“Even in an academic setting with active discussions among psychiatrists regarding issues of metabolic risk … baseline lipid monitoring is disappointingly low” according to a five-year Duke University study of adherence to recommendations regarding antipsychotic use during hospitalization. The study will appear in General Hospital Psychiatry.
That’s because psychiatrists are not stupid. They know that the drugs are extremely toxic and are going to kill the patient anyway, why give themselves a reason to have to discontinue the drug for liability purposes? This is yet another study going in my collection of how psychiatrists knew all along what they were doing and should not be allowed to claim ignorance if or when the time comes that all the facts are widely known about them and these drugs.
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Although psychiatrists claim to be medical doctors they are shockingly ignorant about how the medications they prescribe work, blaming the side-effects on the patients’ unhealthy life-style. They ignore the fact that antipsychotics disrupt histamines and adrenaline as well as serotonin and dopamine. Disrupting adrenaline has a direct effect on blood-sugar and pancreatic function. Disrupting histamine has a direct effect on appetite. Surely doctors have studied how the endocrine system works at medical school: have they not?
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