Claudia M. Gold, MD, is a pediatrician and writer with a long-standing interest in addressing children’s mental health needs in a preventive model. She has practiced general and behavioral pediatrics for over 20 years, and currently specializes in early childhood mental health. Her first book, Keeping Your Child in Mind: Overcoming Defiance, Tantrums and Other Everyday Behavior Problems by Seeing the World through Your Child’s Eyes, was published in 2011. Her new book, The Silenced Child: From Labels, Medication and Quick-Fix Solutions to Listening, Growth, and Lifelong Resilience, will be released in May 2016. She is a graduate of the UMass Boston Infant-Parent Mental Health Post-Graduate Certificate Program, and the scholars program of the Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute. She is on the faculty of William James College, the Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute and the Austen Riggs Center.