What Does a “Trauma-informed Community” Look Like?


Tarpon Springs, Florida, is the first city in the US to declare itself to be a “Trauma-informed Community.” Jane Ellen Stevens of ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Too High News explores what that’s looking like on the ground.

“Being a trauma-informed community means that Tarpon Springs has made a commitment to engage people from all sectors — education, juvenile justice, faith, housing, health care and business — in common goals,” writes Stevens. “The first is to understand how personal adversity affects the community’s well being. The second is to institute resilience-building practices so that people, organizations and systems no longer traumatize already traumatized people and instead contribute to building a healthy community.”

Stevens discusses changes occurring with police, schools, housing providers and more.

Tarpon Springs, FL, first trauma-informed city, embraces messy path toward peace (ACES Too High News, September 17, 2014)