“Gut-brain Link Grabs Neuroscientists”


The journal Nature reviews research into “the idea that intestinal bacteria affect mental health.”

“Now there is hard evidence linking conditions such as autism and depression to the gutā€™s microbial residents, known as the microbiome,” reports Nature. “And neuroscientists are taking notice ā€” not just of the clinical implications but also of what the link could mean for experimental design.”

Gutā€“brain link grabs neuroscientists (Nature, November 12, 2014)


  1. The biggest missing piece in my personal health jigsaw puzzle was realizing I suffered from gut dysbiosis, (leaky gut syndrome) due to an overproliferation of the opportunistic yeast candida albicans which is fed by sugar and fast acting carbs.

    Candida has microscopic hooks that rip holes in the walls of your small intestine allowing undigested food particles, some of which are neurotoxic, to escape into the blood and brain causing depression, brain fog, chronic fatigue and other debilitative symptoms.

    To address this problem you must heal and seal your leaky gut. You can do this by stopping sugar and fast acting carb intake to starve the candida, and by using probiotics to balance the concentration of good bacteria such as sacromycees boulardii, lactobacillus and other good bacterias that are displaced by candida.

    I was able to do this. I was guided in my efforts by a very good book by Natasha Campbell McBride, MD titled Gut and Psychology Syndrome http://gaps.me Dr. McBride cured her son of autism via this means, but in the process discovered answers for depression and so called “schizophrenia”.

    Her approach to treatment fits with the orthomolecular model that saved my life more than 30 years ago, but it was the last piece of the puzzle I found. You can see a bare bones outline of my story at http://iahf.com/on_the_back_wards.html

    I met Dr. McBride at a Weston A. Price Foundation Conference in Texas a few years ago. She is an inspiration to me and to many others who have benefitted from her information.

    We are way past mouse models here, people should read her book!

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