Bridget Mildon – Long Bio

Bridget Mildon is the president and founder of FND Hope. FND Hope is the first non-profit organization specifically for those diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder and related illnesses.

Bridget works with leading specialists around the world to assist medical professionals and tackle the common misunderstandings, not only about patients with psychosomatic disorders, but also about diagnostic error and the coding crisis. She has recently accepted a position on the Conversion/FND Consortium at Stanford University. Bridget has a diverse and unique approach to this field, which she has gained through advocacy work with patients.

Bridget spends most of her time helping patients and doctors understand Functional Neurological Disorder. A highlight of her advocacy work was giving the closing remarks at an FND training seminar in Birmingham, England. While in the UK, Bridget met with leading researchers in the FND field from Scotland and England, holding patient support meetings throughout the UK. She has submitted commentary to the pertinent work groups connected with DSM and ICD coding changes, and a response in the British Medical Journal advocating for those with medically unexplained symptoms. Bridget is a wife and mother of three. She feels passionately about spreading awareness, and bridging the gap between what is known and what is believed about medically unexplained symptoms.