The San Francisco Chronicle reviews Jon Ronson’s “The Psychopath Test”, which chronicles the meteoric growth of the DSM in “chaotic editorial meetings in a small conference room at Columbia University. The invited psychiatrists yelled over each other, and no one took minutes.” Ronson’s book includes an interview with Eliot Spitzer, who says “I don’t like the idea of speculating how many of the DSM-III categories are describing normal behavior.”
Ah, once again we see how psychiatry shot itself in the foot when it came out with DSM-5. It is hard for anyone with the semblance of an open mind to believe in the dangerous garbage in the latest DSM. People in our movement should never stop talking about this. Lately, I have been around a group of people who are rather conservative. But when I have shown them that they too can be labeled as “mentally ill,” they are appalled.
And once ordinary people realize that they too can be victimized by psychiatry, we have a way of reaching them that we didn’t have before.
I agree.
IMO, psychiatry’s over-reach may be the final nail in its coffin. And hopefully, will lead more people to abandoning the “us versus them” mentality; leading more folks toward finding real help and support through challenging thoughts/feelings/life events.
It really is time for psychiatry to say “goodbye.”