Tag: ChildPsychdrugs
The Time to Curb Forced Drugging is Now: In Your State,...
Is the time ripe for MadinAmerica readers to organize legislative action to curb the use of drugs as chemical restraints? Recent developments in Congress, in the state of Washington, and in California suggest that the answer is yes.
Drugging Foster Kids: Let’s Do Something About It
This is an invitation to action. Mad in America readers know that psychotropic medications, especially “antipsychotics,” often are used to sedate and restrain problematic people, including children—and not just any children, but foster children especially, and most of all, foster children in so-called “group homes.” Agreement is widespread that foster kids are over-medicated: too many, too young, too many drugs per child, on dosages that are too high and are maintained too long, oftenyears on end. The PsychDrugs Action Campaign of the National Center for Youth Law invites Mad in America readers to join us to make positive changes now.
Campaign Against Drugging of Foster Children
-The US National Center for Youth Law has launched an "action campaign" to persuade government officials to reduce the psychiatric drugging of children in foster care.