Thinking of David Oaks
For nearly 40 years, David Oaks devoted his life to changing the mental health system, and fighting for the rights of “patients” and “ex-patients.” As director of MindFreedom International, he valiantly carried this fight forward in the United States and abroad. Last December, he suffered a horrible fall in his home, which left him partially paralyzed, and with other impairments. His friends are now seeking to raise $100,000 to help him rebuild his life. Ron Unger has written eloquently about this campaign. During this holiday season, when we are prompted to think about those who have made a difference in our lives, our thoughts go to David Oaks, and we hope that our readers will also consider making a contribution to this fund.
Here is how to donate:
By check: mail the check to Chase Bank, 1100 Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401 Make payable to “David W Oaks Irrevocable Trust” Write account number 3008433244 in the memo line.
By credit card: Go to http://www.