Have you been admitted, voluntarily or involuntarily, to a psychiatric ward or psychiatric hospital? Mad In America needs your help.
To learn more about the state of American mental health care, we are conducting an 8 minute survey of Americans who have spent time on psychiatric wards or in psychiatric hospitals.
This is an anonymous survey. You are not expected or required to leave your name or contact info. We completely understand and respect your desire to keep your psych ward/hospital experience private.
Upon collecting a statistically significant amount of responses, we will analyze the data for a “Special Report” on the quality of care in American psychiatric wards and hospitals.
[vc_btn title=”Take Our 8 Minute Psych Ward Survey” shape=”square” color=”warning” align=”center” css_animation=”none” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.surveymonkey.com%2Fr%2Fpsych-ward-survey-facebook||target:%20_blank|”]