A researcher from UCLA writes in Developmental Psychobiology of the effects of caregiver absence on the development of the amygdala, suggesting that caregiver deprivation can produce amygdala developmental aberration that result in some of the “emotional phenotypes observed following early institutional care.” The review was released online June 19, 2012.
Tottenham, N. “Human Amygdala Development in the Absence of Species-Expected Caregiving.” Developmental Psychobiology, online June 19, 2012
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“the effects of caregiver absence on the development of the amygdala, suggesting that caregiver deprivation can produce amygdala developmental aberration”
English translation: the effects of neglect can impact and wreck you. You’ll be a mess for the rest of your life, or until someone fixes your amygdala.
“Children who have been raised in institutional care early in life experience caregiver deprivation and are at significantly elevated risk for emotional difficulties.”
Emotional difficulties, to say the least! You can’t really SEE mental deformity, but if there’s ever a picture of what a MENTAL deformity looks like, this is it (their physical deformities are the equivalent of what a twisted mind looks like; a result of extreme neglect and abuse):
Dark Side of Serbian Mental Institutions
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