Primordial Psyche

From the author: “A pioneering book which addresses complex and profound topics within a great tradition of C. G. Jung and James Hillman. The style is hieratic,metaphorical,symbolical–and every word or sentence or period,reflects upon and within a great opus of C. G. Jung. Style is incomparable and unreachable,because of a supra-ordinary and super-ordinate nature of the topic in itself. Diego Pignatelli sheds new light on The Red Book, Freud-Jung’s interpretation of unconscious and soul, theology, alchemy, psychology and religion, gnosticism, mythology and ancient mysteries as well as providing and offering an adequate transpersonal and Jungian archetypal framework for psychoses and borderline phenomena as well as their “arousal” into the “mythological nucleus” of the psyche revolving around ancient religions and unconscious phenomena revisited.”


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