Tag: autistic

ā€œLife, Animated: A Remarkable Story of How a Family Reached Their...

A new documentary ā€œLife, Animated,ā€ which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, tells the story of a man with autism who learned to interact...

ā€˜Sesame Streetā€™ Welcomes First Character with Autism

Last Wednesday, Sesame Street added a new character, Julia, to its roster of characters. In an online story, Julia, who has autism, meets Elmo and Abby and Elmo explains why Julia might sometimes do things a little bit differently. The story was written by Leslie Kimmerman, who has a child with autism, and the entire series will be developed in collaboration with parents, advocates, and people with autism.

Keeping Meili Off Psychiatric Drugs

We first came under pressure to give our developmentally disabled and autistic daughter a psychiatric drug when she was in her mid-teens. She was attending a local school for autistic children but was unable to adapt to their program, and we were urged to consult a psychiatrist. What enabled us to resist the pressure to put our daughter on drugs?

ā€œThe Myth of the ā€˜Autistic Shooterā€™ā€

ā€œAlthough there is no established connection between autism and murder, some eagerly leapt to causality and scapegoating,ā€ Andrew Solomon writes in the New York Times. ā€œTarring the autistic community in this manner ā€” like presuming that most black people are thieves or that most Muslims are terrorists ā€” is an insidious form of profiling. It exacerbates the tendency for people with autism to be excluded, teased and assaulted in childhood and adulthood.ā€