Tag: bereavement
Grief, Bereavement, Public Health, and Me
In public health, we talk about death. But we donât talk about grief or bereavement. We donât study the hole left behind in the family system or social sphere.
Why You Should Never Tell Someone Who’s Grieving to Move On
In this interview for Thrive Global, psychoanalyst Robert Stolorow explains why we should not seek to heal or fix the grief we experience from trauma...
Elimination of the Bereavement Exclusion:Â History and Implications
The bereavement exclusion was formally eliminated in the spring of 2013, with the publication of DSM-5. The history of its elimination provides an interesting example of psychiatry's relentless expansion of its net.
âHow Should You Grieve?â
Andrea Volpe, for Mosaic Science, explores the condition of complicated grief and how new approaches to therapy are treating it.
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Overtreatment, Bereavement, and Antidepressants
A recent paper argues that prescribing antidepressants shortly after the death of a loved one is problematic . . . and a few days later, a Harvard academic publicly suggests prescribing antidepressants FOR bereavement. Wait, what?
Should Jilted Lovers Be Treated with Antidepressants?
It is refreshing that The New York Times in the space of four days has published two articles which take a critical view of...