“When the mental health system failed me, online communities became my coping mechanisms”


In The Guardian, Hannah Giorgis describes the troubles she had convincing her mental health professionals that systemic racism against black people in Britain did actually exist. “The conversation made me feel crazy in a way my depression itself never had,” she writes.

Giorgis then turned to online communities for understanding and support. “But I do know that it helped me at a time when the institution charged with helping me simply wouldn’t. In times when there’s no quick fix in sight, sometimes you just need to know you and your dark thoughts are not alone.”

When the mental health system failed me, online communities became my coping mechanisms (The Guardian, January 13, 2015)


  1. “The conversation made me feel crazy in a way my depression itself never had,”
    Oh, that’s true not only if you’re black. When you talk to a psychiatrist you almost always start to wonder who’s the crazy one. Actually when one thinks about it a lot of what they do is really gaslighting.

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