Comments by Lea

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  • To ‘sleves’, who is a Family Doctor if I’m not mistaken?

    I believe we’re talking about 2 different things: someone with a brain that legitimately has a brain chemistry imbalance that makes them delusional and therefore murders people (or a street-drug creating the chemical imbalance that makes them delusional and therefore murders people) vs. people who’ve been mis-Dx’ed/bizarre Cluster C personality disorders and childhood trauma (“Borderline Personality Disorder”), and have lost money/romantic relationships/careers/townhouses/permanent iatrogenic injuries in their nervous system because of the BiPolar Disorder/SSRI’s/SNRI’s/Tranquilizers (“anti-psychotics”/Anti-Convulsants (“mood stabilizers”), etc.

    We’re talking about the lack of education and informed consent about HOW SNRI’s/SSRI’s “treat” supposed depression and anxiety, the side-effects while on the drugs (a lot of men cannot feel their penises anymore and cannot feel their penises anymore for years after – even doing an extremely slow taper off), and how severe the withdrawal/discontinuation is – even long-term.

    People who legitimately have BiPolar Disorder #1/#2/#3 in their brains benefit from Anti-Convulsants and see an increase in their quality of life while on the Psychotropic Pharmaceutical(s). People who legitimately have Schizophrenia in their brains benefit from Tranquilizers and can stay sedated enough to have an incredibly low quality of life they’re stuck with, unfortunately.

    We’re also talking about the legitimate medical gas-lighting about withdrawal/discontinuation, and permanent/long-term iatrogenic injuries in the Glutamate/Gaba/Serotonin/Norepinephrine/Endocrine/Histamine/Nervous/Digestive systems from Psychotropic Pharmaceuticals. Psychiatrists downplaying just how severe it is, how disabling it is, how financially devastating it is, and how long-term disabling it is.

    We’re most-definitely talking about 2 different things.

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  • ” The blind spot is, in my opinion, due to the reality that, if a drug is acknowledged to cause withdrawal problems, then that strongly suggests that that substance has in fact caused a physical dependancy, and doctors generally are not terribly enthusiastic about acknowledging that their substances cause physical dependance.”

    THANK YOU. There are absolutely zero consequences, too.

    Each and every single time I’ve brought up Withdrawal/Discontinuation since 2012 and especially since 2021, Medical Professionals (Walk-in Clinic Doctors, Psychiatrists, Psychi RN’s have ALWAYS gotten skiddish, flustered, frustrated, coy, shy, and dismissive. It’s fucking hilarious and so obvious.

    If I were a Psychiatrist or Psychiatric RN, I would have overwhelming guilt and quite literally have to end my life over what I’ve done to people’s health. It is extremely extremely extremely serious what they’ve done to our bodies. A huge chunk of us are so disabled now that we can no longer work/school or were unable to work/school very much during our time on these Pharmaceuticals. We won’t be receiving any money for our Iatrogenic Injuries/Long-Term Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome, either.

    Withdrawal/discontinuation symptoms and synrome is severe and lots of people have chosen to end their lives rather than continue because of how severe it is.

    I cannot believe that people are able to live with themselves for what they’ve done to other human beings’s bodies and brains.

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  • “I’m allergic to the anticholinergic drugs”

    I wish I had known this was what’s been going on since 2012/what this term is called and what to say. My body and brain cannot tolerate anything, except Pristiq, which I take for childhood abuse. In the past, all of the other SSRI’s/SNRI’s felt like I was taking poison. They’re junk for my body, my brain, my mood, and my quality of life. And no. That does NOT mean that I have BiPolar#1/#2/#3 (recently learned that there’s a 3rd one now).

    I was Mis-dx’ed about 3 years ago now with BiPolar#2 out of the blue with zero explanation by an extremely ESL-Psychiatrist who completely misunderstood me when I said that I was completely unwell in withdrawal from a Tranquilizer that a local E.R. had to give me (Seroquel I.R.) a few months prior because I had a severe in my limbic system to LoLoestrin. 3 years later, back in July of this year, I finally learned why I lost control of my limbic system. It’s the type of Progestin in LoLoestrin and why nothing ever happened with the ~7 other b/c pills I’ve tried before: they’re all different types of Progestin. I was 38 when I learned that.

    I had this Psychiatrist for many years with zero benefit and was put on Anti-Psychotics and Anti-convulsants (Mood stabilizers for people with legitimate BiPolar #1 & #2) that I have zero business being on. All these drugs did was land me in the Mental Health Unit of the Hospital for the very first time. I had to take myself 11x within 12 months because of the drugs themself or the discontinuation symptoms. I was just labelled as hysterical, attention-seeking, fearful, dramatic, histronic, possible Borderline Personality Disorder because I was so angry and so messed up in withdrawal, etc when I was really in withdrawal. They didn’t recognize that, even though it’s literally mandatory that Psychiatrists are required to recognize withdrawal symptoms. These drugs literally create a chemical imbalance, and you’re in a chemical imbalance during discontinuation, which could take years and years and years in agony to stop. That’s what’s I’m currently experiencing. Because of a drug my brain didn’t require and only made me worse in the first place. And this has happened many different times in the past as well.

    I’m still stuck on a few drugs because the discontinuation symptoms are quite literally unsurvivable (even with a taper as slow as possible,) and these drugs negatively impact various systems in my body, my brain chemistry, my mood, and my quality of life. The side-effects are infuriating & dangerous.

    I’ve had to research all of these new bizarre drugs thoroughly over the last few years, and I always came across the term “anti-cholinergic” or “cholinergic” in general, and I knew I was on to something in terms of how negatively/badly my body and brain are reacting and have reacted in the past.

    I was never ever wrong about what’s been going on in my own body, and I was met with nothing but push-back, insulting, slander, and medical gaslighting. It’s quite literally devastated and broke my long-term partner’s heart. For 3 years, he has kept saying that someone like me has zero business being on any of these Pharmaceuticals and has helplessly watched me get worse because I blindly trusted someone whose job it is to know what they’re doing with brain chemistry. Psychiatrists have never ever been on these drugs themselves, been made worse mentally and physically by the Pharmaceuticals, and tried to get off of these Pharmaceuticals as slowly as possible without your brain and body noticing.

    I will never ever get an apology, nor would I accept one. Only 1 Psychiatrist apologized on behalf of the medical community, and she was a woman. No surprise there. I treated everyone I came across, including 3 unnecessary in-patient visits within 6 months because of the drugs themselves or the discontinuation symptoms from them, with the utmost respect. I have lost 3 years of my life and on-going, a significant amount of money, and my job.

    This website and survivingantidepressants forum are the best things on the internet for people to know that they were never ever wrong.

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