Tracey Libby is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner in private practice in Andover, MA, where she specializes in the management of pain and chronic illness and mindbody health. Tracey also sees clients struggling with other life issues and transitions and takes a whole-person, client-centered approach to her work. Rather than pathologizing clients for their human responses to pain and suffering, Tracey prefers to empower them to be authentic and to live the best lives they can, despite how difficult their histories or current circumstances.
Tracey earned her Bachelorâs of Science in Mass Communications from Emerson College in 1992, where she also minored in psychology. The years following her graduation were spent working in various positions in higher education.  In 2000, she decided to return to school and entered the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Lesley University where she specialized in holistic studies.  She graduated with her Masterâs Degree in 2004 and became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Massachusetts in 2006. At first glance, Traceyâs degrees may seem totally unrelated.  However, she feels her background in mass communications (i.e. media) is extremely helpful in working with clients. Tracey believes that identifying the messages that have helped to create the core beliefs we have about ourselves can be useful in getting through some of the blocks that prevent us from feeling healthy and enjoying life. She feels that this not only results from positive and negative internalized messages from those in our personal lives but also from those received through mass media.
Upon her graduation from Lesley, Tracey spent six years working as a clinician in a community agency in Lowell, MA. She also spent three years serving as the clinical therapist for Holy Family Hospitalâs Pain Management Clinic in Methuen, MA. In 2009 Tracey opened her private practice on a part time basis and is now full time. Tracey has given talks about managing pain to support groups and as training for clinicians when she worked at the agency. She has given presentations to weight loss patients about the use of EFT, as well as to a womanâs medical group about the use of both EFT and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). While at the pain clinic, Tracey provided trainings to her colleagues about how to assist patients with suicidal ideation and how to discern between addiction, pseudo-addiction, and abuse.