Although extensive research links spanking to behavior problems, parents who spank often believe it is the way to be an effective parent. Research from Southern Methodist University finds that very brief summaries of the research, significantly decreased parents’ positive attitudes toward corporal punishment. To the researchers’ surprise, the effect was the same whether the information was presented within and active learning paradigm, or presented passively. Results appeared in Child Abuse & Neglect.
Child maltreatment and repeat presentations to the emergency department for suicide-related behaviors. Child Abuse & Neglect. February-March, 2013. 37(2-3)139-149.
Of further interest:
Parents less likely to spank after reading briefly about its links to problems in children (SMU Research)
Parental Ed on Spanking Helps to Change Behavior (Psych Central)
Spanking is child abuse. End of story. The fact that it’s socially acceptable does not make it any less barbaric.
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