fails white women in the US, too. “Psychiatry has a long history of oppressing women and minorities.” But that is exactly why I’ve been trying to educate minority children to learn to use the creative side of their brains, as well as trying to educate black adults about the truth of psychiatry … much to the dismay of a paternalistic, likely computer hacking, white psychologist’s wishes.
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Beatrice, Inner Fire sounds wonderful, I’m so glad you are forming an LLC and starting to educate ‘psychiatrists and other prescribing practitioners’ about your healing process, and how to wean people off the psych neurotoxins.
I completely agree, anger is a justifiable emotion involved in psychiatric drug withdrawal, since we were systemically lied to by doctors, who’d promised to ‘first and foremost, do no harm’ – but did nothing, except defame and harm.
I agree, art is a wonderfully healing activity – albeit my artwork is “too truthful” for those “mental health” workers who want to “maintain the status quo.” I also found biking and gardening in nature, to be very helpful during my healing journey.
Dancing, too, was helpful when I was dealing with my drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis – since one’s gotta get that extra energy (‘Godspeed,’ as it felt to me) out, somehow … How insane it is for the psychiatrists to believe locking up a person who is manic in a windowless room, denying them water, and “snowing” them, is the best way to deal with a drug withdrawal induced mania. That’s the opposite of what’s helpful.
And getting one’s legitimate anger, at the betrayal, out is also helped by journaling and sharing our healing journeys here on MiA. Please forgive my legitimate anger over the past years, MiA, but thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
God bless in your endeavors, Beatrice, and I’d love to check Inner Fire out sometime. Do you ever look for like minded artists, with psych drug withdrawal experience, to help in your program? Perhaps having a visiting artist program might be an idea, given the high percentage of people, who are artists, that share their stories here on MiA?
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“we identified several concerning examples of causal language being paired with biologically reductionist statements that are unsupported by scientific evidence. For example, ‘[Depression] is a chemical imbalance in your brain that needs to be treated’ (Johns Hopkins University), or, ‘It is believed that chemical changes in the brain are responsible’ (MedlinePlus). It is worrying that such unsupported statements are presented as objective fact by medical authorities.”
I agree, the systemic psychologic / psychiatric “chemical imbalance” LIE is problematic.
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“to reimagine psychological science as a justice-making endeavor,” the psychologic industry would both need to stop functioning as a funnel into the scientific fraud based psychiatric industry … as well as end their “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” faustian systemic child abuse and rape covering up deal with the mainstream religions.
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Thank you for speaking out against pilots taking the dangerous antidepressants, Gretchen, Kim, David, Charles, and MiA. The antidepressants make you stupid, or can make one crazy, “psychotic,” etc., when on them.
And they can create decades long bizarre adverse withdrawal effects, when taken off them.
For those, within the so called “mental health professions,” and mainstream medicine, who still don’t know … “brain zaps,” caused by improper discontinuation of a fraudulently claimed “safe smoking cessation med,” can cause decades of “brain zaps.” And none of the psych neurotoxins cure “brain zaps.”
Please wake up, scientific fraud based DSM “bible” billers.
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The psych drugging of children is deplorable, and needs to end. But the pediatricians, at least some when confronted with the truth about the psych drugs, don’t want to stop psych drugging the children, “because it’s too profitable.”
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This is the first time I’ve ever read the word mishiguene. It’s a hard word to look up online, to find a pronunciation.
Once I heard it pronounced properly, I knew the word … and had rather fond memories of the word. My Jewish childhood friends’ parents must have jokingly called all of us wild children running through the woods mishiguene, when I was growing up … not surprising.
Glad you escaped the insanity of today’s “mental health” system, Alan. And thank you for sharing your story.
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The psychiatric ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the “bipolar” symptoms.
And the so called “bipolar” treatments can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
Most definitely, “psychiatric prescribing” is a “worldwide iatrogenic disaster in the making.”
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Please stop neurotoxic poisoning innocent little children, doctors.
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As a bishop’s son, who was a family friend, said when he graduated from med school … “Well, now I know enough to be dangerous.”
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Glad you escaped the insanity of today’s psychiatric “system,” Krista. And I will say, upon my second reading of Bruce’s blog, he really did nail the nefarious nature of the DSM “bible” billing “system.”
And I will say, when trying to help a loved one who was very “psychotic,” I did run into a young hospital psychiatrist – who actually confessed that he too, was a critical psychiatrist. I personally found the trick to getting respect from doctors, to be pointing out the medically known issue of anticholinergic toxidrome.
Since both the antidepressants and antipsychotics are anticholinergic drugs … medically known to create “psychosis.” And all doctors are taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school.
So keep the faith, maintain your hope, since I think more of the younger psychiatrists are wising up … if nothing else, out of being confronted with the medical reality of the iatrogenic harm, mainstream psychiatry as a whole, is systemically committing.
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Thank you, Leigh, for sharing Mel’s story. I think it’s really important to hear the background stories of those stigmatized / defamed and neurotoxic poisoned by psychiatry and mainstream medicine … especially given the magnitude of defamation of all those claimed to be “mentally ill” in the mainstream media, and by the psychologic and psychiatric industries – those industries which systemically defame their clients with “invalid” DSM disorders, instead of confessing that their drugs themselves, can cause violence and suicides. Pardon my continuing appall.
Nonetheless, your daughter sounds like she was a wonderful young lady, I’m so sorry she had the misfortune of getting caught in the psychological/psychiatric/mainstream medicine’s web of neurotoxic poisoning and blasphemy of patients. But it is hard to escape “the system” … so I empathize with your beloved daughter.
And from one loving mother to another, my condolences to you on the loss of your beloved and wonderful daughter. Oh, by the way, you too, could be defamed and neurotoxic poisoned by the psychological and psychiatric industries, for grieving too long
… so I’d stay away from the DSM “bible” billers. How absurd and insane it is for some people in society to believe it is their “job” to nose themselves into innocent others’ lives, and defame and drug them, for the human right of grieving a loved one?
The DSM is “invalid,” and in ways, downright absurd and insane. Thus, it’s way past time to stop using that “bible” of blasphemies. Again, please pardon my disgust at the DSM “bible” biller’s procrastination on the inevitable … “the truth shall make you free.” Wake up. Come to grips with the reality that your billing code “bible” is bogus, except that the psych drugs can create the symptoms of your “invalid” DSM disorders.
But blessings to you on your healing journey, Leigh. And forgive my well deserved harsh, albeit scientifically well backed (see my prior comment links), constructive criticism of the “mental health” industries.
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Thank you for this, Ann, and thank you for the links. Thankfully, I’m not trying to wean anyone off the opioids. But my mom has been in a lot of pain lately (due largely to advanced age), so I gave her some recommended alternatives, which she’s not currently trying. Who knows? Maybe mixing things up a little will help?
I do agree with you, “Just like I think psychiatrists should know how to help their patients taper. I still believe that, and with so much research available, it shouldn’t be up to patients to find their own path out of pain and drug use.”
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Given the fact that ACEs are the number one actual cause of most psychological distress, and the psychologic and psychiatric industries want to “treat” all distressed people. Perhaps it’s past time for those industries to be able to honestly bill for “helping” child abuse survivors? Right now, they can’t.
But this would mean that the psychologic and psychiatric industries would need to stop denying and covering up child abuse, especially for their pastor “partners.” It’s past time to end “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions.” Since, of course, profiteering off of covering up child abuse is actually illegal.
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Thank you for sharing your story, Carmen. It’s a really important reality which needs public awareness, especially given the huge number of children who are being force drugged with the psych drugs. Thank you.
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“One study found that symptoms persisted after children were reunited with their families. Some children who were reunited with their parents exhibited behaviors such as crying, loss of appetite, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, and recurring feelings of fear.”
As a mother whose psychological medical records state that my former psychologist wanted to steal my children from me, on like my second appointment with her. This ‘Don’t remove … kids from their families” message needs to be conveyed to the entirety of the “mental health” industries … and it shouldn’t be a message only about immigrant children.
But my former psychologist’s entire goal was actually covering up child abuse for her pastor, I eventually learned, from all my family’s medical records. And this is a systemic problem known as “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” according to ethical pastors of another religion.
I, and my entire family, had to leave our ex-religion due to this systemic faustian deal / “partnership” between the pastors and psychologists. One may not speak out again any kind of child abuse in the ELCA churches today, without being attacked by a child abuse covering up psychologist.
How shocking, loving mothers speak out against the abuse of children, including the psychological and psychiatric industries’ systemic abuse of millions of children.
Check out which psych drug classes can create “psychosis” and “hallucinations,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings.
And those “antipsychotics” (aka as neuroleptics) can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
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“It’s troubling that the potential link between antidepressants and violence continues to be ignored by many psychiatrists,” and others, like law enforcement.
I was attending a church in a community which had a very high, high school suicide rate. And these suicides were violent suicides, like jumping in front of trains and lighting oneself on fire. There were something like 8 violent high school suicides during the time my children were in middle and high school. I later spoke with a police officer about the issue, and he pretended he knew nothing about the problem.
I knew those violent suicides were a result of so many children being put on the psych drugs, from personal experience, and as a psychopharmacological researcher. The whole situation was heartbreaking, for the children, and for us legitimately concerned mothers.
I agree, “Patients deserve full transparency about the side effects of their treatments,” instead of denial, which is the norm now. Thank you, as always, for speaking the truth, Dr. Gøtzsche.
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There is wisdom in which you speak, Matthew.
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It is really difficult to deal with the mainstream medical community, who seems to be totally in bed with psychiatry’s iatrogenesis for profit, and nefarious reasons (at least in my case, and seemingly systemically) … once one’s already dealt with psychiatric iatrogenesis.
I think they call it “the white wall of silence.”
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“Of course it is incredibly hard to find good quality long term studies that show causative relationships between medications and outcomes ….”
As a medically trained doctor, Omar, weren’t you taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school (like all other MDs)?
What’s so difficult about garnering insight into the “causative relationships between medications and outcomes,” when you were likely taught about what drug classes cause anticholinergic toxidrome (and its insideous symptoms) in med school?
Thank you, as always, Bruce, for your insightful articles. Please stop neurotoxic poisoning the children, et al, doctors.
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“SAMHSA officials said they saw the increase as a positive development, citing efforts to normalize and destigmatize seeking out mental health treatment.”
How incredibly sad, SAMSA has sunk so low. Given the fact their DSM “bible” was debunked by the former head of the NIMH and the primary editor of the DSM-VI, in 2013 and 2010.
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Thank you for sharing your story of protracted drug withdrawal, Tomasz. Mine was quite similar, although in one way, sort of the opposite odd issue. I haven’t even been able to read through my journals from back then, because it was so tough to read for me – one of these days I’ll try again. God bless, and thank you for working to help get others off of psychiatry’s neurotoxins.
They didn’t “promise us a rose garden,” but they did promise to “first and foremost do no harm” … yet psychiatry did the opposite. It’s shameful.
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“He basically argues that we unconsciously normalize childhood experiences of mistreatment, neglect, disappointment, and invalidation because we have to adapt to the limitations of parents and caregivers inasmuch as that’s all we know.”
Not to mention, the DSM deluded psy industries can NOT even bill to help child abuse survivors.
And the psy industries have literally been, and still are, functioning as systemic child abuse cover uppers for over a century.
… so Freud was part of a systemic, and continuing, paternalistic system of covering up child abuse, thus they are people who perpetuate generational family disfunction.
“… that’s all we know,” so what makes you “professionals”? Certainly, I know the psy “professions” are now claiming ignorance of the common adverse and withdrawal effect of the drugs they force on innocent others.
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Finally admitting that the antidepressants are dangerous for young women of child bearing age … Combined with the knowledge of the common symptoms of ‘antidepressant discontinuation syndrome’ (withdrawal) … This really does call for a rethinking of the bad, but relatively new habit, based upon their avarice (according to one pediatrician I spoke with, “it’s too profitable to stop psych drugging the children”) … Of the medical community in their continuing to psych drug, for profit, little children and young adults.
Thank you for helping to point out that this greed (and other nefarious reasons) inspired psych drugging of our children, by our medical community, is both immoral and unwise, Peter.
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Thank you, Micah, lots of insightful information you point out about the … “lack of insight” by today’s seeming “witch hunters” and Pharmkia forcing DSM deluded “mental health” workers of today.
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So much of your drug withdrawal experience resonates with mine – “All was connected. Synchronicities were off the charts.” A cover up of child abuse. Sadly, we do have a huge societal problem with many children being abused and trafficked – all sorts of horrible stuff. And the psy industries can not even bill to help child abuse survivors, according to the DSM. Thank you for sharing your story, Nicola, and I’m glad you’re finally happy to be alive.
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The “positive symptoms of schizophrenia” can be created, via anticholinergic toxidrome.
The “negative symptoms” can be created, via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
Both can be created with the antidepressants and antipsychotics, and other psych drugs. We here at MiA have destroyed the “sacred symbol” of psychiatry, medically, at least.
But since too many American psychologists want to “maintain the status quo,” largely since they’re not actually medically trained doctors, nor psychopharmacology researchers.
But this means, the psychologists should never be psychologically misdiagnosing anyone with anything considered to be claimed to be a “life long incurable [DSM] disorder.” The psychologists need to stop functioning as a funnel into the psychiatric iatrogenic illness creators.
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“Hyperbolic tapering, including stabilisation on the dose if symptoms occur” does seem to be the internet censuses approach to withdrawal from the psych drugs.
My psychiatrist weaned me off his neurotoxins over three years, after he stopped listening to the lies of my former psychologist, and blamed her for the misdiagnosis of “brain zaps” as “bipolar.” But none of the doctors apparently even knew that withdrawal from the “safe smoking cessation meds” could cause “brain zaps” until 2005.'Brain_shivers'_From_chat_room_to_clinic
But what is “professional” about claiming one is ignorant of the systemic sins of one’s industry? And what is ethical about all doctors claiming to be ignorant about anticholinergic toxidrome, when they were all taught about it in med school?
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I’m not surprised, it’s not too far from my experience either. One of my former doctors was actually arrested and convicted by the FBI in 2016. He was having lots of well insured people medically unnecessarily shipped long distances to himself, admitting them with – according to my medical records – a non-existent “chronic airway obstruction.”
Then he had his psychiatric partner “snow” the patients, so they could profiteer off of doing unneeded tracheotomies on people for profit … thankfully I avoided the unneeded tracheotomy. But that psycho psychiatrist illegally harassed me for years, by fraudulently claiming I was her “out-patient,” according to health insurance companies, and harassing phone calls from her lackeys, even after I’d moved out of state.
But I agree, most lawyers are neglecting to do their jobs … when it comes to the suing the psychiatrists. I couldn’t find a lawyer either.
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“They also found that, across diagnoses, women were more likely to improve in the placebo group than men. This was true even after accounting for gender differences in diagnosis (since more women were found in the depression and anxiety groups). They were unable to explain this finding.”
It could be due to the fact that women tend to be targeted more than men by the paternalistic psychiatric and psychological industries. Plus, since the psy industries tend to target woman and men that were survivors of abuse or trauma. Whereas, they tend to target men who they consider “dangerous,” which a state of “psychosis” appears to be. It’s likely targeting women, in my case, for merely knowing innately that the wrong people were in charge, just after 9/11/2001, is unwise? Thankfully, I’m no longer the only one who sees this.
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I initially had trouble too, Marie. I had to change my password, but since I’ve had to change all my passwords recently – due to one or more people hacking into my phone and computer – I’d forgotten it. So I had some trouble initially, but eventually I got in.
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The magnitude of the never ending psychiatric / big Pharma propaganda really is shameful. Add one more to your list of people who was harmed by an antidepressant / non-“safe smoking cessation med.”
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Nicely stated, Topher.
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“Reframing PDP as a unique condition is a typical example of condition branding.” Yes, and despite such being typical for big Pharma and psychiatry, it is shameful they’re both still behaving in this manner … but too many have yet to be arrested for their systemic crimes, so of course the systemic corporate and industry crimes continue.
“Other drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease have also been associated with psychosis, such as dopamine agonists and anticholinergics.” Yes, the anticholinergics (including both the antidepressants and antipsychotics) can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
Not to mention the anticholinergic drugs can also create akathisia and dyskinesia (a movement disorder – which looks like Parkinson’s to doctors).
I know because I’m reasonably aware of my grandmother’s medical history. She was, according to my family, “psychic,” and briefly mistreated with Stelazine about 60-70 years ago. And then she was quickly taken off that neurotoxic poison because she’d supposedly developed “Parkinson” symptoms (which was likely dyskinesia).
And there’s a really big difference between being “psychic” and “psychotic.”
It’s sad today’s “mental health professionals” are defaming people’s dead grandmothers, who they’ve never met, merely to rationalize their beliefs in their “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings of innocent humans.
But I do know that was “unethical” defamation of my beloved grandmother, that all my “mental health professionals” did. Not to mention even a subsequent “mental health” doctoral thesis interviewer, who defamed my beloved grandmother, in her doctoral thesis paper.
Please give up your beliefs in your “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, “mental health professionals.” And take the time to learn about the common adverse and withdrawal symptoms of the psych neurotoxins … those who call yourselves “mental health professionals.”
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“[R]adical self-acceptance” for all distressed individuals is needed … NOT stigmatization with the “invalid” DSM disorders.
Oh, all distress caused by the world wide distressing event of 9.11.2001, was blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone … when I was picking up my and my family’s medical records in 2005, including from my child abuse covering up psychologist, and according to my innocent child’s medical records.
The current “mental health system” does the opposite of actually “helping” people, too often, sadly.
Thank you for sharing your story, Anne.
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“This message is from MindFreedom International:
“May 8, 2024 Update:
“Success!!!–At Least for Now”
Kudos to the MindFreedom International volunteers! Many thanks for your advocacy.
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Do you get money from the TAC? And “you do not speak for everybody” either. But I totally agree, “Certainly, your case and others like it deserve to be rectified.” Yet they haven’t been yet.
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I recently helped a loved one heal from a bad heart drug cocktail being abruptly – but appropriately – withdrawn, albeit without an appropriate alternative heart med being introduced, plus also likely “alcohol encephalitis.”
My loved one was stabilized, and has been doing fairly well, since last fall, by being given a low dose of lithium, and largely … but not completely … getting off the alcohol. He’s now off the lithium, albeit I don’t know for certain if we’re out of the weeds yet.
I know, from my beloved grandmother’s and my personal experience, that my family does not react well to the anticholinergic drugs, which seem to be the “gold standard treatment” for all “psychotic” people, in the ER’s.
But if a low dose of lithium can be used to stabilize the most “psychotic” person I’ve personally ever seen, and I think the ambulance driver had ever seen (albeit, my loved one wasn’t violent).
Maybe the psych “professionals,” and ER doctors, should start to calm down the non-“dangerous” “psychotic” people, with something milder and more natural than the antipsychotics and other anticholinergic drugs? Since the anticholinergic drugs (which includes the antidepressants and antipsychotics) are known to actually create “hallucinations” and “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome?
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As one who ran art and S.T.E.A.M programs to help educate middle class and underprivileged students. I agree, the psych neurotoxic poisoning of the American children, is child abuse. Good luck in your run for Congress.
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I know all about the impropriety of giving “a drug to someone else!”
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Thank you as always, Dr. Peter, for speaking the truth. American propaganda is out of control, too.
“Tea said she wanted to interview me, but I shall decline. It can only go wrong.” I hope you will rethink this, because if you give Tea some information to research into first, and say you’ll allow her to interview you, after she properly educates herself with the “alternative,” albeit, truthful view. It may go better than you think?
“But journalists? They must be among those with the lowest intelligence of all trades.” Well, I personally think that’s likely the psychologic industry – since I think they used to be the only industry that could get into grad school, without taking the GRE, albeit maybe I’m wrong about that, and that no longer seems to be the case.
Nonetheless, one journalist is somewhat my hero of mine, since he’s the one who pointed out the actual iatrogenic etiology of my “bipolar” misdiagnosis. But he seems to be modest enough to have people, rightfully, and even he is now pointing out systemic failures, within both the medical pharmaceutical industries and big media.
And, as a former economics and marketing major, I will say, both those industries are corrupted also. Just check out my favorite economics professor’s pointing out of the fraud of Keynesian microeconomic theory in his book:
And all do need to wake up to the systemic fraud of the globalist banking system, including the Federal Reserve.
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My condolences to you on your loss, Carly, and thank you for sharing Joey’s story and videos. I completely agree, “There needs to be more informed consent with these medications.”
Especially since the psychiatric and psychologic industries have been blatantly lying to us for decades, and now are claiming innocence, via ignorance. Do tell … why should people now claiming innocence due to their ignorance, be able to call themselves “professionals”?
I love the last picture of Joey, it really emanates his charm. But it brings a tear to my eye, when I read about psychiatry’s and psychology’s recent murders.
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Please stop neurotoxic poisoning children, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mainstream doctors … including the pediatricians, who can’t stop neurotoxic poisoning the children … “because it’s too profitable.”
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So why are we supposed to “trust your doctor” any longer?
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“the authors emphasize the need for evidence-based trauma therapies and interventions that are widely accessible so as to not exclude the most vulnerable populations that may need treatment the most.”
For goodness sake, today’s DSM “bible” billing “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to help child abuse survivors today. Why don’t the “mental health professionals” start by allowing themselves to actually honestly bill to help child abuse survivors first?
Or better yet, since what is actually helpful for a child abuse survivor to heal, is getting him/her away from the abusers, treating an abuse survivor with love, mutual respect … and justice – none of which the “mental health” industries seem capable of doing. Quite to the contrary, today’s “mental health professions” are basically a multi-billion dollar – primarily child abuse covering up – group of industries.
… But a child abuse survivor can heal, and go from remedial reading in first grade (after the abuse), to getting 100% on his state standardized tests in eighth grade, to graduating from university Phi Beta Kappa, in addition to winning multiple psychologic university and civic awards since then.
So it’s very important that the “mental health industries” end their systemic “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions'” faustian “partnership” with the mainstream religions. And get out of the child abuse covering up business, for those paternalistic religions.
And please stop incorrectly assuming all child abuse survivors – and their legitimately concerned mothers – need “mental health treatment,” or are stupid, or “fictional” – scientifically “invalid” DSM “bible” billers and neurotoxic poisoners.
Writing the truth about your industries’ systemic crimes is good therapy. Thank you, MiA, for allowing the former “patients'” research to be heard.
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I’m not certain how many times I must point out that the psych drugs can create the “invalid” psych DSM “bible” disorders.
I agree, Robert Whitaker did an excellent job of pointing out that the antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the “bipolar” symptoms, in ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic.’ We donate to MiA almost every year, in thanks for Robert’s research findings, and his honest reporting.
But I’ll repeat, once again, my research findings … which are relevant, Neil, to your concerns of “schizo” diagnoses, and “psychosis,” in general.
The antipsychotics / neuroleptics (as well as the antidepressants, since they’re also an anticholinergic drug) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia” (including “psychosis”), via anticholinergic toxidrome.
Plus, the neuroleptics can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.
The psych DSM “disorders” are iatrogenic illnesses, created with the psych neurotoxins … not “genetic disorders.”
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Thank you for working to help bring to fruition, safe ways to wean off the psychiatric neurotoxins, Peter.
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“Portraying mental illness in exclusively genetic terms may perpetuate stigma, encourage discrimination, and harm the mental health of people living with psychiatric diagnoses.” Especially since such claims are a blatant lie, and doctors really shouldn’t be blatantly lying to their clients, or their clients’ families.
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I think the Covid measures / gas lighting have made all American children, child abuse survivors now (wearing a mask in school for years, for example).
And since some “mental health professionals” have been systemically betraying child abuse survivors, and their families, for over a century.
In my case, for their paternalistic, systemic child abuse covering up, religious “partners.”
And because the DSM deluded “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to honestly help child abuse survivors, according to their own “invalid” DSM “bible.”
I’m quite certain there is a need for someone – other than the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals” – to help our society’s child abuse survivors.
As the mother of a child abuse survivor – who did heal and graduate from university Phi Beta Kappa, because I got my child quickly away from a child molester, and I eventually [on 6.6.06] closed down a “school for gifted children,” that had a pedophile on their school board. And I was also able to keep my child away from those who wanted to profiteer off of covering up child abuse (a “social worker” who wanted to drug my child, based upon her lies, because my child got 100% on his state standardized tests in 8th grade, and since the public school was “not equipped to deal with the smartest children,” as was eventually confessed to by my child’s school principal).
I’m quite certain love is the answer … not a scientific fraud based, for profit only, scientifically “invalid” “mental health industry.” And child abuse does NOT cause the “invalid” DSM disorders, which does seem to be the direction the, likely justifiably embarrassed,” DSM deluded “mental health” researchers are going.
My wonderful son recently won another award, as a “mover and shaker” in his neighborhood. Neurotoxic poisoning all intelligent child abuse survivors is NOT the answer, as systemic, child abuse covering up, “mental health professionals” all told me.
“The children are our future,” is the truth, and love … not greed … is the cure.
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All people, of all countries … including all Americans … need to stand against “mainstream psychology,” and their scientific fraud based “psychiatric,” DSM “bible” masters.
My condolences to the indigenous people of America, for the horrendous and systemic crimes committed against them, by America’s scientific fraud based, so called, “mental health professionals.”
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“I feel grief about, and want to acknowledge, the patients I may have unintentionally harmed while practicing unconsciously.”
There are so few psychiatrists who will apologize for the harm the DSM deluded psychiatric and psychologic industries are systemically doing. Thank you for apologizing.
And I agree, Jung’s theology is likely closest to the truth. I’ve got my own, wounded researcher and truth sharer, story … and it is about equating my conscious and unconscious selves. Ironically, brought about by being slowly weaned off the psych drugs, by my former psychiatrist.
Thank God, for the psychiatrists who are actually slowly, and with respect for their patients’ opinions, weaning people off the psych drugs.
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I just renewed my license, and I didn’t notice that. So does your wife have a driver’s license?
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Thank you for sharing your and your wife’s experience, Sam. You do know how to make a lady cry. If ever you and your wife decide you want to meet in person, the offer’s still open, please do let me know.
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Amy, that was a beautiful interview and book review, you were so empathic and understanding. God bless, to Deborah Kasdan and her family … and I will say, it’s sad how much our paternalistically set up systems want to destroy the strong “big sis’s” of our society.
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Thank you, Michael, for speaking out against the heartbreaking, and scientifically “invalid,” stigmatizing and neurotoxic poisoning of children!
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Thank you for all you’re dong, Christine. Please tell us how we may help you. Most definitely, ending the forced and coerced psych drugging of children, and innocent adults, is imperative.
For goodness sakes, my former religion’s pedestrians and psychologists, et al (like the owners of the ELCA hospitals, which is the ELCA religion) think such crimes against children are “too profitable” to end.
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” … As of this year, the MAID program was also set to allow those with mental illness to choose euthanasia.”
This is really frightening for those defamed with the scientifically “invalid” DSM disorders in Canada, and the Americas, in general.
Especially, given the reality that psychiatry has yet to confess that their ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the ‘bipolar’ symptoms … resulting in an iatrogenic “bipolar epidemic,” in America.
And the psychiatric, and their psychological industry “partners,” have largely, collectively yet to confess to the scientific fraud of their DSM “bible” billing system. Albeit, thank you to those within those industries, who are speaking the truth!
But it also needs to be confessed that their “antipsychotics” can create both the positive and negative symptoms of, so called ‘schizophrenia,’ via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.
– So, the “ADHD,” “depression,” “bipolar,” and “schizophrenia” “disorders,” are all “curable” “disorders” … if you can safely get off the psych neurotoxins – which is NOT necessarily easy.
But, as I painted in 2005, we are living in an upside down and backwards America. Let’s hope and pray we may bring about a better world for all … some day, and soon.
Thus, I do so hope, the “Feb. 1 proposed legislation to temporarily exclude individuals with a sole underlying medical condition of mental illness until 2027” is enacted.
But, as one who was misdiagnosed with three so called “mental illnesses,” within three days, by three different – greed and malevolent child abuse and easily recognized iatrogenic illness profiteering inspired doctors. I know excluding all individuals with any, and a myriad of so called “mental illnesses, is unwise.
So let’s hope and pray the Feb 1 “proposed legislation” prevents Canadian doctors from mass murdering the innocent people that psychiatry, psychology, and mainstream doctors have been fraudulently defaming with the “invalid” DSM “disorders,” for nefarious reasons, and for decades.
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“aside from your censor adults beliefs,” should be changed from “aside from your censor adults’ beliefs,” to a change to respecting the well researched, legitimate concerns of adults, and loving moms.
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As one who is being censored from pointing out that the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can create both the positive and negative symptoms of so called “schizophrenia,” via both anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder – by all but MiA, but MiA is not making this sad reality more clear.
I’m rather saddened that your blog ends with your belief that the need to further censor all, is a good idea.
Albeit, as a mom who refused to give my children smart phones at a very early age – and has two children who are doing quite well (one was a Phi Beta Kappa recipient, who is now getting an another award, for his local community activism; and the other just had a successful presentation of ideas, regarding his doctorate).
Albeit, I will admit, both my children would be considered to be within a “marginalized community.” Albeit, so would I, since I am a mother who stands 100% against the systemic child abuse covering up crimes, of the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals,” and their religious “partners.”
Nonetheless, aside from your censor adults beliefs, I do largely agree with your concerns regarding social media and children.
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There are an awful lot of people who have had spiritual journeys / “emergencies,” etc. misdiagnosed as psych symptoms. I, for one, had a dream about being ‘moved by the Holy Spirit’ (and ‘brain zaps’), misdiagnosed as ‘bipolar.’
Yet both my subsequent anticholinergic toxidrome induced ‘psychosis,’ and my ‘drug withdrawal induced manic psychosis’ were of a Spiritual nature.
But as a “case manager serving several adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,” I do so hope you know that the antidepressants and antipsychotics can both create “hallucinations” and “delusions,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning.
And the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can also create the negative symptoms of ‘schizophrenia,’ via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
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“Medication is seen as superior and essential despite inconsistent statistical evidence of its effectiveness or full disclosure of its harms, and as a result, all other interventions are limited.”
Disclosure of the harms of the so called “ADHD drugs” and “antidepressants.”
Full disclosure of the harms of the so called “schizophrenia treatments:”
The antidepressants and antipsychotics can both create the “positive symptoms of schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning.
And the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can also create the “negative symptoms of schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
“The authors state the content in these textbooks directly contradicts those with lived experience, who report ‘their experiences are deeply meaningful and personal, contextualized within their life experiences, and not wholly negative.'”
Let’s hope and pray that some day, the psychologists realize their entire psychiatric DSM “bible” billing belief system is “invalid, thus a lie … or delusion, on their part.
And by functioning as mere funnels to the neurotoxic poisoning psychiatrists, the psychologists have been systemically harming, and aiding in mass murdering, innocent people for profit for decades.
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“We suggest that regional experiments to test whether types of prevention work are cost-effective is a better use of resources than further randomized controlled trials comparing subtle differences in antidepressant medications.”
Gee, wasn’t all the wasted tax payer dollars spent on continued research into the “invalid” DSM disorders, and their neurotoxic psychiatric “treatments,” supposed to end ten years ago, according to the NIMH?
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I think you meant, “They need only LISTEN to us, their test subjects, to find the answers they seek.”
Your next comment, describing the typical iatrogenic illness creation process of likely most psychiatrists, is spot on, however, Kate L.
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“There is a preponderance of evidence that broken attachment between infant and mother, childhood abuse, and neglect, along with other adverse childhood events, do strongly predict depression and other health status and struggles in adulthood.”
Don’t you think that it’s highly unethical that the psychologists, who claim to be the “profession” who helps child abuse survivors, can NOT even bill to help child abuse survivors?
Since this inability to bill to help child abuse survivors, results in psychologists denying and covering up child abuse, with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings.
And this “victim blaming” by psychologists and their psychiatric partners is NOT a small problem, it’s a systemic problem with all DSM “bible” billers … and the paternalistic, systemic child abuse covering up religions, who have “partnered” with them.
I hope this systemic, paternalistic problem with the DSM will be rectified soon, and the “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions’,” systemic, multibillion dollar, medical / religious child abuse covering up “partnership” will be ended.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We have absolute corruption, of many powerful industries.
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