Researchers from Tel Aviv, Singapore and New York find that although “Warnings that a promoted product can have adverse side effects (e.g., smoking cigarettes can cause cancer) should dampen the product’s allure “, that instead participants who had seen an ad noting the benefits of the product but warning of risky side effects bought more than those who had seen an ad noting only benefits.” The study appears in the September issue of Psychological Science.
Steinhart, Y., Carmon, Z., Trope, Y.; Warnings of Adverse Side Effects Can Backfire Over Time. Psychological Science. September 2013 24(9) 1842-1847. doi: 10.1177/0956797613478948
Of further interest:
Serious side-effects warnings can increase drug sales: study (PharmaTimes)
Can Rx Drug Trash Talk – Litany of Side Effects – in DTC Ads Increase Sales? (Pharma Marketing Blog)