Auður Axelsdóttir is an occupational therapist from Reykjavík, Iceland. She is the director of Hugarafl (e. Mindpower) and recovery center, which operates within the Icelandic mental health sector. Auður founded Hugarafl in 2003 along with four individuals with lived experiences, with the aim of changing the way that the mental health system works in Iceland. Thanks to their hard work and unconventional ways in her work, Auður and Hugarafl have cleared the way for a new approach in the service to individuals with mental health problems. Hugarafl works on the principles of empowerment and recovery with the aim to influence the system with their experience, i.e. what works and what doesn’t in recovery. She works with individuals, families and in group situations.
Auður will be blogging about her work in Iceland, the foundation of Hugarafl as well as their goals and successes in influencing the system. She is also passionate about improving rights and respect within the mental health system as well as in society.