Comments by Rebecca Donaldson

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  • Sounds just like DBT- ignoring behaviors that are viewed as “bad.” This isn’t how you help children. It’s extremely harmful. All kids and adults require love. They don’t need to be punished or ignored for “bad behaviors.” Pick up all kids and love on them. I’m so tired of this behaviorism crap. We are hurting people with this way of thinking.

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  • I’m not a big fan of this article to be honest. It’s a mistake to assume people given this horrific label struggle with metallization. Many people do not at all. Lots of people are actually not loved at home and not treated well. Lots of people actually have harmful mental health providers and are perceiving their provider accurately. Instead of arguing that this population should try this other treatment, let’s take a look under the hood at the conceptualization of this so-called diagnosis in the first place, consider trauma, and question the epistemic injustice in the field. It is a huge mistake to think these individuals labeled with this crap diagnosis lack metallization. It’s not that people who struggle with metallization will struggle with DBT. It’s that people who realize that this assumption about them is wrong and who do not enjoy harmful treatment will find DBT for what it is, which is harmful and and often, abusive. Please stop using this pejorative label. I’m sad to read that this label is even still being used and that this mentallization treatment is just another gas-lighting approach to working with people.

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  • It’s interesting to me that so many think a neuroscience, emotional regulation approach, is what is needed for this population. I see it differently. I think they need a developmentally-informed approach that is attachment-focused and supports them in developing an internal working model of attachment so that they may progress through Erikson’s stages of development and one day feel safe to wander. I think what they need is a corrective experience and to never be shunned for appropriate responses to childhood trauma. The problem with DBT isn’t just because of the way it’s taught. It misses the core of the pain these individuals feel. It doesn’t work on abandonment. It doesn’t address growing up in poverty, being neglected, being abused, not fitting in, experiencing sexism, racism, classism, etc. It labels appropriate responses to horrible systemic issues as a problem with someone’s personality and tells them to do better and have radical acceptance. It’s not okay. Universities and other workplaces are being expected to be trauma-informed and to do away with micro aggressions and epistemic injustice. Why aren’t mental health providers held to the same standards?

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