Half of New Zealanders Not Comfortable Having a New Neighbor with a Mental Illness


According to The New Zealand Herald, the 2014 New Zealand General Social Survey of 9000 people “showed just around three quarters of New Zealanders would be accepting of a neighbour with different sexual orientations, in minority groups and with different religious views but substantially fewer would be accepting of a neighbour with mental illness.”

“When interviewees were asked how they would feel about a new neighbour who was a racial/ethnic minority, 74.8 per cent of Kiwis said they would feel comfortable,” reports the Herald. “Over 75 per cent of people also indicated they would feel comfortable (if) a new neighbour moved in who was gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual, while 76 per cent of people would feel comfortable with a neighbour who was from a religious minority. But only 51.7 per cent of New Zealanders said they would feel comfortable if their new neighbour had a mental illness.”

Kiwis struggle with accepting mental illness (The New Zealand Herald, May 26, 2015)