Crusoe was called to see the woman. It all began she said when on the way home after a successful board meeting, taking shelter from a sudden downpour, he stepped into an empty building. There he saw something. Perhaps it was the nutmeg with the meal or the mushrooms that did it. A bunch of children, he said, sitting looking at a stockmarket ticker tape. Many of them appeared limbless, had cleft palates or clubfeet or were otherwise deformed. Others had the scar of some operation down their breastbone or elsewhere, some with the stitches still in.
All hail the Thane of Delaware one sang, as the ticker tape showed a share-price rise. All hail the Thane of Pennsylvania another said as the share-price rose further. All hail Mr. President the last one said as the share-price rose yet higher.
He came home astonished. He couldn’t see what she could. But she said, tearfully turning to Crusoe, things had not worked out. The treatments coming through had been nothing like the breakthrough treatments of a few decades before. Far from getting people well, more were dying earlier. Younger and younger children were being put on some of the foulest drugs on earth. She had thought no-one in their right mind would prescribe such drugs to children or pregnant women but there seemed to be nothing that could stop it happening. The last years of a person’s life, the years of sere and yellow leaf, became the most profitable years for the company. Few of the elderly went to their graves on less than 30-40 pills per day. The country was in thrall.
There was wailing across the land but no-one seemed to have an idea how to bring about change. Some broke into and occupied buildings, but what good could this do when it was impossible for doctors to do anything other than what the evidence said. A series of traitors leaked documents but these resulted in no more than minor embarrassments.
When the Thane of Indiana’s wife became depressed in the midst of all this, she was put on treatment and committed suicide.
She sometimes wondered if he was on something; he had become so unfeeling. Never more so than when one of his closest friends on the way up suggested they needed to change course, and soon after was terminated. The man she married would never have done this. Not to someone who had been through so much with him, without whose help he would never have made it.
There was no option he said. As long as the clinical trial data pointed the one way, there was no other rational option for the country but to follow it. Unless someone was to show the entire body of clinical trials was worthless marketing copy, there was no way to undo the system – and what chaos would ensue then. He had even mockingly on one occasion said no-one born of man could bring the system down.
The security around him recently had become total. She was sure they had profiled her and knew she posed no threat. Or else thought her death would make no difference. They knew she was infertile.
“But I had a test-tube baby before I met him and gave him up for adoption”. “Has he just contacted you?” Crusoe asked.
[For The Oedipus Effect – see The Antidepressant Era. Re parable, a startling number of US Senators, Governors, Secretaries of State, and even Presidents have had senior roles within the pharmaceutical industry, which is based in Delaware, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New Jersey].
If you are saying that USA politicians have financial interests in the pharmaceutical industry it would be interesting to know the details and how this can be researched.
I’d also be interested in finding out about UK politicians financial links to the big pharma. I have little idea of how to find this out, I may spend some time in trying to find out.
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A quick e-mail to an investigative journalist friend bought me this link:
It has the following interesting quotes:
Gabby Bertin, who is now David Cameron’s press secretary,…was paid by pharmaceutical firm Pfizer to work for Fox’s controversial Atlantic Bridge charity.
Dominic Grieve: MP for Beaconsfield: In 2008. Shares in …. GlaxoSmithKline, Astrazeneca
Margot James: MP for Stourbridge…. has spoken at Big Pharma conferences since the 2010 election, saying that “the pharmaceutical industry remained very important to her and has a very special place in her heart”.
However most of the MP’s listed on the website have interests listed in private healthcare providers rather than big pharma. How the two link together is something I would like more information on.
Can someone help?
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I mailed Corporate Watch and got a report which says: “Big Pharma spends over €40 million per year lobbying in the EU, dwarfing public health NGOs.”
Here is the report:
I’d really like to hear more about this sort of thing on this website. We have articles on the dangers of medications, alternatives to medication, successful recovery without drugs and people setting up non-drug treatments. We are beginning to see more stories about campaigning. I’d like to see more about how Big Pharma influences politicians and polices – the use of money to gain influence, that way we will know more about who to aim any campaigns at.
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Hi John! I will leave the digging up of Pharma’s UK political links to the Brits on this board… but as to the United States, it’s not so much that the politicians have bought shares in Big Pharma, it’s more that Big Pharma has bought shares in them. This list of contributions and lobbying expenses is a good place to start:
A few politicians, from a long list:
Mitch Daniels went from being a VP at Eli Lilly, to the Bush Administration, to being Governor of Indiana and a possible Republican candidate for President until recently. (I think the Thane of Indiana David refers to is Lilly executive Randall Tobias, whose wife Marilyn committed suicide while on Prozac.)
Donald Rumsfeld, Bush’s Secy of Defense, was a former Pfizer executive and current pharma investor who took considerable heat for making a fortune off Tamiflu after persuading the Defense Dept to stockpile it.
And then there’s the incomparable Billy Tauzin:
During his 2008 campaign Barack Obama used Tauzin as a symbol for all that was wrong with Washington … but within 6 months of being sworn in, Billy was in a back room with Obama and Rahm Emanuel, shaping the future of our so-called health reform.
Oh, there’s more … but that will get you started!
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Good points.
It’s both political parties and both houses of Congress… they’ve been on the take for yrars.
Pharma keeps them in power, and they keep Pharma knee-deep in profits… It’s a partnership in an industry of death. Hitler did the same with Mercedez Benz.
Re: Obamacare… In the summer of 2009, the television ads supporting the act were funded by PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Marketing Association)… Follow the money.
For anyone who thinks mental health care will improve under Obamacare, think again… There will be less choice, and more drugs.
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Hitler? (not again.. )
Neuroleptics decrease life expectancy by 25 years, or a third of an average lifespan… multiplied by the millions who have been placed on these drugs for the long-term, and we’re looking at stats that would make Hitler proud.
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