Aubrey Ellen Shomo – Long Bio


Diagnosed with a psychotic disorder at eight years old, transgendered essayist Aubrey Ellen Shomo (born Justin Michael Shomo) would spend most of the next decade on neuroleptic medication – over her vocal objections – and would be hospitalized repeatedly. Upon reaching adulthood, furious with the treatment she received for so long and her own powerlessness in the face of it, she became a psychiatric survivor activist.

Over the course of the next decade she would be honored as a semi-finalist in the international Film Your Issue competition for young filmmakers for her PSA about child abuse in psychiatric hospitals; serve on the board of Colorado’s statewide consumer network; speak at the national Alternatives conference and serve on its advisory committee; and tell her story, most recently for the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery’s CD series Voices of Hope and Recovery: Our Stories, Our Lives.

Apart from her work as a psychiatric survivor activist, she works in the real world as a Network Engineer and Programmer and has published in 2600: The Hacker Quarterly and Transgender Tapestry. Her website can be found at