Editor’s note: Mad in America is not sponsoring or organizing this training but details are provided here for the benefit of the community.
Virtually Together: 6th Annual Regional Gathering of Dialogic Network Practice
June 4, 8:30am to 3pm
Note: If you are unable to join via your computer, you are still able to call into the meetings by simply tapping or dialing the “One-Tap Mobile” number on any smartphone. The first half of the number is the call center you will routed through. The second half is your meeting ID. It should connect automatically, but you may have to enter the second half by hand.
8:30am — Coffee & Danishes
An opportunity to see each other’s faces as we arrive, to have private or group chats via Zoom’s typed chat function, and unstructured conversation.
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
8:45am — Welcome and overview
Program and logistics.
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
9am—Hearing From Our Network: Opening Panel Conversation
Keegan Arcure (Advocates, MA), Robert Cotes (Emory University Hospital, GE), Ronda “Ro” Speight (Mental Health Association of Westchester, NY), Leslie Nelson (Howard Center, VT), Ashley Oakley (Counseling Service of Addison County, VT), Genevieve Williamson (University of Vermont Medical Center, VT). Facilitated by Lisa Dobkowski and Zelda Alpern.
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
9:45am — Randomized small group conversations of 3-4 people to share responses to panel and break.
10:15am — Focused Conversations/Presentations/Workshops
- Experiences of coercion/hierarchy in conversations about medication where the prescriber, the client and other staff such as case managers are present; how to address this and open up space from the point of view of staff who are not prescribers
Host: Nicole Reilly/Denise Daly
Location (click this link): https://zoom.us/j/98660480123?pwd=MkRGTm5wTXVXdUdudllNb3hGNHZOQT09
One-tap Mobile: +16465588656,,98660480123#
- Dialogic practices in the time of COVID-19: how does this time pull for more or less dialogism and what are other learnings from this time to help inform us going forward
Host: Sandy Smith
Location (click this link): https://zoom.us/j/93149962865?pwd=ZmlLd0ZYcThTYVZUQUl0QTJ6UTliQT09
One-tap Mobile: +16465588656,,93149962865#
- Using OD/CNA in residential settings
Host: Ellie Bishop/Per Eisenman
Location (click this link): https://zoom.us/j/6031407144
One-tap Mobile: (646) +16465588656,,6031407144#
- Conversation among families/clients who have been engaging in dialogic practices
Hosts: Sarah Binshadler/Ashley Oakley/Jessica Hodder/Mary Price
Location (click this link): https://zoom.us/j/9476420987
One-tap mobile: +16465588656,,9476420987#
- Experiences with alternatives to coercive practices in the time of COVID-19 and before
Hosts: Amy Morgan/Kermit Cole
Location (click this link): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81680852764?pwd=NUI5SnkySDIvM0hJblI4R2hhMUpUZz09
One-tap Mobile: +12532158782,,81680852764#
- Meaningful peonage and the pivot to forced idleness in the lives of people diagnosed with mental disorders (Research presentation and discussion).
Host: Kellan McNally
Location (click this link): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85129220707?pwd=WjErb01DUWZ0RUZ6aWNjVzZtdmhyZz09
One-tap mobile: +16468769923,,85129220707#,,1#,722888#
- Sharing experiences, challenges, learning about Open Dialogue on zoom
Host: Vic Martini
Location (click this link): https://ucsvt.zoom.us/j/99612351596?pwd=VE92ZkM5YnJNUWEvb0JnYTJRb0xXUT09
One-tap mobile: +1 646 558 8656,,99612351596#,,1#,101178#
11:30am — Hearing from each of the workshops
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
12pm — HOPEnDialogue Project Overview and Q&A with Rafaella Pocobello
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
12:15pm — Lunch
To request private chat rooms with particular attendees for lunchtime conversations send a message to Andrew Collings through the chat function and let him know who you would like to include.
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
1pm — Research Presentations by Kim Hopper, Ana Florence, Raffaella Pocobello, reflecting conversation with Jessica Hodder, Malaika Puffer, Jamie Cammack and Cindy Peterson-Dana. Followed by Q&A conversation/discussion with full group. Moderated by Sandy Steingard.
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
1pm — Conversations continued from the morning or new topics. This may be offered simultaneously to the research presentation. We will let you know how best to access these if they are offered.
2:45pm — 3pm Wrap-up for the day
Location: Main Meeting Room
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84189629726
One-Tap Mobile: +16468769923,,84189629726#
Please remember to complete the evaluation of the day.
Getting Support: If you have a technical issue you can private message Andrew Collings in the chat feature for assistance. This will work when you are in the main conference room but not the separate zoom workshops at 10:15am. During the 10:15am workshops you can send a message through chat to your workshop host for support.