Previously Hidden Data Shows Anti-flu Drug Linked to Psychosis and Suicides


“(A)t least 70 people have died, many of them by suicide, after Tamiflu-induced episodes,” reports Newsweek, in an article about the popular anti-flu drug and other examples of pharmaceutical companies hiding vital clinical trial data from physicians and the public. “The deaths were almost surreal: A 14-year-old who took Tamiflu jumped off a balcony, and a 17-year-old on the drug ran in front of a truck.”

“Scientists documented other cases of ‘psychopathic events,’ including a South Korean girl who temporarily developed bipolar disorder and an 8-year-old Japanese boy who wouldn’t answer to his name and began to growl.” These dangers are all the more concerning, says Newsweek, when the emerging hidden evidence shows that Tamiflu doesn’t work.

“Tens of millions of people have taken Tamiflu without incident, and you are far more likely to die from the flu than you are to have a dangerous reaction to the drug,” continues Newsweek. “And it’s true that with many medicines a minuscule chance of death is usually tolerated — as long as the benefits far outweigh that risk. But if Tamiflu does nothing, and there’s even a slight chance of life-threatening side effects, why was it approved? And why continue to prescribe it?”

Newsweek also discusses the antiarhythmia drugs, which some have estimated killed tens of thousands of Americans per year through the 80s.

Big Pharma Plays Hide-the-Ball With Data (Newsweek, November 13, 2014)