points out that “While data point to at least some over diagnosis (of ADHD), at least in boys, the extent of this problem remains unclear.”
I find this article and its typical question about ADHD or some other bogus, voted in DSM stigma being under or over diagnosed revolting as usual. It’s a FAKE, bogus, invented stigma made up by biopsychiatry in bed with Big Pharma to medicalize boyhood for the most part to push toxic drugs.
I reluctantly present an Esquire article here questioning the huge number of boys given this stigma because though it questions this and poses alternatives, I don’t think it goes far enough in exposing this despicable fraud destroying the lives of countless boys and a growing number of girls.
Fortunately, child neurologist, Dr. Fred Baughman, has done all in his power to expose the ADHD fraud in his book and web site:
Another book by honest experts exposing the despicable fraud of ADHD:
Rethinking ADHD: From Brain to Culture [Paperback]
Sami Timimi (Editor), Jonathan Leo (Editor)
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