Dr. James Gordon, Founder and Director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, gives his keynote presentation “Getting UnStuck: Moving Beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Chronic Illness” at the 2012 ISEPP Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
Dr. Gordon was for 10 years a research psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health. There he developed the first national program for runaway and homeless youth, edited the first comprehensive studies of alternative and holistic medicine, and directed the Special Study on Alternative Services for President Carter’s Commission on Mental Health. Dr. Gordon has created programs of comprehensive mind-body healing for physicians, medical students, and other health professionals; for people with cancer, depression and other mental health challenges; and for traumatized children and families in Bosnia, Kosovo, Israel and Gaza, in post-9/11 New York, and post-Katrina southern Louisiana, and for U.S Military. His most recent book is “Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven Stage Journey Out of Depression”.
This is latest in a series of conference presentations which will be featured on MadinAmerica.com