Bob Nikkel, MSW, is the Executive Director of the Mad in America Continuing Education Project and is an Associate Professor in the Public Psychiatry Training Program at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon. He was the State of Oregon’s commissioner for both mental health and addictions from 2003-2008. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care.
He has published in the areas of consumer-operated case management services, co-occurring disorders, case management interventions and supported education in state hospital settings. He was given a legacy award for his support of early psychosis projects in Oregon and has a continued interest in promoting evidence-based interventions that minimize disability and encourage resilience and recovery. He can be reached at [email protected].
I feel that his work is great I’m a mom and I have some concerns about how the mental illness industry is going and I believe that should be better that how it is.
I do not support,Psychiatry or Psychology as the model of metal health. I do have some concerns. Please sent me an email I would like to work with like minded groups that support that.
Plaease email me id you douls
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After I got out 2–1 in Eastern Washington State Hospital, Medical Lake, Washington &
the 2nd time–Oregon State Hospital-then in Salem, Oregon–I was already an exception, privalage character & I am stil is–then Bob N was my 1st Case Maneger, Marion County Health–I am now getting services @ Lane County Behavior Health–my = to “casemanager” is called Counselor “Sarah”– even before getting out OSH I had started taking classes i 5 Alternative PychoTherapy which I still try practice as I write–PLEASE you welcome to. me @ [email protected] and as much as possible I will try to keep this well–Private
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I have known Bob Nikkel every since some time way back in 1981 or 1982?
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