Johnson & Johnson settled one of about 420 Risperdal-related lawsuits on the trial’s opening day. “The case is resolved and the client is satisfied,” said a lawyer for the plaintiff; one of about 130 suing over claims that Risperdal had caused breasts to grow on young men.
Of further interest:
J&J Sees Male Breasts And Quickly Settles Risperdal Suit
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Risperdal reproached!
The ‘atypical’ antipsychotics-Risperdal,Zyprexa,Seroquel… are essentially reformulated 50 year old Thorazine at 10-20 x’s the price.Zyprexa was hailed as, ‘the most successful drug in the history of neuroscience’.
How can that be legitimate as the conditions the drugs are approved for are only 1% of the population?
Zyprexa especially was ‘pushed’ off-label and made Eli Lilly $67 billion to date.
–Daniel Haszard FMI zyprexa-victims(dot)com
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I can well understand the psychological suffering caused when this drug causes a teenaged boy to grow breasts. And it’s a public relations disaster for Risperdal which I welcome. But there’s an even bigger disaster lurking: What is this drug doing to the women and girls who take it?
A July 2007 report found that women with “serious mental illness” have close to three times the risk of breast cancer as other American women. The most likely culprit is the same one in these cases of gynecomastia or “man-boobs” in males. Atypical antipsychotics raise levels of a female hormone called prolactin involved in breast development. Too high a level of it is a strong contributor to cancer risk.
Since the overall breast cancer risk among American women is one in eight, this would make it at least one in three among women diagnosed with “serious mental illnesses.”
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Very Important action to take: Laypersons and professionals can comment on the government regulations page where attorney Sheller has posted a petition to withdraw FDA approval of Risperdal and like drugs for children and adolescents– Please comment NOW and protect childrens’ health. Help push back the antipsychotic craze for young people by commenting today. Go here to comment:!searchResults;rpp=25;po=0;s=FDA-2012-P-0857
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Is anyone going to sue NAMI for promoting Risperdal off label to children ?
The National Alliance For The Mentally Ill was marketing Risperdal for kids, they had this link posted on the front page of there website. Its still there on the web archive.
“Risperidone for Adolescent Aggression”
Medical Focus, Winter 1996
How do they always get off the hook ?
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