Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has reinforced its warning to health professionals about the risk of suicidality associated with Straterra, after receiving reports of serious adverse events, including one case of completed suicide, two reports of attempted suicide, and 74 reports of psychiatric disorders associated with the drug. A study of children and adolescents found a .4% risk of suicide among 1357 patients, compared with a 0% risk in 851 patients treated with placebo.
Australian Government Department of Health, Therapeutic Goods Administration Medicines Safety Update. Australian Prescriber. 4(5) October, 2013
Of further interest:
Medicines Update (Pharmacy News)
Universally hated by people with ADD-ADHD
Google the term “Strattera sucks” and read 1000s of posts explaining why.
Google the term “Strattera forum” to find random posts online and read how almost everyone who takes it has very bad effects.
Strattera the “non stimulant” stimulant for ADD…
Anyone want a non drowsy sleeping pill ?
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I tried straterra. It created bizarre disruptions in my sleep patterns: I was wide awake and agitated in the middle of the night, and falling asleep in my oatmeal in the morning. It did NOTHING y help my ADHD symptoms. This insane prejudice against stimulants because SOME people abuse them, driving the pharmaceutical companies and doctors to cone up with ANYTHING BUT STIMULANTS to give people with ADHD is reminiscent of the ANYTHING BUT OPIOIDS approach to pain control, and it is robbing patients of access to the MOST effective (and for some people, the ONLY effective) treatment. If America dealt better with its drug abuse problem — looking seriously at WHY people abuse drugs (hint: it’s not merely availability) — it wouldn’t have an excuse to blame the problem on people whose lives are GREATLY IMPROVED by access to those drugs on a prescription basis.
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