Tag: spouses

Engaging Voices, Part 2: Working Our Way Toward Connection

Sam Ruck shares his fourth excerpt from his book Healing Companions, which describes his life with, and love for, his wife and her “alters.” 

Engaging Voices, Part 1: Validating The Arrival of My Wife’s First...

Sam Ruck shares his third excerpt from his book Healing Companions, which describes his life with, and love for, his wife and her “alters.” 

‘Delusions’ and ‘Paranoia’: What Are They, Really, and How Can We...

Sam Ruck shares a second excerpt from his book "Healing Companions," which describes his life with, and love for, his wife and her “alters.” 

Giving Caregivers a Platform: Sam, Husband of Ka’ryn Marie

For many caregivers who assist their loved ones, the journey involves navigating the medical system and its many challenges. This time, the journey takes...