Peter R. Breggin, MD, is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and former full-time consultant at NIMH. Dr. Breggin has been called “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful efforts to reform the mental health field. His scientific and educational work provided the foundation for modern criticism of psychiatric drugs and Electroshock (ECT), and leads the way in promoting more caring, empathic and effective therapies.
Dr. Breggin has authored dozens of scientific articles and more than twenty books including the bestsellers Toxic Psychiatry and Talking Back to Prozac (with Ginger Breggin), Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime (2008), and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families (2013). Dr. Breggin’s newest book is Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions, which presents a new biological and evolutionary theory about the origins of our negative legacy emotions and how to triumph over them.
Dr. Breggin acts as a medical expert in criminal, malpractice and product liability suits, often involving adverse drug effects such as suicide, violence, brain injury, death, and tardive dyskinesia. A review of Dr. Breggin’s forensic work can be found at Legal Cases on his website. As documented in his resume, he began testifying in the early 1970s and has been qualified in court 85 times or more since 1987. In 2010, he testified before Congress about psychiatric-drug induced violence and suicide in the military.
Dr. Breggin has a weekly radio program on the Progressive Radio Network ( His radio interviews are informative and inspiring discussions with pioneers in the field of mental health. Archives of the “Dr. Peter Breggin Hour” are available, free from iTunes or Podbean.
Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger founded and direct the Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy (a nonprofit 501-C3). The center conducts conferences with cutting-edge professionals and reformers, and offers a free e-newsletter and therapy resources center. Dr. Breggin’s professional website is and provides many resources for professionals, reformers, and anyone interested in learning about psychiatric drugs, electroshock, and other critical issues in psychiatry.
Dr. Breggin’s private practice is in Ithaca, New York where he treats adults, couples, and families with children. He has a subspecialty in clinical psychopharmacology, including adverse drug effects and psychiatric drug withdrawal.