The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)’s Methodology Committee released a report dated July 23, 2012, calling for “Standards for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research.” In a perspective piece published in the New England Journal of Medicine, doctors from the committee say “The legislative mandate to generate a methods report, methodologic standards, and a translation table as guidance for a national research initiative is visionary. It tells us that for research to be meaningful, its methodologic foundation must be scientifically sound and patient-centered — and that all stakeholders should be able to gauge the research’s quality and usefulness for decision making. It tells us that if medical research is to realize the promise of improving health, the methods matter.”
Related items:
Getting the Methods Right — The Foundation of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (New England Journal of Medicine “Perspective” by report authors)
PCORI Draft Methodology Report Public Comment Survey