Tag: spirituality and mental illness
Mental Health Liberation and Spirituality: Ex-Psychiatric Inmates Share Their Thoughts
What I want to share with you, dear readers, is how spiritual experiences like mine have been reflected in so many peopleâs stories of being labeled with psychotic disorders.
The Shamanic View of Mental Illness
From UPLIFT: In the shamanic view, emotional distress and psychosis signal a spiritual awakening or emergence, not a pathology. Western cultures can learn a great...
When Minds Crack, The Light Might Get In: A Spiritual Perspective...
You canât go back to mundane ways of seeing the world after very dark things happen. Trauma cracks open a hole in our lives and in our minds, throwing us into the zone where we face the big spiritual questions. Bad ideas can get in when things open up like that. But itâs also possible that something new and positive can get in.