

  • Offers a prescription for critical thinking about psychotropic medications and a more balanced evaluation of the “prescription situation” based on ethical codes of practice of medical and non-medical helping professions.
  • Aims to sharpen critical skills of mental health and child welfare professionals assessing and practicing with children and adolescents who may be medicated with psychiatric drugs.
  • Tries to close gaps between research and practice to maximize opportunities to help clients and avoid harm
  • Emphasizes the ethical dictate: “First, do no harm” and recommends:
    • Use of psychotropic medications that have been reported to have serious adverse effects in children – including death – should be halted as first-line interventions until research demonstrates that both short- and long-term benefits outweigh the already known risks.
    • Psychosocial interventions for children’s behavioral problems have been empirically-validated and should be implemented as first-line interventions.

All investigators and consultants have agreed to forego pharmaceutical industry funding for the entire duration of this project in order to reduce financial conflicts of interest.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.